Lahat ng Kabanata ng Mated To The Exiled Omega: Kabanata 21 - Kabanata 30
104 Kabanata
VINCENT She stared at me with wide eyes, confusion written all over her face. I knew I had blood stains on me. I expected more of a disgusted expression from her. I guess figuring out who Allora was, seemed to be more important at that moment."Have you met her before?" She asked and I looked away. "Everytime I was close to discovering who she really was, I would end up at a dead end. She is quite skillful, I'll give her that" I said and Rylee groaned. "Why the hell would she want to kill me? I don't even know anyone who goes by that name," Rylee said, she looked annoyed, her lips pressed together in a small pout. "Are you sure about that?" Jared asked and she glared at him. "What do you take me for? You think I would lie about that? You don't have to make it so obvious that you don't like me" she spat and Jared lowered his gaze. I wasn't surprised that she'd caught on with the fact that he didn't like her. He was making it too obvious. "I'm sorry," he muttered and she ignored h
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Twenty One
RYLEE I was worried about what the outcome of the meeting would be. Everything about the arrangement was fishy. It made me feel uneasy. "You don't have to worry, Rylee. Even if it's a trap, I will handle it" he said. "I'll go with him. You don't have to worry, Rylee" Jared said and I leaned back on my seat. "Fine" I said.Jared picked up a couple of white envelopes from Vincent's desk and started to head towards the door. "What are those?" I asked Vincent and he shrugged. "Allora's threat letters" he responded and I winced. "Why are they so many?" "She sends quite a lot of them. She never gets tired." I sighed, rubbing my temples in frustration."I still don't recall meeting any woman with that name. I still don't know how she knows me.""It's okay, you don't have to worry about it. I'll figure it out," Vincent said and I frowned. "What if you had a one night stand with her? What if she's your ex-lover?" Vincent blinked, his face devoid of expressions. "I don't do night sta
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Twenty Two
VINCENT We sat in silence, the tension in the air almost overwhelming. It was the first time in ten years that the Belmore Town Werewolf Council was having a meeting with the Creek Town Werewolf Council. The topic that was about to be discussed was a sensitive one. It wasn't surprising to see that everyone was on edge. We were all waiting for one person who was yet to arrive. Killian Black. I had never seen him before, so I didn't know what he actually looked like. Thirty minutes slipped by and Alpha Baron who was sitting on my left, commented."Looks like he's running late" he said, but no one said anything. Just then, we heard the sound of footsteps. Everyone looked up and the tension doubled. Killian Black had just arrived with his Beta and Gamma. They all had a circular tattoo on the side of their necks which was half covered by the collar of their shirts. There was nothing abnormal about Killian. His aura radiated no darkness of any sort. He was just as tall and muscular as I wa
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Twenty Three
RYLEE I probably should have listened to Vincent when he asked me to stay put. But, I was curious. I kept a good distance from the gate and watched the unusual scene unfold before my eyes. I wondered if the visitor really had clear motives. I didn't know what to think. From the look on Vincent's face, I could tell that the visitor had hit a nerve. I knew he desperately wanted to find the man who was aware of his secret, but was it enough for him to let the stranger in? Moreso, I felt that the stranger was desperate to get Vincent's attention. The question was, why?Why would he go to such lengths to get Vincent's attention? Did he really know the whereabouts of the person Vincent was searching for?"What is this? Some sort of trick?" Vincent said, turning to look at the stranger. "I assure you that it is not a trick.""How do you know this person?" Vincent asked and the stranger lowered his head. "I overheard him talking to Alpha Killian. They are friends. He plans to meet Alpha Kil
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Twenty Four
VINCENT "Yes. I killed her." Those words stabbed me in the heart and made me ache. But, I refused to show it. Rylee stared at me with wide eyes. I could see the emotions in her eyes. Hurt, disbelief, confusion. They were all reflected in her eyes. I looked away from her and rose to my feet. I couldn't stand it anymore. I didn't want to be judged by both Ava and Rylee. The door was pushed open and Emma stormed in, her eyes filled with tears. "Is it true? Did you really kill mum? Was it you? Say something, damnit!" Emma demanded. "He killed her and lied to us" Ava said and Emma approached me. I didn't stop her from punching me in the face. Emma had always been the delicate twin. Mum's death broke her. She built up tough facades to hide how much she was hurting."How could you?!" She screamed at me as tears rolled down her cheeks in floods. "I can't take back what I did. I'm sorry" I said and stumbled out of my study. The news had hit me like a storm. The fact that my secret which I'd
