All Chapters of Fated to Destroy: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
137 Chapters
Chapter 81
 Donald's UncleI groaned in frustration as I sat in my room, mulling over the events that had taken place in the pack house. While everyone else saw them as growth, it seemed to me like everything was spiralling out of control. I was unsatisfied with the way things were happening and for the first time in a long while, things weren't going my way at all. I looked outside the window and saw a few of the pack members still rejoicing over the marriage of their Alpha, and I frowned.They didn't know the truth of what was happening, and they were just eager to have a Luna. A part of me felt like going downstairs to tell everyone what I knew, but I ultimately decided against it. It would be no use to me, and Donald could easily charm his way out of it. It was for that reason that I left the marriage ceremony early and went upstairs.I didn't want to be there to witness the lie that was going on in front of the pack elders and the other people. Also, now
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Chapter 82
JulieWhen the knock sounded on my door, I got up from the bed surprised. Geraldine had only left a few minutes earlier and I didn't believe it would be so quick to convince Donald that the baby was his'. A thought came into my mind about whether he didn't believe her and had come to shout at me, but the thought dissipated from my head when the sound came again. I shrugged and moved forward to open the door, shocked to see Donald's uncle standing there.There was an unreadable expression on his face and I frowned at him in response. Ever since I had come into the pack, we had never met officially and the only memory I had of him was when he was against the elders making me a member of the Villeyfield Pack. This fueled my anger at him as that had left a nasty impression of him in my mind. I wasn't interested in whatever he had to say, as I suspected it wouldn't be good.I looked at him for a few seconds and when he wasn't forthcoming with any words, I hissed and shook my head. He was m
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Chapter 83
DonaldI stumbled back into the house, and looked over at the way the night lit into the sitting room. Everywhere was silent, and so opposite the previous hours that were filled with celebration and noise. All the preparations of the past weeks had come down to this moment, and there was nothing left apart from the house helpers. The wedding had finally ended and everyone had gone back to their normal lives.My new wife, Aurelia, had gone up hours before and I knew she would most likely be sleeping. It felt strange to address her by that title, but that was what she was to me now, and forever. My wife. My Luna, or well, soon to be. The pack elders had decided not to coronated her as my Luna, until she got pregnant with an heir. I found their reason stupid, and instantly contested it, but they argued that it was the way of their culture.They had given my father, grandfather, and all the Alphas before them that condition. Their wives could only be known as Luna's when they gave birth t
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Chapter 84
JulieI heard when the clock chimed the beginning of another hour. It was the only sound I heard for seconds, until the birds continued their chirping noises and I groaned. Feeling ill luck, I tossed over on the bed, trying to get my eyes to finally shut and fall asleep. However, I knew there would be no success there as I had been wide awake for close to three hours. It certainly wasn't normal, given my current state but it couldn't be helped.I was feeling restless, and I instinctively knew I wouldn't be able to sleep. Not when there was so much bothering me. Tossing once more on he bed, I decided to get out of the bed and I put on my dressing gown as well as a pair of flip flops as I moved to stare out the window. Once upon a time, it would have scared me to look into the darkness but now, I basked in it and it helped me think.As I listened to the croaking noises of the frogs down below, I tried to put my thoughts in order. Thinking too much, especially without success, could put
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Chapter 85
DonaldThat night, I spent most of the time thinking about the happy moments between Julie and me. Before Al these issues happened, we were quite happy. It was always nice to see her smiling and refrain from that tough exterior she always put up. I enjoyed thrilling her with wonderful stories about my time in the pack and how lovely Valleyfield oak members were. It was fun to tease her and discuss the fate the moon goddess had set for us.Even if she spent most of the time denying it. Unlike me, she didn't believe in any higher power. She once said that she wouldn't waste her time believing in a loser that said that rogues didn't belong anywhere and should be shunned. To her, it was unfair and wicked. Even though I didn't agree with her, a part of me felt bad for her situation. There was a time when I felt like the decree of the goddess was what made the rogue turn out bad and decide to go against the normal laws.They were simply trying to fight for a place amongst the other wolves.
