All Chapters of The Winter Swan: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
149 Chapters
Chapter 130
The studio was bright with various lights.One, two, three.Every time the camera flashed, Silje moved skillfully. Her usual unemotional face was gone, and instead, a passionate model came out to pose.The photographer continued to click his camera as he exclaimed, “Good. Amazing! You are so gorgeous!”He seemed truly impressed.Silje was wearing a black silk dress with a deep V-neck. The dark color of the outfit looked shocking against her pale skin and matched her now shoulder-length black hair.Silje was also wearing transparent and white high heels and holding an elegant clutch that was studded with crystals. As she posed gracefully, she looked like a snow queen of New York.Silje won the campaign job for Christian Louboutin, which was a very competitive gig. In front of the camera, she showed off the best of her.To showcase the heels, Silje lifted her leg. The dress rode up, showing off her long sexy legs. She
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Chapter 131
Jung Yun seemed to be very surprised to see Silje and she accused Silje of stalking her. At first, Jung Yun refused to believe that this was a coincidence, but after Silje explained, she decided to believe her.Jung Yun and Silje looked awkwardly at each other, but Jung Yun’s mother looked very happy.“Wow! I did think you were very tall and gorgeous, and now it makes sense. You are a model just like my daughter. And not just any model, a famous one! Well, that means you have to come more often! As Jung Yun’s friend, I will be extra generous to you.”Friend?Until now, Jung Yun definitely didn’t show any indication that she wanted to become Silje’s friend. She was Silje’s walking teacher, a reluctant one, and nothing more.Yet suddenly, Jung Yun pulled up a chair across Silje and sat down at the same table. She called out to her mom and exclaimed, “Mom. I’m hungry! I want bibimbap please!”
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Chapter 132
“I’ve been busy with work… I did a photoshoot today, so I came here after I finished.”“Really? Well, it’s so nice to see you. I’ve been thinking about you lately. I went on and I saw your face! You are the hottest Asian model out there.”Silje drank her cocktail and Greg looked at her proudly. He continued, “Did you know that you are the most successful model I know? Actually, you are the only one who became famous. There were so many models I knew that I thought would make it, but they all disappeared from the scene eventually. Including me.”He was smiling, but Greg couldn’t hide his deep bitterness. Silje looked at him, who looked gorgeous with beautiful brown hair, blue eyes, and lean body.Just how many models were there in New York that someone like Greg didn’t make it?Silje said to him slowly, “I was just lucky. Anything could’ve happened and I
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Chapter 133
It was the first time Silje told Greg something personal, and he didn’t say anything. Greg just listened quietly.“Christian is definitely an attractive man. Whenever I see him, I feel happy and comfortable. I smile more and he just makes me feel like something good is going to happen. But… even with all the positive feelings, I still feel empty deep inside. Isn’t that strange? Compared to Christian, that man… He is too rough and aggressive, but still… There is an odd understanding between us. Do you think it’s because we’ve seen the worst of each other? Do you think arguing and fighting make people closer? Do you think that makes sense? Our relationship… It’s very raw.”“So it sounds like you are saying you are in love with him. When did this feeling start?”Greg kept his hands busy with making drinks while listening to Silje attentively. He was an excellent bartender and one of t
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Chapter 134
Ironically, Christian’s kindness and sincerity made Silje feel even more distant from him.They could never truly become close.He continued to smile beautifully, and all Silje could feel for him was respect and friendliness, nothing more.Realizing that she would never be truly happy with him, Silje smiled sadly.‘I hope you are always happy in your beautiful world, Christian.’When she looked at him quietly, Christian asked, “Why aren’t you eating your pizza? Is it not good?”“No, it’s delicious, Christian. The salad and coffee are great too. I can see why you come here often.”He looked at her quietly with his hazel eyes before saying, “After we eat, let’s go for a walk.”After the meal, they went to walk in the nearby park.Brilliant Park.So Christian remembered. A while back, he told her about how he spent a summer here with his friends
