Semua Bab Unloving Ms.Prostitute: Bab 11 - Bab 20
131 Bab
VERONICA POV 5 “Please marry my son”he said gently and I was so speechless at what I heard from him. I don't know what to answer at those times. I don't know if I should answer him with the truth or if I will still lie to him. It is obvious in his eyes that he wants to get his son married but why did we end up at this point? It's not what Tyler and I agreed on. I didn't think we would get to the point where his father would ask me to marry him. I wasn't ready to hear what his father said and I felt like I wanted to end this night so I could go home.But I felt pity when his father spoke again. "I don't know how many months I've only been here in the world. I don't know if I'll take another year to live because of my illness. I hope before I die I can see my future grandchild" he said sadly. "I..I understand uncle but i think it's still too early for us to get married. It's not that easy ..." I told him. "But you love my son, right?"he asked emphatically. " I..I love him"
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TYLER POV 7 I would have entered my father's room to show him the return of investment of our company.It increased by more than 50% so I know he will be happy.I passed by my sister Brianna's open room and I heard her and Steven arguing on the call so I shook my head. It's a good thing I'm not married yet because it will only give me a headache by chance. I met one of our housemaids and he told me about the couple's frequent arguments while I was not here at the mansion. “Does Dad already know about this?” I asked Lydia, one of our housemaids. "No sir and it's good that he doesn't know because we know your father's condition" Lydia replied. "That man must be doing something nonsense! I said emphatically. 
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Fixing his Trouble
TYLER POV 8"I can help you forget everything for a while" she said seductively and she brought her face close to mine and kissed me. With the Liquor and her warm lips, I felt my manhood harden and we just found ourselves kissing and those kisses became even deeper as my hands traveled from her waist down to her ass. I couldn't stop the warm sensation she brought to me.She sat down on top of me and slowly lowered her kiss from my neck to the bottom of my stomach.I couldn't help but moan at the pleasure brought by her lips.The warm sensation I felt at those times was like a blazing fire. It was also a few minutes before I felt that she had already inserted my hard weapon inside her wet cave.She began to sway over me and grind.We were both naked with relish at those times. "Ughh, you are so hard!"she moaned. "Ahhh!" I moaned. We exchanged grunts as our bodies swayed. Every time she stepped forward I pushed myself clo
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Force Marriage
Veronica POV 6 While Mildred and I were talking at a restaurant, my phone suddenly rang and I saw Aunt Mercy calling me so I answered it immediately. "Hello aunt Mercy," I said , smiling. "We are here at the hospital now.We rushed your mother to the hospital" Aunt Mercy said , confused. "What happened to my mom ?!" I anxiously and confusedly said goodbye to Mildrid but she offered to join me. I was devastated by what I heard and as I made my way to the hospital I could not be bothered with the extreme anxiety and nervousness I was feeling. "Are you okay?" Mildred asked me anxiously. "I'm not comfortable, I'm worried about my mother" I said and I could not stop my tears. “Just relax okay? Your mother will be okay”Mildred said calmly and held my hand. When we arrived in front of the hospital, I immediately ran inside and asked at the information desk.When I entered the room, I saw my mother lying
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Engagement Party
VERONICA POV 7"Flowers from Mr. Jackson to Ms.Smith'' the man said, smiling while carrying the big bouquet of flowers. The flowers were so beautiful so I couldn't help but smile when the man gave it to me. "Thank you" I said and tried to stop myself from smiling because I knew they would tease me again. I thought of calling Tyler to ask why he sent me flowers even though I'm still in the hospital so Aunt Mercy and Mildred keep teasing me. “Hello Tyler,” I said. “Yes, have you received the flower I have sent?” I asked. “Yes, why did you send me flowers? You don't have to do this, ”I replied. "Actually, Dad just ordered me so I gave in. Anyway, did you like it?" he asked. " your father just ordered you but yes i like it ,thank you" I replied. When I dropped the call, I smiled at Aunt Mercy and Mildred and clarified the real deal between Tyler and me.I said to them that it is just part of my job."That can be true, especially since it's not hard to love your Boss," Aunt M
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Wedding announcement
