All Chapters of Drowned under his Touch: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
133 Chapters
Chapter 51
51About an hour after Alita reached her apartment, she heard the doorbell ring, so she hopped through her clothes on the ground until she reached the door. She slightly opened the door and peeped through. She didn't see anybody but a basket of pretty flowers and a note inside. She smiled, knowing who it came from. She had only just left him and he sent her flowers already.She pushed the door farther open, picked up the bouquet, and closed the door. She peeled the card open and dropped the basket on the couch. She jumped on the bed, raising the card to her face.Go out with me, Alita. I want to get to know you more. I want to listen to you talk with a glass of overpriced wine in your hand as you pick at fries. I want to be on the other side of the table, saying horrible jokes in a poor attempt to make you laugh, but then you still laugh because you somehow think I am funny. Text me one day this week. Her heart raced and her eyes bulged as she read it. It was all happening too fast.
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Chapter 52
Sarah couldn’t wait for Alita to wake up so she could get the weight off her chest. She wanted to talk to her about the case and the investigation the police were carrying out on Benson. If somehow he was found guilty, it would affect all of them.Once it was 7 a.m., Sarah tapped Alita to wake her. She kept tapping until Alita began moaning angrily as she woke up. It took some time for Alita to wake up, but Sarah was patient enough, so she just blinked at Alita until her eyes finally opened to the heavy face she had on.“Why the fuck are you looking at me like that?” Alita whined as soon as her face met Sarah’s. She was startled by the big eyeballs staring her down as she stretched before finally sitting up and leaning her back on the wall. The frown on her face gradually turned into worry as she studied Sarah. “What?” She said, wiping her hands over her face and yawning afterward.Sarah mumbled, “Its Mr. Astor and the police.” Her jaw tightened. “They are trying to rub dirt on him ag
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Chapter 53
53Benson hadn’t gotten much sleep the previous night. He was awake for most of the night, till morning. He just couldn’t close his eyes to the possibility that all he had worked for could crumble. He kept thinking about who would want him to go down so badly that they would go to such desperate measures twice just to see him crash and burn.Yes, he knew that being at the top would require taking hard blows and still standing, but this scared him to his bones, though he wouldn’t show it. He wasn’t just scared that the police could nail a solid on him and pin him down to nothing, he was terrified that Alita would find out that he had sex with the dead girl and that would wreck what they had going. He wouldn’t know what to do when she found out.It had haunted him for the past few days, and now it seemed inevitable that he would have to confess that he had only had sex with her to buttress his innocence.He had had the bar in his mind for hours before the break of dawn. He had been able
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Chapter 54
54.The girl’s body was transferred from Australia back to LA because her roots were traced back to Beverly Hills. It was then handed over to the police in Bel Air on the note of the current investigations into her death being allegedly tied to Benson.It just so happened that the hospital was the same one that Alita’s mother was being treated at, so if things went south, she would hide under the umbrella of coming there to see her. Alita wanted to know everything that had been injected into her after nearly dying, so she made friends with a nurse who taught her how to test a blood sample during the few months she had to stay at the hospital under study, until every last bit of the drugs she had been injected with had flushed out of her system. She was a quick study, so she started testing her blood by herself under the supervision of her nurse friend.That, plus the little chemistry she learnt back at Richie’s drug lab, where they increased or reduced the effects of the drugs they p
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Chapter 55
55Benson woke up with an excruciating headache. He screwed his face and massaged his temples to calm the pain. He sat there until he could see clearly. He tried to get up and then lazily fell back onto the couch.He blinked numerous times and yawned. He heard his phone ring, so he looked around for it. He found it on the bar’s counter. He hissed as he rolled his hands into fists and pressed them into the couch, flexing his biceps to help get him up to reach for his phone.He picked up the call after seeing that it was Luke that was buzzing him.“What’s up Luke?” He tightened his jaw and prepared to take whatever Luke would throw at him.“Good afternoon, sir,” Luke muttered.“Come on, talk to me,” Benson said, crossing his hand over his chest and pacing back and forth.“They dug her up and found she had been involved in so much underground drug trafficking shit,” Luke said, with a heaviness growing in his voice. “Now, they are trying to draw lines that shouldn’t exists to you. She was
