All Chapters of Love in coat of hate : Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
187 Chapters
Chapter 168: Giving her back her face
For more than two months, Mandy is undergoing treatment, Dr. Brian found out that, she didn't lose her memories naturally but because she was hypnotized, they had to treat her, so she could regain her memories. Lauren never did visit her for once, it's just Dylan who was doing that, he is there again without Lauren. "Miss Mandy, you have a visitor." "Who? Lauren?" "No ma! Sir Dylan." She frowned but still had to go to him. "Hey, don't you want to see me?" "Of course, I missed you, I am just tired of being locked up here.""Don't worry, you will soon go home and I am sure, your face will be back to normal." "I hope so." "Come on, so tell me, what have you remembered?" "Just one thing." "Which is?" "That I am married to Lauren but I don't think that is possible.""Why?" "Is simple, the girl's face is different not...""Relax, with time, you will get a clearer picture of it, Lauren said, I should give you this." She grabbed the teddy and smiled."Why didn't he come?" "Busy wit
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Chapter 169: Her family
After two weeks, Mandy is discharged, Lauren wants to leave before her arrival but he just can't, he wants to see her, he wants to hug her, kiss her, and have close intimacy with her. "Tessa!" "Dylan!" "Larry!' Mandy called as soon as Stone pulled the door for her, he was the one who had picked her up from the hospital, and she was thinking that, maybe, they would be waiting there for her. "Tessa!" "Hey, this is my Villa, not Tessa's nor Larry's and neither Dylan's." Mandy lowers on her face. "You beautiful.""Thanks!" "You are welcome, you should rest, I will call all the important ones in your life, to inform them that you are home." "You are also important to me," Lauren smirked as she said that, he walked closer to her and hugged her but then he noticed she didn't hug him. "I am Sorry!" He said pulling away from her. "What are you apologizing for?" "It's nothing, you should rest now, I too need to rest." Lauren walked ahead and pulled the door for her, she walked into it,
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Chapter 170: DNA Result
Mandy's handshakes, as she grabbed the photos, the lady is exactly like Mandy, she is beautiful with blonde hair, simple but elegant. "What is her name?" She managed to ask after composing herself. "Mandy Asher, your dad named you after her."Lauren's eyes bulged out, he was thinking Dylan was just blabbering but this was getting out of hand. "Dylan, stop joking around, I need proof, not pictures but DNA results." "Of course, you will have one, when you gave me the Necklace, I thought of where I had seen it then I remembered Grandpa Asher's princess photo, so I decided to show him, he never talked about her, she passed on before my parents, my dad was your uncle, leaving me, the only surviving heir to the family but now, I have you." Dylan hugged Mandy again. "The DNA results." Lauren is Keen on seeing that, he will not allow Dylan to keep hugging this woman, that is his and his only. "Fine, here it is, doubting Thomas, I did a hair test and that of saliva from Grandpa Asher and
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Chapter 171: Frustrated Susan
"Is there anything, I could ever rely on you on, I told you to find her and stop messaging me...""Mother, who are you looking for?" Susan ended the call, as soon as she heard the voice of Sharon. "Haven't I warned you to stop eavesdropping on my conversation?" "Oh please, which girl are you looking for?" "Sharon, one more question for you, I will have your head on a tray." "Fine, I will not ask, is not my business what you do with your callers." "Better!" "When is Dad coming back? Is it taking like forever? Don't you think that the Daniels should be in a position to answer our questions?" "Sharon! Are you trying to annoy me?" "No, I just felt that dad is supposed to be back but for more than two years, he has been nowhere to be found, he didn't call, which is unlike him and you do not bother...""Who told you, I am not bothered?" "If you are, I know you, you will not close your eyes to sleep comfortably, or do you know where he is..." Her words didn't finish, Susan ended it w
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Chapter 172: Grandpa Asher's excitement
"Sir, you called!" "Yes, go get my grandkids' drinks." "Right away sir!" "And the chef checks if the food is ready." The butler smiles, the old man is overly excited. "I will check on that sir!" "Go on and be fast about it." As soon as the butler left, he looked at Mandy, although she had stopped crying her eyes were still teary. "Oh, my poor thing, you should stop crying, I forgot that your mother doesn't know how to stop her tears when they start falling." "Sorry, Grandpa is just that...""It's fine, I am also excited and know it's tears of joy." "Okay, I have a lot of things to ask you about my mother." "Sure, you are free too and I too have a lot of things to ask you, we can do that over a meal but then, we are having a big announcement.""Announcement?" Dylan and Mandy echoed it, Grandpa Asher moved his eyes from Dylan to Mandy. "Yes, announcement, didn't your cousin tell you...""Grandpa, you never did tell me about any announcements.""Oh keep quiet, you are a stupid gr
