All Chapters of Kidnapped By The Alpha : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
169 Chapters
Chapter 101— The Reunion
*FREYA* Morning came and we keep anticipating when Duncan and his pack of rogues would attack but none came, just to be on the safe side, we have men positioned everywhere in the pack, even the Shifter's guards joined the guards, there was still a little bit of hostile between the Shifters and the werewolves but since safety comes first, they had set aside their differences and decided to work together, I loved that.I couldn't get a wink of sleep last night and I have been up since the early hours of the morning, I was tired, stressed and worn out. After freshening up, I changed into a new dress before joining in that dining room, her face lit up with a smile as soon as she saw me step in. Returning the smile, I flopped down unto the closet seat to her."Any news about Duncan?" I'm starting to think it was a false alarm, you know? To get us worked up? Because that same night the Shifters were attacked a nearby pack was also attacked but they weren't as lucky as the Shifters were, pr
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Chapter 102— The Claiming
*FREYA* I gasped in pain and then shock as his fangs dig deeper into the sensitive spot of my neck, the fact that I didn't see it coming, I thought he was going to kiss me. This is so painful, my knees almost gave out but he catch me in time and yanked me higher against the wall. I could feel some droplet of blood dripping down my neck, my hands reached out to push him away as the pain became unbearable."Jet... You...." The words died down my throat as he paused for a second, I shut my eyes panting heavily in relief, only to cry out a second later as his fangs sank back into that same spot.He raise his head to look at me, his eyes were pure red coursing me to shiver, blood trickled down my neck and when I move my head, I regretted the action immediately as I felt a stab of pain making me wince. "I need you to stop fighting the bite Freya, it is going to hurt worse if you do," He told me, slowly letting me down on my feet."It hurts" I whimpered as I felt the spot starting to throb,
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Chapter 103— Camille
*FREYA* Jet's emotions were overwhelming, one minute he was angry, the next he was sad and other various emotions in one minute. The most confusing part about it all was the fact that I have no idea what is stirring up all the emotions inside him at once. We haven't had any discussion yet, I had so many things to ask him, to talk to him about but I decided to let him have his rest and we would talk about it in the morning.That night, I went to sleep in my mate's arms, the throbbing pain in my neck earlier reminding me we belonged together was now long gone replaced by a lighter feeling I couldn't quite describe, smiling dreamily, I close my eyes and drift off to sleep. Slowly blinking awake the next morning, I rolled unto my side so I would be facing Jet, he looked so peaceful sleeping, I almost leaned over to kiss him but knowing he was likely to wake up, wondering when last he slept I decided not to wake him up. Probably sensing he was being watched, he open his eyes, his gaze cl
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Chapter 104— The Masquerade Ball
*FREYA* I decided that letting Camille get to me would probably be the biggest trap I'd ever fall into since she obviously did all this to bug me. I waited in the bathroom while Hazel helped me get a couple of maids to clean the mess in my room. I was beyond angry, now I don't only have to put up with Morgana but her niece as well! Can my life get anymore....drastic?After the whole cleaning process was done, I stepped into the room to see Hazel had selected another dress for me, it was another purple dress but the first one was prettier and sexier. I took it from her forcing a smile on my face, once again I resist the urge to march down the hall and give Camille a piece of my mind, I have never been that good at controlling my anger that much."Don't speak a word about this to anyone, she's nothing but a brat. Once she figures out I don't have time to entertain her, she will stop" I instructed turning around to look at the full length mirror by my closet."As you wish milady" We bot
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Chapter 105— The Protest
*FREYA* I changed into another purple dress still feeling all flustered from the quick sex in the shower with Jet, I was so bent on wearing a purple dress today that I wasn't going to settle for anything else. With a lot of help from Hazel who didn't bother asking questions on why I was wearing another dress, she helped me style my hair and taking my mask along, I left the room to join the party happening downstairs.I stood at the stairs balcony looking down below, I glance around nervously having no idea that a lot of people would be present, I had originally planned a small party in mind even though I had no idea how to go about it and when Claire had mentioned inviting a few nobles, I didn't know few meant this many. I was still gawking at the crowd when I felt a presence beside me, I saw Kale from the corner of my eye."Where is your escort?" He asked, putting on his own mask. "Escort?" I echoed with a puzzled look on my face."I believe the modern term for that is a date" He a
