All Chapters of Kidnapped By The Alpha : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
169 Chapters
Chapter 141— Few Hours Left
*FREYA* The silence in the room was so heavy since she stepped in few minutes ago. I thought she was here for Jet, until he excused himself, giving us the privacy we needed. The last thing I wanted to do was talk to her and yet I was curious to know what she wanted to say. I moved until I was seated at the edge of the bed. "Is there anything I can help you with?" I asked politely as my eyes settled on the flowers she was holding, how did she know sunflowers were my absolute favourite? "There is no need to pretend Luna" She begins extending the flowers towards me. "You have never been someone who hide their feelings" Did she just give me a compliment?"I'm not pretending" I replied, reluctantly taking the flowers from her. For all I know, Morgana might be the one who sent her. "Thank you, I was not certain you will take it from me. I asked Alpha and he told me you love this type of flowers. Consider it a peace offering, to apologize and hope you would find it in your heart to forgi
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Chapter 142— A Regretful Death
*FREYA* I'm not heartless or anything, I thought as I mindedly made my way back to our bedroom after my conversation with Hunter. I still felt nothing, after finding out that the man who fathered me only has few hours left to live. If there was anything I feel, it was curiosity. How did he end up like that? Who did that to him? Of course, the first people my mind wandered off to was the councils.Jet and Hunter believe he knows something and wasn't planning on keeping his mouth shut, which might have led him to his current condition. This only raise a few questions like why didn't they kill him? Probably they feel there was no use killing him when he can't talk and has only few hours left. So they dumped him at the border where they knew we would find him. They wanted me to see him. Was that his last wish? I scoffed as soon as the thought occurred to me. Pushing the thoughts of Grayson aside, since I want nothing to do with him. I reached for the handle but was stopped by Claire, who
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Chapter 143— Camille's Revelation
*FREYA* The search for Morgana after Jet passed the decoration has caused quite a stir in the midst of the pack, while some have doubts that Morgana couldn't possibly be responsible for Claire's condition, majority of the others believed she had something to do with it, after all she betrayed the pack, which lead her to be banished. The warriors and Patrol team are usually in charge of this case but we've received several volunteers who want to join the search party. "Nothing can be done to shut the ongoing topic from reaching Claire's ears? She asked me last night who Dane Grayson was. I hate lying to her, if she finds out we are not completely being honest with her, we might lose her" I pointed out, walking into Jet's study. It was mid-noon and they were still occupied with the search for Morgana. I hate to be her right now. Jet glanced up at the sound of my voice, an invisible smile appeared on his face as I lean towards him to drop a quick kiss on his cheek. We hardly spend tim
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Chapter 144— The Luna And The Breeder I
*FREYA* Jet was saying something but I couldn't hear a word he was saying, my mind was far away even though I tried to assure myself that there was nothing to panic about. The last time Sophie was involved in my case, I went through hell, I mean literally. Did Morgana really think if she kills me, she will be able to get with Jet? Perhaps this was a case of, if I can't have him then no one will. Feeling more like I can stand on my feet without collapsing, I stood up and walked out of Jet's office without another word. If it was something physical, I could count on him to protect me but we are talking about a witch attack, it's more of a spiritual and mental battle. How am I supposed to protect myself when I have no idea what Morgana and Sophie are up to? "I have mind linked Kale to stop the search, finding her will be impossible since she is being protected by Sophie or the councils in general" I didn't realize he was behind me until he said that and I spun around to look at him, t
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Chapter 145— The Luna And The Breeder II
*FREYA*As Jet made his way towards me, I was thinking of a way to see Ethan in the dungeon and get him out without Jet knowing or the guards getting suspicious, As of right now he's the only one who can drag Morgana out of whatever hole she's currently hiding in. I wouldn't be able to do it alone, I need someone to help me but who? I felt Hazel brushed past me just before Jet stopped in front of me. Not wanting to give him any indication that I was planning something, I took a step closer to him. "I knew she has something to do with it" I told him. "And I never doubted you" His hands came to rest on my shoulders. "Trust me on this Freya, I will handle it. I have sent three of my guards to bring the doctor to me, one way or the other, I will find Morgana and when I do, I will bring her to your feet, and however you want to punish or torture her, you can do it to your heart content" He assured me, embracing me. As my body melted against him, I close myself, hating myself for the fac