Veronica POV 8 "Honestly, I have to admit that he is my longtime crush and I love him," Drey admitted. “Are you referring to Tyler?” I asked him curiously. "Yes, I thought then that he was a gay because he never showed interest in any woman.You are the first one!"he said. I smiled at what he said but I still couldn't believe that he had been in love with the man I was going to marry. I thought of asking him how he reacted or he felt that Tyler and I were going to get married. "Are you mad at me?" I asked him. “Why should I be angry?” he asked me back."Nica, I know I'm a gay and I've accepted for a long time that he can't love me back. In fact, I'm happy because he met you. I see he's happy with you and despite all his problems, you're there to help him ”he replied. "Because we have an agreement so I need to help him," I replied. "If there is no agreement, don't you see yourself marrying him?"he asked curiously. "Maybe not,It's Impossible!" I replied. “Maybe? It means you're
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TYLER POV 9“Wow!” she said and was obviously surprised to see the Diamond ring I gave her.My father ordered me to give it to her and I was also surprised because he was really making an effort for the woman I was going to marry.This Diamond ring is really very expensive but he chose to buy it for Nica.I didn't know if I should feel guilty because everything he sees is just a lie. "Seriously?"she asked incredulously. "Yes, do I look like I'm joking? It's yours" I replied. "I'm sure it is very expensive,Tyler, You don't have to do this"she said. "Actually it's not from me, dad just ordered me to give it to you" I replied. "Uhm..Just tell him I can't accept this,"she said seriously. I was surprised by what I heard from her. The Diamond ring I gave her was too expensive for her to refuse. I immediately asked her why she didn't want to accept it. "Are you kidding?Why? ”I asked. "I feel guilty for what we're doing to your father. We know we're just lying in front of him so he shoul
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Peace Offering
Veronica POV 9“He’s my cousin!” I replied emphatically to Tyler and I saw that he was very surprised by what I said. "He is Elias' brother and I have no choice but to send him here because he needs someone to talk to about his problem!" I added emphatically. "I..I'm sorry..I'm really sorry" he said ,stammering. I gasped at what he said and the frustration and embarrassment was obvious on his face. "I'll go ahead" he said softly and left. "Wait, why are you here?"I asked curiously."Nothing,"he answered and left.I shook my head and looked at Adrian's bloody mouth.I immediately took a towel and ice to put on his bruise.I didn't think it would happen and I didn't think Tyler's behavior was like that."I'm okay Sister. I can treat myself" said Adrian. "Follow him so you can get along," he added. I immediately followed him but I couldn't reach him outside the condo. I just sighed and went back inside.When I entered the door I heard Adrian talking to his girlfriend on the other lin
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Pre-Marriage Counseling
VERONICA POV 10 “John?” I said when I saw the man who spoke earlier behind me. The two men immediately ran away because they were probably scared of John's masculine body.He approached me smiling and I smiled back at him. "Hi Veronica, Long time no see" he said smiling. "Yeah, we haven't seen each other in a long time" I replied smiling. “Why did you suddenly disappear from the Bar?”he asked seriously. "Do you know I've been looking for you for a long time?"he added. I knew I shouldn't let him know about my job so I looked for an Alibi.He immediately believed me but I was surprised when he admitted something to me. "Veronica, I like you. I mean I'm not just chasing you for sex because I really like you" he admitted. I was really surprised when he confessed but I just laughed in front of him. “Seriously? HAHAHA! ”I said laughing.“Is what I said funny?”he asked me. I was silent when I saw his serious face and his sad eyes looking at me. I had no choice but to tell him that
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Teasing him
VERONICA POV 11“Take this” he said and smiled at the hungry man when he gave him money. The hungry man was very happy to take it and shake his hands towards him.I was so very impressed with what he did.It’s obvious on his face that his heart was really touched by a hungry man who asked for help. “Why did you stop me from giving money earlier?” I asked. "You should keep it for yourself," he replied seriously. “Do you want me to think that you are really kind and helpful like what I said earlier?” I teased him. “Veronica, I have no time for nonsense things, okay?”he said seriously.“Okay, is it a nonsense thing?” I answered, smiling but he just frowned."Relax"i added.I don't know why I like to tease this man.I just smiled at what I was thinking.A few moments later we arrived at the Condo.I invited him to come inside but he refused because he was going to a meeting.Suddenly his phone rang and he immediately answered it. "Okay, I'm on my way now" he said to the other line. "I'
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