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Twenty Five
RYLEE He took hold of my hand and refused to let go. I had no choice but to stay with him and watch him sleep. I stroked his hair with slow movements and let out a sigh. I knew he was strong and powerful, but at the moment he looked so vulnerable. I wanted to protect him to the best of my abilities. I placed a hand on his forehead to check for a fever, but there was none. Although he was sleep, he refused to let go of my hand. I wondered how he would feel about everything that had happened when he wakes up. Would he go back to being cold and indifferent? Or would our relationship progress? While I could only hope for the latter, I couldn't help but feel worried. He had broken down in front of me, I had a feeling that he was going to be embarrassed. I gazed at his resting face, taking note of the dark circles under his eyes. His brows were creased up and his breathing had quickened. I knew for a fact that his nightmares had begun. So, I laid down beside him. He buried his face in the
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Twenty Six
RYLEE Without uttering a word, he walked into the room. I'd never seen him look so cold and intimidating. This was on a whole different level. I knew I had to be careful with my speech. The last thing I wanted to do, was piss him off. He walked into the bathroom while I started to clean up all the blood stains he'd left on the floor. When he emerged from the bathroom, he had a white towel wrapped around his waist. I was itching to ask him who he'd just killed. But, I didn't have the courage to. He slipped on some clothes and left the bedroom. Once he was out of the room, I finally felt like I could breathe. He had seemed pissed. Had he found the initial person who knew his secret? For the remaining hours of the night, I sat on his bed, wide awake.In the morning, there was a knock on the door. It was Jared. He had a package with him. He handed it to me, a sheepish grimace on his face. "I was supposed to give this to you, a week ago. But, I forgot about it" he said and I raised a bro
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Twenty Seven
VINCENT "It has to be Allora's doing. It can't be a mere coincidence," Rylee said as we walked towards the gates with Jared. "It's a grotesque sight. I suggest you brace yourself," Jared said to her and her eyes widened."It can't be so bad, right?" "You just have to see it for yourself," Jared responded. He was right. The bodies were mauled beyond recognition. It was a messy murder. The sigil from before, was carved into their foreheads. There were three bodies in all. Rylee brought a hand to her mouth, her eyes filling up with tears."Allora left you a short letter," Jared said, handing me a blood stained sheet of paper. It read:'Soon, it will be the turn of your pack members. You should move quickly if you want to stop US. We love big challenges, Vince'"We also have another problem, Vincent" Jared said, turning to look at me."These bodies were once members of Wyatt's pack. He will definitely not let this one slide. He will make sure to use it against you. Things are not looki
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Twenty Eight
RYLEE Despite the fact that Vincent seemed to be in a lot of pain, he kept his face impassive. Watching the pack doctor clean up his injuries made me realize how bad it was. It made me upset. I turned to look at Jared who watched Vincent with his lips in a grim line."Who did this to him?" I asked and he looked away. "I can't tell you." "Why not? Look at him, he's a mess. These past few days has been hectic, even for him. Now, this?""Don't you think he would have prevented it if he wasn't okay with it?" the tall, dark haired man who was attending to Vincent's wounds, spoke."He's no weakling, you know" he continued, his gaze meeting mine."Jonathan," Vincent warned, his eyes closed. Jonathan mumbled an apology and continued to attend to Vincent's injuries. "Why? Why did you let them hurt you like this? Why do you keep pretending to be fine? I really don't like it. I'm hurt when you're hurt. Don't you understand?" I croaked. Vincent remained silent. From the look on his face, I k
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Twenty Nine
RYLEE While we sat by the fire, eating grilled meat, Ava nudged me and gave me a smile. "You look a lot happier" she said and I patted my cheek with my free hand. "I do?""Of course! I'm so glad Vincent made you the pack's Luna. Can't you tell that the members are happy? We were worried that my brother would never find his mate." I shifted my gaze to Vincent, who was engrossed in a conversation with both Jared and Zeke. I raised my hand to wave at him as our gazes connected. I couldn't stop myself from beaming as he gave me an acknowledging nod. His eyes tightened into thin slits, and his attitude shifted abruptly. A panicked scream pierced the air and everyone rose to their feet."Sorry to crash this party. But, I had to. I must say, I love attending parties. The only reason I'm doing this is because I was not invited." I clenched my fists, my blood boiling in my veins, at the sound of Allora's voice. She was standing in the centre of the field, a little girl captured in her head
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