All Chapters of WE'RE DESTINED: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
126 Chapters
[ANIKA HODGENS] "Are you sure about this, Gwen?!" I asked her, clarifying things that might happen in the future. This show will be all about pretending nothing less or more than that. "Yeah, Anika. Better me than a random girl, right?" I slowly nodded, agreeing with her. She knows very well my heart's sacred secret. It's been a goddamn week since the last time I had sight of Jaz. She is still on my mind day and night or, most likely, all the time—more than torture and crucifixion in the Calvary. That's how I can describe what I am feeling right now. "Let's go in the canteen, and I'm starving.." Gwen complained, caressing her tummy. We just finished our two consecutive subjects. We settled on our seats after buying. I snort, looking at my food. Honestly, I don't have the appetite to eat, but even in the worst scenario, we must act like everything is going fine. That's the reality we have to face every day. Revealing what's troubling me is not my thing. I would rather be grumpy th
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"Where have you been?!" Gwen asked again, annoyed, raising her hands. "I just answer that. What makes your blood boil, anyway? Aren't you happy now? Everything goes according to your plan." The first time Anika saw Jaz talking to Drake, Gwen was also there, not too far from them. From that day forward, Gwen got connive with her cousin Drake Raven. Gwen overheard all of Anika forbidding Jaz to talk to or get close to Drake again. For Gwen, it was a fortuity to separate Anika and Jaz. To put an end to whatever kind of connections they have. That's where Drake's impersonation began. No one knew that Drake and Gwen were ties of blood. The second time Jaz encountered Drake in the hallway and used to make Anika jealous is not a coincidence. In fact, Drake was waiting for her that moment as the plans started. When Anika asks Gwen to eat together at the canteen to make Jaz jealous, Gwen jumps at the opportunity. Gwen got a sight of Jaz in the corner sitting alone. She purposely chatted,
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FAST FORWARD>>> At School [JAZ AMANDA] This is what I'm afraid of, and now it's happening. It's all Drake's fault. None of this unsavory scenario would have happened if he hadn't dare kissed me in public. "So you're bound to get married?! After college?" Drake said in shock. I told him that kiss made my judgment day take over quickly. Gossip has wings and mouth that had reached my parents. "Sorry, Jaz! I didn't mean to pull a pin and cause this grenade to boom." I can feel his sincerity, but it's a waste now. What I am avoiding is about to happen, nevertheless. The whole life of being imprisoned in the company of someone I don't even know and even more cruel, I don't love. "What about Anika? Did she know?" I hissed, disapproving. I shouldn't have told Anika, or it's accurate to say I shouldn't have returned here to the Philippines to be with her. "Yeah! But that doesn't matter.." I said, tilting my head and looking down. "I guess it matters.." Drake said, getting my attention b
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Chapter 44 PARTY
[JAZ AMANDA] The school was supposed to study, but my mind was preoccupied with other bullshit things. I'm getting married then. Anika and I are not okay. We last talked a few days ago. I don't see her anywhere on campus, either. I saw Gwen earlier, but why is Anika not around? Aren't they in a relationship? Am I too desperate to ask Gwen where Anika is? I don't know if I should message Anika or not. Should I tell her that Drake is not my boyfriend if that's what she thinks? Especially not my secret love. Arrrgggg! What should I do? Does it make sense if I clarify the misunderstanding to her? Gwen is already her girlfriend, and I.. I'm getting married soon. After my last subject, I fell indisposed, leaving the room and walking to the gate. When I got there, my driver was already waiting. I was even more depressed when I remembered that aside from having no control over my life, I was being grounded for two months. , so I didn't have a car or credit cards. Dad confiscated ever
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Chapter 45 ENGAGE!