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Chapter 106 — The Protest II
*FREYA* I slammed the door angrily behind me as I had left the party a few minutes ago, I was angry but not that Morgana in the slightest, when the door opened and shut behind me I spun around to glare at Jet as he walked in. I paused waiting for him to start talking but no words seems to come out of him."I want to know everything, everything Morgana was talking about and if you lie to me Jet, I swear I will never forgive you" I threatened, it was a threat that I actually meant at that moment. I was sick and tired of all the hiding they have been doing, Morgana humiliated me back there and I could barely utter any word to defend myself."Is that not a bit extreme?" He chuckled raising one eyebrow at me, seeing that I wasn't half amused by his attempt at a joke, his expression turned serious and I brace myself. "What do you want to know?" He questioned."Everything" I answered without hesitation. "I want to know every detail, every little detail" I added pinning him with a stare that
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Chapter 107— Better For Everyone
*FREYA* Jet managed to handle the situation like he said he would but with each passing day, I get eaten alive with guilt. The most frustrating part, is that there is nothing I can do about the situation, even the servants around whisper behind my back thinking I couldn't hear them. At least they were trying to hide their hatred for me, as if dealing with all that wasn't enough, Camille decided to be part of my problems too.I had just finished getting dressed that morning when Claire strode into my room, Jet has been busy trying to figure out where the councils would strike next, Hunter is out looking for Duncan and his men. It's been wild and busy around here lately, it was also the first time I was seeing her in a few days."Is Camille still bothering you?" She asked as if reading my mind."I have decided to just ignore her, I'm still trying to get myself out of the mess Morgana had shoved me in. I feel so guilty" I admitted, it was the first time I'd ever admitted that out loud.
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Chapter 108— The Ex
*FREYA* Jet did take my mind off it for a few hours as he promised but after everything was done, I lay down with my limbs exhausted from sex. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened with the women back in town and more puzzling, I was trying to come in terms with the kind of man my father turned out to be.Dinner was approaching and I knew Hazel would be here at any moment to help me get dressed for dinner, Jet already left few minutes ago leaving me alone with my thoughts. I had tried stopping myself from thinking about it all since I knew he was likely listening to my thoughts, I was glad when he later left.As if on cue, there was a knock on the door and a second later, Hazel strode in with a smile on her face. I stare curiously at her as she approached me, probably sensing I was staring at her, she glance up."Shall I have dinner brought to your room? Lady Morgana has been released from the house arrest she was placed on after Camille pleaded her case with Alpha. She shall
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Chapter 109— The Call
*FREYA* Deep in my gut I knew Morgana was playing some kind of twisted game with me, I mean why would she blackmail and threatened me not to speak a word to Jet about her plan then goes ahead to tell him but left a few details behind? The scariest part could be the fact that I might be working into a trap if I'm not careful. As I made to leave the room, Jet stood in front of me stopping me from leaving.Even if I tried, I wasn't mad at him for claiming me, I was mad because he only did it out of fear of losing me. He didn't even give me a choice, I opened my mouth to say something to him but it turned into a muffled sound as his mouth covered mine in a kiss that had me melting into him immediately. I wrapped my arms around his waist, moaning into the kiss while he nibble at my lower lips. "I acted without control" He murmured after we pulled apart from the kiss, with Hus forehead pressing against mine, his hand reached up to cup my face. "But I do not regret ever claiming you as min
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Chapter 110— Banished
*FREYA* "Mom?" I repeated but once again no sound could be heard from the other end of the line, for a moment I thought someone was playing a prank on me but then I knew that voice so well and deep down I knew it belong to my mom. What the hell is going on? How did she contact me? The first day I was brought here, I remember trying Jake's phone number but it never went through. I slowly drop the telephone trying to process what just happened.I sat there for a long time still staring at the phone and hoping the caller calls back but no call came through and I was forced to leave. I wondered if I should tell Jet what happened but then I wasn't sure of anything, it could be my mind playing tricks on me. I let out a frustrated groan into my pillow, I glance towards the entrance when the door opened and Jet strode into the room. I hurried over to him, the first thing I checked was his stomach, as Claire assured me earlier, it had healed with no sign of a stab wound. "You were stabbed" I
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