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Chapter 135
Kail said Christian’s name calmly, making Silje anxious.“So, you are a famous designer in New York… I suppose if you want to help Silje, there is no need to refuse it.”Kail smiled widely and shook Christian’s hand.“…!”Kail didn’t seem to be squeezing Christian’s hand hard, but Christian’s face slowly became pale. When Silje tried to interfere, Kail raised his hand to stop her.“Kail!”Silje yelled at him, but Kail continued to study Christian with interest, like he was at a zoo watching a funny-looking animal.Beautiful and scary Kail… He said in a frighteningly soft voice, “Famous New York designer… So that means fashion shows, commercials, and CF shoots, right? You are like a Santa Claus who takes MY Silje to fancy places crowded with paparazzi and fashion people? Have you already been doing that?”Silje inhaled deepl
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Chapter 136
Music was playing.The stage was decorated with black marbles and one by one, the models walked out fluidly.They walked professionally and among the many tall slim models, Silje looked like an elegant deer walking on fresh green grass.The music continued to play.[I won’t sympathize anymore. And if you complain once more…]Feeling the rhythm of the music, Silje walked gracefully. Her walk wasn’t exaggerated, but still memorable. In a white flare skirt, Silje walked beautifully and the audience seemed mesmerized.Phoebe Philo, Celine’s lead design, created a collection that was lovely and elegant like the moonlight on a calm Paris night.[You’ll meet an army of me. You’re alright. There’s nothing wrong…]Silje changed into high heel ankle boots and a feminine skirt. On the modern yet sensitive French stage, she looked outstanding. Depending on her outfit, Silje smiled faintly o
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Chapter 137
Silje bit his lips hard and kissed him back. When she started to suckle his lips seductively, Kail’s eyes darkened in desire.Silje ate at his lips furiously. She was so angry and she wanted to hurt him. The fire within her burned.Rip.She tore up her coat to take it off. She threw it down on the floor and started to take off the rest of her clothes one by one as Kail watched in disbelief.When she only had her black bra left, Kail couldn’t take it anymore and finally lunged at her.“…”He pushed her down to the bed. The heat between them exploded and moaning urgently, Silje slapped Kail before kissing him again.He also seemed to be overwhelmed as he pushed her silky hair back and groaned like a beast. He exposed her white neck and bit it.“Ahhhh…”Silje felt like she was being bitten by a vampire. She moaned as her body burned.She kissed down his neck determine
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Chapter 138
Silje wasn’t surprised when Kail cried out in pain.He started to throw anything he could grab against the walls and roared angrily.“Dammit! No! It can’t be!”He was clearly suffering, but Silje just watched him emotionlessly like the goddess of revenge.This was necessary for their relationship to finally end.Silje knew he must’ve already known about what happened, but hearing it from her lips had to be more shocking than ever. To confirm his worst fear… It had to be horrifying.Silje understood the pain, but she desperately needed him to leave.Silje slowly continued, “It’s the truth, but I am not telling you this to get back at you, Kail. All the years I spent here in New York by myself… I have learned that retaliation is pointless. All I want is to never see you or any of your family members again. I don’t want to be associated with any of the Bruntlands. So Kail, jus
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Chapter 139
The next day.It was as if nothing happened.Kail was gone from her life, but it didn’t affect her daily routine.He disappeared like he never existed in her life. What happened during the past few days felt like a dream, because her life was suddenly back to normal.Kail was gone forever.Where did he go?Silje couldn’t believe it. There was no trace of him anywhere, like the snow that melts when the sun shone on it. She felt empty inside.‘It’s better this way. I can live a good life without him. A great life.’Although she tried to convince herself of it, Silje couldn’t help but feel oddly sad. It was like a ghost came and left an invisible mark on her. He was gone, but Silje couldn’t pretend that nothing happened.Her work life, however, went on as usual.She was a professional, and she made sure her personal life didn’t affect her career. As if everything was fi
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