All Chapters of A Man To Marry: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
60 Chapters
Plan B
Martina I left my room with the intention of venting my anger on Maïeil. I sit with my face tight, a way of telling her that I don't intend to accept her supposed apology that she wants to present to us when we meet. I have planned in my mind to ask her to have another wedding ceremony with Lens if she wants me to forgive her. However, I was a million miles from imagining the bombshell that damned girl was about to drop. When she accused me of being behind the schemes to get Dinam out of our lives, at least I thought they were just empty words without any basis. I didn't worry as a result. Only, my tension started to rise when I heard her mention the proofs of her statements. My God, what is this evidence? Did that idiot Ethan gather things that would harm me? I don't believe either. So what is she actually talking about? Maieil knows she's got me and she looks at me, smiling with a petty air. My menacing gaze has no effect on him. On the contrary, I would put my hand in the fire tha
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The pregnancy
Maieil I am more than convinced that Martine is the instigator of my separation from Dinam. The look she gave me earlier when my father came into her room said a lot about her involvement. If she thinks I'm going to stand there with my arms crossed without inquiring further about her involvement in this affair, it's because she's got her fingers in her eye. I don't plan on letting her off the hook that easily. My father may thunder in his santhor voice that the subject is closed, as for me, I do not intend to stop there. Martine is a poor person without any scruples. I can't understand this visceral hatred she harbored towards my Dinam. When I remember that he begged me almost in tears to believe in his innocence, while I only condemned him in return. My pain is even greater when I realize that I left Dinam when he needed me the most. He had begged me to stay close to him, and I pushed him away like a heartless woman when he had just lost his mother and was alone. I'm terribly sorry
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The meeting
Dinam I look at Yvana with a dumbfounded look. How can she be pregnant? It wasn't part of the chessboard at all. "But how is it possible that you might be pregnant? As long as I can remember, I've always taken my precautions with you. How do you talk to me about pregnancy?" I ask her the question very surprised. "What do I know about it? Maybe the condom got punctured, or maybe some other reason could explain that, but don't ask me how I'm pregnant. You know very well that the condom is not a one hundred percent anti-contraceptive method. I don't know what to answer you. Besides, if you didn't want a child with me, you just had to practice abstinence." She simply replies. It seemed that this news enchants her, while me, it just upsets everything in my mind. I am Hearing Yvana tell me she is pregnant completely chilled me in my elay to end our relationship. I don't know what decision to make in the face of such news. I decide to go straight back. All the way to her front door, I di
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A sorrowful past
Dinam I can't believe my eyes, is it indeed Maïeil who is sitting there on the same table as me or am I confusing her with another person?! I make superhuman efforts not to stare at her and look as natural as possible. It's been more than two months since we last saw each other face to face. In fact, since the day of my mother's funeral passed, we haven't met, except for the time I saw her from afar enter the restaurant where Yvana works. That day, I could die of jealousy. She was as beautiful as an apple. Seeing her in the company of this fanatic had filled me with anger and it took me a whole week to be able to calm down. I admit that being there sitting not far from her excites me so much. It is very sparkling and gives me desires not too Catholic there on the spot. I must be crazy to think such thoughts in the middle of a meeting, I thought to myself. However, there is one detail that catches my attention. I don't see his wedding ring on his ring finger. When we were still marrie
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Strange revelation
Dinam Three days later, it's Monday and I'm taking Yvana to the hospital to take the pregnancy test before going to work. The doctor takes his blood to bring to the laboratory. While we were waiting for the result, my secretary called me urgently at work for my morning appointment. I thought we could have done this test and had the results before continuing to work, but that was without counting on the negligence of our hospitals in the country where punctuality speaks Mandarin. I tell the doctor that I will be back in the afternoon to take the results and I go out with Yvana whom I leave at the crossroads where she takes the taxi to go home. Normally, she has to get ready to go to work. After finishing what I had to do in the morning, I didn't have much to do in the office, so I decided to go during lunch break to the hospital to take the result of the pregnancy test which must already be ready right now. I park and quickly enter the doctor's office. To my great surprise, walking al