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Chapter 173: The Invitations
Within a few days, Grandpa Asher returned with his princess to Singapore, so many arrangements as to be made, and now, an invitation is been sent out to all the elite, the party is going to be bliss, celebrating his lost grandchild being found. Those invitations were sent to a different destination and now one of them is right in Merlin's hand, his very own girl, Mandy. But how was it possible, for two years he had gone crazy for this woman thinking she was dead but no, she was alive flesh and blood, how did she end up with the Ashers, so many questions in his head, he walked gorgeously downstairs only to see Amelia battling with her phone "Damn! Him, I thought we were okay." "Okay! How could you be okay with him, did you see the news?" "What news?" "The Ashers found their heiress." "So what does Asher's heiress get to do with this?" He throws the magazine at her and the invitation, she grabs the magazine, which carries Mandy's face. "What? I thought she was dead. How could she s
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Chapter 174: Susan's evil Reveal
Susan is getting ready to go to the office, Sharon looks at her. "Why are staring at me like that?" "Mother, I got some information that I should come to the office with you.""Why?" "I don't know, let's just go." Susan takes a step then her phone ping, she read. [Watch your back, your evil scheme is right in front of you.] She turned around In fear. "Mother, is everything alright?" "Sure! Sure! Let's go."Pulling the door, yet another note, she grabbed it very fast. "Mother, what is...""Sharon, let me be," Susan yelled, Sharon just kept quiet, since they returned, Susan is always yelled like some barking dog, as the driving takes an hour of silence, as soon as the two entered the company, everyone was murmuring, it seems they know what only the two of them doesn't know. "Dylan, where are you?" "Mandy, I am sorry, I can't make it, grandpa asked me to help him with something.""Oh shit!" She ends the call in anger. "Who will go with me now?" At first, Mandy didn't see anything w
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Chapter 175: She is Pregnant
"Mandy!" Tessa called, and she called into Tessa's hand, Dylan is aware that Mandy might be dejected when she returns so he made Tessa arrive very early, and she cried on her hand. "Hey this child, you have spoiled my expensive attire.""Stop being silly, who is a child?" 'It's just kids that cry on their mother's shoulders." "You are very naughty, I missed you.""Missed you too, come on, you should bathe, let's eat, I am very hungry." Mandy looks at her, then at the little chops on her plate. "Oh stop it, they are just appetizers." "Okay!" Mandy pushed her head and walked passed her, after taking her bath, she saw that her phone had been ringing. "Oh, Lauren!' She dragged it to her ear. 'Bonbon! I saw so many of your missed calls, are you...""I am fine, I was just calling so that you accompany me since Dylan is been naughty again." "Oh! So sorry, so who went there with you?" She kept quiet. "Go on!" "I have no choice but to call Merlin." "What? That stupid...""There you go
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Chapter 176: The Party
Although most people now know that Mandy is the granddaughter of Asher, the party had not to be held, Mandy is been attended to, Lauren had sent her what to wear for the party, not that, Grandpa Asher can't afford one but he just wants to be the one who picks a dress for her. Merlin also sends her shoes, since she likes Cooper's shoes, giving her one will not be bad. Too many maids to attend to her, from her dressing to her hair, and shoes, everything was perfect, so lovely that before they knew it, it was time for the party. Asher's villa booms with several cars and guests coming in, that is what Grandpa Asher has been waiting for.So many important people were invited, to everyone, it's just a regular situation that happened when a lost long child returned to the family but to him, it wasn't, this is what he had been longing for. To see a child from his only daughter, just as he had from his only son. Mandy is his priceless jewel while Dylan is his eyes.Mandy is expecting Tessa b
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Chapter 177: She Left
"Mandy!" "It's fine, come on, let's join the others." Lauren knows that Mandy is sad now, so he has to excuse himself. "Sure! Let's go." Getting back to the party, Lauren takes her hand. "Can I also dance with you?" She looks at him. "Please, don't say no to this." "Fine! Let's go." Marlin could watch as Lauren danced with Mandy, and Amelia kept calling. "Maybe, you should go home now," Mandy said as his phone kept ringing. "I guess it's a goodbye for now." "Sure! Goodbye!" Mandy turned, and Lauren held her hand. "Don't you think I deserve a peck?" She didn't say anything, she pecked him and then freed herself, Lauren wanted a kiss and a hug but then Mandy's decision was what they were working on. After the party, all the guests had gone, leaving Mandy and Dylan on the terrace alone. "Mandy, did you tell him?" She did tell Dylan that, she wanted to tell Lauren that they should come together but Amelia didn't make her."No way, I can't, Amelia is still in his life, and I don't
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