All Chapters of Second chance to Love: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
27 Chapters
17 Hours Later Nevaeh's POV When I woke up in the morning it felt like I didn’t sleep properly because past midnight I finally fell asleep. While I was on the call with Ash I felt like I could sleep but the moment I got of the call I missed him I kept trying to move to his side when we share a bed but that cold feeling I felt didn’t help until I moved the pillows around to form a body and just cuddled to them. After I was rudely awakened this morning by my friends I took a shower, we had breakfast, spent the day together, then had lunch we hung out. Sam told me about the date and called a hairstyles and make up artist to do my make up and hair and nails from yesterday.After everything she told me I’ll get dressed when we reach our destination so I just took a simple dress so that I won’t ruin my hair a make up when I need to change. We were about to leave now because it was 16:45 because I had to be ready by 18:30 for my date. I was also told that the place was about an hour out of
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Secret Surprise Wedding
Ash's POV I look at the most beautiful woman I have ever seen walk towards me and I couldn't help but smile. I couldn't take my eyes off her and then I saw her smile at me a tear slipped my eye I quickly wiped it away, I can't believe that the moment I waited for since I met her is finally here. Now I was glad that I made everything as she wanted. She is the best so that means she deserves better. I can't believe that her dad agreed to me marrying this Angel so quickly but I guess I have to thank Vaeh's step mom who is the best mom to her because she couldn't have her own kids she treated her like the Angel she is. When her hand was in mine I pulled her tightly towards me were she belongs, and I couldn't help but smile more. "You look magical." I said smiling at her then she blushed. "Thanks, but how did you know what I wanted for my wedding because this is what I always wanted?" she said looking around. "Well, I have our sister who is your best friend, she planned every the suites,
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Morning Kisses
Vaeh's Pov After wedding I can't tell you how happy I feel today. I got married, we took pictures, we ate, we had our dance, we ate cake. I can't ask for a better day than this. Best wedding ever my sister, MY HUSBAND and our friends can start their own events planning. They planned everything to the T and they knew everything I wanted, even I couldn't plan something like this cause I would have changed my mind because of what someone else wanted. I love everyone for not letting me stress over it. After a couple of dances I was tired from everything and I guess my husband saw that cause we immediately said our goodnight's and he pulled me inside we took a elevator to the top floor cause their like four or five floors when the elevator stopped and the doors opened he picked me up and walked me to one of the doors on the floor still carrying me bridal style he tapped my shoulder with his one hand and told me to take the card a swipe it at the door and when I did and he walked us thro
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It's A.........
Asher's POV As we waited for the doctor in about two minutes we will see the doctor. We waited another ten minutes before we were called in and when we stepped in he was sitting behind his desk and put down the pen as he was writing something in a planner or something and gave us a small smile and gestured for us to sit. “Morning Mr and Mrs Walker, how have the both of you’ll been doing.” Said Doc Miller as we sat down. “We have been good thank you, and yourself Doc Miller?” said Vaeh smiling at him with her hand in mine. “Well I’m great thanks, and I’m happy that you both made it to the fourth month which means that you Mrs Walker are out of the first trimester successfully. So now lets start with your check up please lets move to the examination table.” He said and gestured for us to move I couldn’t help but smile more knowing that my baby is good and out of danger. We moved to the examination table and wifey layed down and he did a few tests for everything and when he was done s
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Vaeh's POV I was happy that we are having a daughter because at least she won’t hopefully have her sperm donor’s traits. When we got back to the penthouse I went to go pack. I decided that I won’t bother asking cause if he wanted to tell me I would know Instead of annoying him, but the thing is I trust him because even if he told me to jump off a cliff and he will catch me I would just because it’s him, with anyone else I would totally question them. Geez I really sound crazy. If anyone ever heard my thoughts I would be in a mental institution thank goodness people’s thoughts are private. When we were done packing and him telling me what to take I came to the conclusion that it was somewhere warm and hot. I don’t really like hot weather but I will learn to enjoy new things and give myself a software update. He got his driver/butler to take the bags to the car and we were off. When we arrived at the airstrip I was major excited and nervous because I am going on a vacation with my hu