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Chapter 146— The Efforts
*FREYA* I finished eating about twenty minutes after I dismissed Kale and Camile, which by the way I was grateful for their help cause, there's no way I would have pulled the plan together without their help. Phase one of the plan was in motion and I'm not backing down. Hazel came back to clear the dishes and I went into the bathroom to brush, trim, take a shower and then took one of the minty fresh sweets in my nightstand drawer, to erase the toothpaste taste out of my mouth. Humming softly, I stepped into my walk-in closet looking for a sexy underwear, if I recall correctly, I don't remember owning any because I didn't shop for most of my clothes.The few times I went shopping with Claire was out of boredom and I only purchased a few gowns. My eyes went slightly wide with surprise, I wondered how I was able to bag a man like Jet without any sexy undies! He must think I'm boring! I probably bore him in the boredom and it's only the mating bond still keeping him to me. Once this tho
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Chapter 147— Mutual Understanding
*FREYA*Jet has always been the one out of the two of us to take long showers and today was no exception. I stood in front of the mirror, admiring how sexy I looked in the lingerie while absently listening to the running water from the shower that could be heard from the bathroom. Usually, I didn’t mind him taking this long because I understood perfectly that someone who works as much as he does, obviously needs those long baths. I’m a little impatient and I blamed my excitement for it. I glanced towards the bathroom once I noticed the shower had stopped running, I moved closer to the bed, trying to find a sexy pose but I trip over myself in the process and burst out laughing. God! I looked so pathetic, I didn’t have the time to compose myself when the door opened and Jet walked out, adjusting the towel around his waist. He looked at me briefly before his gaze roamed down my body. My face feels like it was lit on fire from how hard I was blushing, his gaze seems to awaken my body as
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Chapter 148— The Surprise In Bed
*FREYA*Jet was still asleep when I woke up the next morning at dawn. I managed to roll onto my back hoping that would ease his arms around me so I could quietly leave the bed without waking him up. He is usually the first person to wake up but that wasn’t the case this morning because aside from being really exhausted, I woke up early. Each time I tried to move, his arms would tightened around me more. I would have considered this sweet and romantic if I wasn't in such a hurry to get out of bed. Taking a deep breath, I thought of what to do when an idea suddenly occurred to me. Turning on my side, I wrapped my arms around his neck and then moved deeper into his embrace, that made him relax, despite being unconscious he was still very alert. As if convinced that I wasn’t going anywhere, his arms fell loosely around me and I quickly came down from the bed. Not wanting him to wake up, I placed my pillow where I had been laying earlier before I left the room. Only a few servants were m
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Chapter 149— Second Phase
*FREYA* I think watching Jet eat might now be my new favourite thing in the world, next to having sex with him of course. I blushed at my own nasty thoughts, waiting for him to tell me how good or bad the food is. Everyone is probably awake by now, meaning both Camille and Kale would show up any second now for the next phase of how plan. I wondered what Kale had planned to distract Jet from noticing I was sneaking off to find Morgana. He knows I was up to something yesterday, I saw it in his watchful gaze but thinking I would go after Morgana was probably the last thing on his mind. "Come here" Jet said, setting aside the meal. I frowned slightly as I climbed unto the bed, was the food that bad? Katherine had assured me that I did everything right, what if she lied. I sat down across from him, waiting for him to say something but instead, he leaned forward and place a kiss on my forehead. "This is so good, I love it" He stated. "Are you saying that because you like me?" I teased
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Chapter 150— A Change Of Plan
*FREYA* Later that day, Kale took the letter to the location where Ethan and Morgana exchange letters. Despite me wanting to come along with him, he had refused saying it was too dangerous and since he made a reasonable argument, I decided to stay behind. Jet also send a letter informing me he wouldn't be able to come home until bedtime which mean that our plan of distracting him was working, I only hope there was some truth in the theories so all these wouldn't be a wasted effort and Claire would get her memories back one way or the other. Hazel stopped abruptly, a surprised expression on her face as she came into the room and saw me pacing around, her hands were filled with folded clothes. "I'm so sorry for startling you Luna" She apologized immediately. "I did not expect to find you here in the middle of the day. I went to collect your laundries from the servant quarters" She informed me. "No problem. Just do whatever you have to do, I'm waiting for Kale" I answered, darting a
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