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Martina I'm so happy with my shot. For a success, it really is. Things went as I had planned. My fictitious company has well received the colossal investment made by Georges on behalf of his company. He had completely emptied his account to invest in the mining project. We were so willing to go all out that when my husband traveled east to negotiate the contract and see if this company really existed, he was amazed. Everything was perfect, a professional job. We had rented a large building for a week that we had previously equipped, we had recourse to temporary staff. Everything was done to deceive the sharpest mind. Georges was impressed and as soon as he got back, he made the bank transfer for the fake mining project. It was with this money that we then bought back his shares in his company, the same as his daughter's shares. After that, we emptied the rented premises to set up our fictitious business. The phone numbers and accounts used by our guys to negotiate with Georges have s
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A burning love
Dinam I can no longer control anything with Yvana. She is more and more demanding and capricious. She often calls me at late hours supposedly saying that she wants a particular dish or fruit. I know pregnant women usually have cravings, but her part is beyond me. I am constantly stressed, even when I am at work she keeps bothering me. I don't know how far she is willing to go in her whims. It is at this moment that I regret having found myself in this trap. My father is right, it is not advisable to start a new relationship when you have not yet forgotten your ex. Not only am I suffering at the moment, there is a good chance that my future partner Yvana will also pay the price. I'm really trapped. Yvana is already taking care of the preparations for our wedding. Things are going so fast that I don't know where to turn. So today during the lunch break, I went out to clear my mind. I rather think that I wanted to find myself in this garden where I had met Maïeil for the first time. She
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Number blocked
Dinam I have never blocked Maïeil's phone number, nor his contracts on social networks. Besides, I never thought of such a thing. It didn't even cross my mind. The only person besides me who has access to my phone is Yvana. My dad never went through my phone. She is the only one who does it regularly. It is therefore convinced that it was she who did such a thing that I go to her apartment. I happen to find her sitting in front of her chain of novelas as she is used to. I wonder what she is doing. Since she is pregnant, she does not work at all. She asked me to get her a cleaning lady because Madame doesn't want to get tired. Yet she is the only one who lives in this house. I did not find this a problem, since I am concerned for the well-being of my child. But from there to blocking Maïeil's phone number in my phone, I do not tolerate this kind of behavior at all. I ask her the question, and she pretends to be ignorant. "But what are you talking about? I've never blocked anyone's nu
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The party
Yvana This girl of Maïeil is already beginning to get on my nerves. I can't even breathe with Dinam anymore. He only has his name in his mouth. To believe that she gave him the charm. I did everything to get it out of my guy's head, but it looks like my efforts were for naught. Fortunately, moreover, I had to invent this pregnancy story so that he wouldn't leave me. That day, I had been very hot. Dinam was about to break up with me and the only thing that crossed my mind was lying to her that I'm pregnant. Since then, I've been trying to get pregnant at all costs, but I can't. All my attempts to take the pregnancy proved unsuccessful. It must also be admitted that since I told him I was pregnant, he barely slept with me a couple of times. And even then, I had to insist by taking out all my drag cartridges. This daughter of Maïeil has surely turned her head away. It is for this reason that I have to put pressure on him so that our marriage does not take long. Before my fictitious preg
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Dinam It was enough for her to make her entrance for the room to be illuminated with her presence. Maïeil is like light. As soon as she appears in a room, the latter takes on all its brilliance. I was captivated by her beauty and presence. Looks like she's getting more and more beautiful. Her breasts and her posterior have taken on a little more volume, which makes her more irresistible. Just seeing her make her entrance on her father's arm, in her dress that highlights her divinely sculpted forms, I almost lost my mind. I had completely forgotten the presence of Yvana near me. Besides, I just have to plunge my gaze into his to forget everything around me. The present moment becomes still and I am transported to another dimension. I'm afraid of this immense love I have for this woman, when I'm about to unite with another woman. As I regret never having met Yvana and above all, I would have liked so much that we had never had this problem which ended up separating us in the end. "Do
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