[JAZ AMANDA] When I got home, Mom immediately met me. "Put it on, Jaz." She said quickly, then handed over the big rectangle box. It landed on my palm with no choice as I looked at it with a frown. What's up?! My brain wakes up in an instant. Something is odd because my parents don't usually append me to a party. Why do they suddenly want to include me? They don't use to do that. I'm always begging them to take me sometimes, but they said I'm too young for such gatherings. I wasn't in the mood to ask, so I followed and went straight to my room, doing what she ordered. As I opened the box, it captured my eyes. The dress is dashing, but it doesn't excite me that long. Since I discovered I was doomed to marry a total stranger, I lost interest in everything, including my parents. There seems to be a boundary between us. Taking a deep breath as I reminisced about my destiny, I went to the bathroom to wear it—a quick grin flashed as I looked at my whole body in the mirror. If someone
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Chapter 46 AN ASSET
AMANDAS MANSION>>> "Dad! Anika and I can't be knotted! Please don't do this to me. Married me off to anyone but not her. I'M BEGGING DAD! MOM!" Jaz pleaded with her parents in tears. "This will be good for your future, Jaz." Her father responded. "Is it for my future?! Or for your interest? For the company you love the most!!" Jaz lamented, then walked out, crying. "JAZ! Come back here! Don't you ever talk to me that way!" Her Dad shouted, but it didn't stop her from leaving. [ANIKA HODGENS] In the chaos happening in my fucking life here at the bar, my dead end. Gillian is on duty now, but it's okay. I don't care what she thinks about what I am struggling with. "Is drinking your habit now?" She dares to say, but my ears are preoccupied to listen. "Is your job to interfere with your customer's personal life?!" I said with irritation. "There's a lot of bars I can go to if the service here is this bad.." I postscript. She seems to realize, serving me my drink at last. "Would yo
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Chapter 47 MY FIANCÈE
I didn't realize I had fallen asleep while crying. When I woke up, it was time to go to school again. What a tiring day it would be. Before, it excites me, knowing I'll be with Anika, but now a lot has changed drastically. I reluctantly got up from the bed and went to the bathroom. I held my stomach, rumbling. I didn't eat before bed last night as my soul was shattered. A long sigh just came out of my mouth. I looked in the mirror, remembering what Anika had said. Her upset face won't leave my mind. She strongly disagreed with our parents' plan. I could not believe our company's joining forces is more important to our parents, especially mine. I didn't imagine them that way. After getting myself ready, I went downstairs but not to eat. Having these negative thoughts caused me to lose my appetite eventually. "Let's have breakfast now." It was my Mom and Dad waiting in the dining area. "I'm late already, Mom. I will eat at school," I said hesitantly, but I didn't feel like facing
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AFTER CLASS>>> Jaz is at the gate, waiting for Anika to talk to her about Drake, who isn't her boyfriend. She wanted to clarify that matter, but she saw her with Gwen. "What are you doing here, Jaz?" Anika asked. "Waiting for you. Isn't it obvious?" She responded with a frown."And why?" "What happened now about considering reputation? Why are you with her?" Jaz tilted her head, crossing her arms into her chest. "What is this girl talking about, Anika?" Gwen interject. "You didn't tell her?" Jaz said with raised eyebrows. Her eyes were on Anika. "I was about to tell, but here you are leading me. Also, we don't do any public displays of affection. It's not like you and Drake, who kiss in front of many people.." Anika pointed out. Jaz paused and tried to control her temper. She badly wanted to say that it was a big mistake. It's a ploy. "So what? Aren't you guys going to include me in your conversation?" Gwen spoke again, clearly annoyed. "I'm her fiancee.." Jaz repulsively say
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[JAZ AMANDA] A lot has changed between Anika and me. We are likely strangers. I don't know if I will be the first to speak because the silence here in my room is crazy. I can't imagine how desperate my parents are for us to be really close, letting us sleep in one room, one bed, even though we're not married yet. What's the difference, anyway. We had slept twice, but those times they thought we were just friends or perhaps they already knew. I forgot they planned it all. Oh, shoot, what am I babbling in my mind? "So Drake isn't really your boyfriend?" I turned around when Anika suddenly spoke. "No." I only answered without looking back. "You? Do you really love Gwen? What happened with the incapable-of-loving thing?!" I feel like I want to vanish from what I said. I don't want her to think I expect her to love me instead. "Can't things change?" I was not happy with what she responded. I want to know what exactly we are. Is that really just lust? Our sex before? "Perhaps we call
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Chapter 50 BOBO DEL RAY
[JAZ AMANDA] All my classes are over, so I'm just waiting for my driver. Later, my Nanny, Cynthia, called me and said that our driver had an emergency and no one was available to pick me up, so I should just take a taxi. My eyes twinkled, and a smile appeared on my lips. This is an excellent opportunity for me to be alone. It's been a while since Dad grounded me, so my life is boring. I thought of going for a walk. While walking, I saw a group of men who seemed to have something terrible going on. When I got closer, I saw a familiar face. They surrounded Drake. They are crazy. One against five? Or they are six—those without balls. I dropped my bag on the ground and immediately ran to them. "Hey! You guys? What are you doing with my friend?? You shameless people! There are so many of you, and then you will gang up on one person?? Wow!" I don't care if they fight me too. What they plan to do is not right.Putting a solid front doesn't mean I'm not afraid. There's, of course, nerv
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