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Chapter 86
 JulieI smiled at my reflection in the mirror, running my hands through my hair. For the first time, I felt as confident as I used to be. I felt powerful once again and I took in a deep breath. I was about to go and take my rightful place in Villeyfield pack, and I didn't need to be scared. If all went as Donald's uncle said, I would be walking away from the meeting with the Alpha position. It was thrilling to think of how everyone's faces would be when it happeneded, especially Donald.I rubbed my belly bump and tried to feel it through the layers of clothes I had put on. Even though I had tricks up my sleeve, I wasn't ready to show the pack elders that I was pregnant. That would raise a lot of questions, and I wasn't ready to answer them. The only thing on my mind was taking over Villeyfield Pack and leaving Donald with nothing. After all, that was the same thing his family did to me so many years ago.With that in mind, I stepped out of my room
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Chapter 87
 DonaldAs I looked at the scene around me, anger coursed in my veins. It was infuriating to hear what my mate was saying, and I wanted so much to stand up and shut her mouth. I couldn't believe what was flowing through my ears, and I wondered if the pack elders were feeling the same way I felt. My body was shaking with anger, and I vaguely heard my beta trying to calm me down. The only thing on my mind was figuring out how Julie could say these sort of things.I couldn't understand if she was being vengeful or if there was something else attached. However, I didn't find any reason why she would suggest what she did. I was even more surprised to hear her breakdown of the Alpha position, as I had never seen it that way. She made it seem like my father had stolen everything away from her, and that was part of the things I couldn't understand. My father had only taken over when her parents were killed.Either way, I felt so annoyed and bewildered that
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Chapter 88
 JulieImmediately the men said what they needed from me, I couldn't help but break into a smile. I had been thinking that they would ask a difficult task from me, one I wouldn't be able to achieve. Donald's uncle had informed me that there would be a condition before they would allow me to be the Alpha, but he didn't know what it would be. This was the reason I began to smile when they said that all they needed was a mate.A part of me thought that the pack elders were very funny and not very wise, because I could easily go out and look for someone that would be my mate and present to them. After all, that was the same thing that Donald did and none of the said anything. However, I wasn't going to be like him and besides, I didn't have the energy to run around like that. Not when I already had a mate, someone who was sitting right in front of me.Donald. I spared a look at him and our eyes met, his flashing dangerously with different emotions. I kn
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Chapter 89
DonaldI glared at all the pack elders as I wondered how they could be listening to Julie's claims with so much interest. It was like they had totally rebuffed my words, and instead fell to her charms and promise of more power. It was like they weren't aware that it was the Alpha who would have the power and not the people themselves directly. It was very annoying to watch, yet I had to suffer through it.The men continued to listen as she informed them about a powerful mate, who she was pregnant for. I tried to ignore the fire burning in my veins as she talked about another man in front of me. While I desperately wondered who the person was, I was also surprised that the pack elders were buying her claims and convincing themselves that she was an important asset of the Villeyfield Pack.I felt like gathering all the old men together, including my uncle, and beating them all to stupor. They were displaying their ignorance and craze for power in front of Julie, and she was taking advan
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Chapter 90
 DonaldIf a pin had fallen in the meeting room at that moment, everyone in Villeyfield Pack would have heard it. The silence in the room hung thick like heavy curtains draped over a dark room. Everyone stared at one another with a look of surprise and anger filling their faces. It was like Julie's words had put a stop to everything, and the only thing ringing in our heads was why she would ask for something like that. Though her request didn't surprise me, the intent did.Her words simply meant that she was always after freeing her pack members, and if the elders had made her Alpha, that would have been the first thing she did. It sounded ridiculous to me that she would not only want the other rogues to be released, but also for them to be made members of the pack. It was a far stretch to me, and I honestly didn't think the pack elders would agree to it.However, to my greatest surprise and mild annoyance, they began to nod their heads. They looked
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