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Morning After
Ash's POV I kept her pressed to the bathroom door as we made out the music kept playing and it didn’t really bother me so we just making out well a little more than making out because as I was thinking that I was about to end it she started grinding on me so I pulled her to me and moved her to the bed kept kissing my hands moved up under her shirt to her breasts as I started playing with her nipples she moaned in my mouth she was really turning me on, her one hand moved from my neck down my spine which made me shiver as she bit down on my lower lip, I thrusted against her, her moved down to my ass and pulled me towards her which made me thrust against her again cause she was really making me hot. I quickly pulled her t-shirt over her head now she was under me with no top on and her nipples begging me to suck on them and I did she just kept moaning my name, she moved her hand from my ass to between us, she moved the towel from between us and then she just grabbed my dick with her sma
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We back
Vaeh’s POV 3 weeks later I can’t explain how happy I am right now we are just landed and we are being driven home by Bruce who is a very kind man he treats us like his kids. My head is leaning on my hubby's shoulder because I am very tired because he has a lot of energy because before we left he made love and then on the flight about four times and he tried to get me to again about a few minutes ago. We carry on driving and then I realize where not going in the right direction, maybe he is going somewhere well we have been gone for 3 weeks. So I decided to sleep for a bit he will wake me when we get home. Asher's POV I can’t believe that she married me just looking at her makes me remember the day I realize I liked her with her, just because she was younger than me I thought I was crazy because she was still 13 years old and I was about to be 18 in 5 months so I just started not being around her a lot cause she was still a kid but when she graduated from high school at 17 and she
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Vaeh's Pov “Woah" I said looking at this place looks big and beautiful. “Welcome home, Mrs Walker.” He said smiling at me which made me turn from the house to Asher who I gave a confused look. “I thought that I should buy us a house to be our home so I figured why not move in after the honeymoon and we’ll be settled when our baby arrives.” He said smiling at me and my emotions got the best of me because before I think of anything to say to him I jumped on him to hug and kiss him. I never thought I would be this happy. I guess there is a first time for everything because I have never been this happy. I should have listened to my dad when he told me 'the only time you’ll find true happiness and love is the moment you stop looking.' I pulled away from him with a excited smile on my face “Oh my Gosh, you are the best husband in the world and you’ll make an amazing father.” I said to him, then I kissed his cheek. “Come on babe I want to show you our new home.” He said pulling me out of
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Cake fixes all
Vaeh's POV 2 ½ months later So its official I’m so nervous because in about a month and half I will be a mom since I’m seven and a half months along and I have been a wife to Asher for almost four months now and it has been great not saying that we don’t fight because we did about two months ago a week or two after we got back from the honeymoon. Flashback It’s been a two weeks since we got back got back the morning was good and at the moment it’s 12:48 and I’m working on my business plan for my IT Company its not something that I will start at the moment but after the baby and its not like I’ve talked to Asher about it I will though after I have completed the business plan. I carried on for a few more minutes until I had to leave around 13:15 for outing at 14:05 with my girls because they were busy working it turns out that Ashley didn’t go back to being doctors beyond border because she wants to be closer to her family now. So I got in the car with Gerg Matthews the butler/ wh
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Being Wifey
Vaeh's Pov Seven and a half months pregnant is so tiring but I’m still enjoying feeling the kicks and getting a lot of loving from my hubby cause he is great but I hate not having a handle on my emotions cause they charge in a heartbeat but I wouldn’t change this whole experience for anything because I have a great husband by my side well and family and friends are amazing. Right now I’m on my way to see my husband because he had a meeting this morning and left before breakfast and knowing him I would say he only drank coffee in so I’m taking him some food I left early so I’ll arrive around 12:48 at his office then we can have lunch together because his next meeting is around three later and he will be there for two hours or more so it’s better if he eats now so he can focus. So today I’ll be a great wife like he has been a amazing hubby to me I made him his favourite food that I made which is chicken wraps and my homemade burgers with his favourite fudgy brownies well I’ll admit th
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