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Chapter 56
56.She didn't know why but the way car engines roared always gave her chills. She would close her eyes and savor the feeling. She always felt powerful behind the wheels of a fast car. She just couldn't shake it off. It followed her from her childhood up till now. Benson watched her with a mix of amazement and confusion as she closed her eyes for a moment with her fingers slightly touching her lower lip and her breathing slowed down. As she opened her eyes, a smirk crept onto her face. She put her other hand on the wheel and jerked her head in his direction. She tugged her shoulders at him, saying, "You still have time now. It's not too late to surrender.""An Astor never quits because we are always exceptionally superficial," he said looking straight into her eyes. "Are you running a cold feet already?" he cocked his head and raised a brow at her."You are so cocky," she sneered at him and then drove them out of the garage. Benson was thrilled at her blood rush as she drove. He c
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Chapter 57
Benson felt her soft lips intertwined in his. He loved it. It was like he was becoming aware of life in a different way. He calmed and savored every moment he habitually neglected in the past. He was like a baby growing up and experiencing things for the first time except he wasn't. Everything Alita does, everything about her cuts deeper than the surface. She took him tenderly as they kissed. It was deeper than just their lips touching, it was thousands of words spoken in tiny fractures of time. Her tongue searched his. He was willing to be found. It took longer than he had expected as Alita let her longing for him, the same that he had for her, overtake her. She let it all loose on him and he was overwhelmed.An amazing trait of Benson is that he always thinks ahead of time, so in the heat of their passionate kissing, her let down the front seats until they were lying flat.Alita smiled amidst kissing him and immediately left her seat and pushed him down to cross her legs over him
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Chapter 58
58.Benson wrapped his hand around Alita's waist and pressed her against his body. He thought to remove her bra so it would be out of his way for what he had in mind. She was still regaining her grip on her body but she helped him remove the bra completely.His hand went back to her waist, grabbing her hip this time. She yelped when he tightened his grip and rammed his stud deep inside her. She pressed her lips against her teeth as she raised her face to his. Her body was shaking. She placed her trembling hands on both his abs so she could feel his muscles while he fucked her. He studied her face while slowly thrusting in and out of her. She was still biting on her lips, her brows were knitted, and her eyes were almost closed but he could see her beautiful eyes. Her face twisted the more whenever he was inside her, just before he would slip out and go back out. He could see her longing for him to go faster on her face. She looked at him and then jerked her head upward and began slowl
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Chapter 59
59.Benson had thought Charity, his ex-wife, was the one for him –his one true love as they say it. Hell, he even married her and lived with her for a couple of years. She changed like a switch was flipped in her mind. She became intoxicated with the wealth he acquired and with the public recognition that came with his success as he climbed up the ladder of immense wealth.She turned from the loving and caring girl that supported him all the way to the top, whom he fell in love with from back in the day when he was a struggling young man on the streets hustling to make ends meet, to only care about how she looked and what she wore. She became carried away with being known as the wife of the fastest growing business man in LA rather than with being his wife, the woman he so needed. She withdrew from spending time with him to worshipping herself and attending any events she could find just to appear grand and expensive in the papers. Outside, she was the woman at the side the successfu
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Chapter 60
60.That night, after they were back and after she fed Julie and tucked her in for the night, Alita sat down on Julie's bed, legs crossed and palms spread over her thighs. Her favorite seating position for when she was deep in thought. Not that she was aware that was how she almost always sat whenever she wanted to digest anything in her mind. She just finds it a comfortable pose to engage her mind. She wanted to think about what to do next in her little scheme but as soon as she sighed and closed her eyes, pictures of her and Richie back in the day invaded her thoughts.Richie thought her how to survive out there on the streets when she worked for him. They were close and back then she could say he filled the void her father left when he died. She had the slightest idea that she was just a means to an end that he was keeping a close eye on rather than caring for like she thought he was. "In the line of work, you have to know the bad guys better than you know yourself and know how t
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