All Chapters of The Winter Swan: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
149 Chapters
Chapter 60
Saturday noon at Oslo’s Vigeland Park.The park was busy with couples and families enjoying the beautiful day. Silje arrived on time; she looked down at her watch and wondered, ‘Is he here?’She looked around, but there was no sign of Kail. Silje walked around and reached the end of the park path, but even then, she didn’t see him anywhere. As she walked back to the park entrance, Silje murmured to herself, “So it looks like he’s not even going to show up.”Perhaps it was best that Kail didn’t come.As the wind blew against her, she looked down at her outfit. She carefully planned to wear her best clothes today, but unfortunately, she didn’t have much to begin with. She had a meager allowance from her adoptive parents and whatever she earned at the café went into her savings for her future.She wore her usual pink acrylic sweater and black coat, which showed clear signs of wear.Di
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Chapter 61
Silence fell. It felt like time had stopped, but Silje put on a calm face and looked at him. Kail grinned, but his eyes were frighteningly cold. Silje shivered.Looking at his expression, Silje felt confused. Was he really telling the truth? Was he really telling her about his past?Kail continued, “I was put in the basement so many times that even to this day, I feel more comfortable in the dark than light. I think you don’t like to go home because of your adoptive parents, right? Well, I will tell you what a home means to me. My family’s house in Oslo means nothing to me other than just a place to live. That huge castle is a place where I sleep and eat. Everything about it, the windows, my bed, the rooms… They are just meaningless things that look nice. Even when I eat dinner with my family, my inner beast is very close to the surface, wanting to escape and destroy everything. Can you imagine what that feels like? Every time I see my family,
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Chapter 62
Silje was surprised by her own answer. She hadn’t realized that she wanted to go see the fjord this much. Kail looked at her curiously and Silje explained, “I guess I always wanted to see the glacier in the fjord. I have lived in Norway all my life, yet I have never left Oslo once. Whenever people talked about fjord glacier, I wondered if I will ever get to see one for myself.”To her honest answer, Kail didn’t say anything for a moment. He turned around to look at the museum displays and suddenly, he caressed her black hair. In his husky voice, Kail whispered, “Then let’s go there. There is no place this Viking can’t take you.”She didn’t know why, but Silje felt glad.After they left the museum, they walked the street silently. When they got to Kail’s car, he asked her, “Tell me if there are any other places you want to visit right now.”“No, that was it. I really liked the mu
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Chapter 63
When Silje went into her house, breathless from Kail’s kiss, Olga was sitting on the sofa looking gloomy like the winter weather. Silje always felt sick whenever she saw Olga like this, but for some reason, Silje didn’t feel as bad as before.“Do you know what happened to me when I was brought to my grandfather for the first time? He whipped me.”Remembering Kail’s story, Silje took a short breath and calmly said to Olga, “I’m home. Sorry I’m late. I was at the city library studying.”Olga didn’t say a word and glared at her, but Silje repeated, “I stayed too late studying. I’m going to go to bed now, Mom.”Her adoptive mother’s look showed skepticism, but Silje quietly left the living room. When she got into her bedroom, she smiled.It was a memorable day. The happiness she felt with Kail still remained with her like the bright star in the dark night sky.Si
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Chapter 64
The ski resort in Ekeberg was a popular place for families. It was very crowded and the lines for the lift were endless.The first thing Kail did was to rent ski gear for both of them. Then he took her to the store to buy her a ski outfit.At first, Silje adamantly refused, “Kail, I don’t need that. It’s not like I go skiing often.”Kail looked at her silently before emphasizing his reply, “Then let me ask you one thing. Will you never go skiing with me after this? Is that it? Are you saying it will never happen again?”He was always like this. He didn’t outright force her, but he convinced her by cornering her with his own logic. Silje had no choice but to reply, “You don’t have to be like that. And no, I’m not saying I will never go skiing with you again.”Nodding in satisfaction, Kail handed his credit card to the clerk.“Here, put everything on this.”Si
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Chapter 65
Kail flew toward her like lightning and pushed Silje out of the way. She fell onto the snow, but she was able to avoid crashing with the middle-aged woman.“Oh, my head hurts…”Silje murmured as she touched her head.Kail saved her again. She could’ve been hurt very badly, but he saved her.Was Kail okay? Silje moaned as she tried to stand up. When she turned around, she spotted Kail standing there just fine as the middle-aged woman apologized to him.“Kail!”Silje walked to him as fast as she could and said to him in a rough voice, “Kail? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Should we go to the hospital?”Kail’s forehead was bleeding since it had been scratched by his goggles. Calmly, he replied, “Gosh, I got hurt because of somebody, so that somebody should give me a thank-you kiss, don’t you think?”Thank-you kiss?Standing on the bright snowy slope, Silj
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Chapter 66
Kail sat down leisurely and smiled as Silje blinked in awe. She knew it was going to be beautiful, but the scene in front of her was much more than what she could ever have imagined.Fresh air, the blue Scandinavian ocean, and the fjord.Her heart beat fast as she gasped for breath.It was amazing.The beauty she witnessed out the window was otherworldly. Silje couldn’t take her eyes off the windows. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen in her life and she wondered if she was dreaming.Kail grinned, looking at Silje like she was a young child going on a picnic for the first time. At first she thought he was laughing at her, but when he caressed her hair, she flinched in surprise. When she turned to him, Kail said to her in a gravelly voice, “Just enjoy this moment.”She wasn’t sure if he meant anything by it, but he just smiled.Clink.Silje suddenly heard a clear sound and realized that Kai
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Chapter 67
Did Kail feel the same way?When they returned to the living room, Kail hugged Silje tightly. He trapped her in his arms, and quietly he told her his story.That night, it was just the two of them.His green eyes were fixed on hers and in his usual gloomy voice, he whispered to her.“When I was young, I was afraid of lightning and thunder. Whenever there was a rainstorm, my mother would sing a lullaby for me. She would tell me that the big ocean waves were nothing to be afraid of. She would tell me that if I listened carefully, I should be able to hear the Valkyrie’s song through the thunder. She said that nothing bad will happen to good children. Jormungand will only take crying children and that would make me stop crying immediately.”Kail’s hair was a mess and his body was covered in sweat. He looked down at Silje and whispered, “Do you get it? Like the Jormungand, I am going to wrap myself around your beautiful bod
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Chapter 68
“Is that so? He fell for that Asian bitch?”Listening to the report on Kail by her spy on the phone, Ingrid thought carefully.She had white-blond hair and pale skin. With her sharp eyes, Ingrid looked like the Ice Queen.She ordered decisively, “No. We need to take care of him as soon as possible. I thought about it and his existence is unacceptable. He hates me, and if something happens to the old man, that bastard will not let me live. The old man won’t live for long. Rolf is not doing well and when he dies, Kail will take me out. Before that happens, I need to get rid of him.”Ingrid said in an annoyed voice, “And that Asian bitch… What if she gets pregnant with Kail’s child? We better make sure that doesn’t happen. I was wondering who he would end up with, but I never imagined it would be an Asian girl. He definitely has gone crazy.”She bit her red nails in frustration.&ldqu
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Chapter 69
In the abandoned farm, the police also found Ingrid’s dead pet dog covered in flies. Ingrid remembered the gruesome scene and shivered.‘My Lala died instead of me. My poor dog… She died such a horrible death. That crazy bastard!’In the same place, the cops also found Kail.Rolf and Hannah’s son.Rolf brought his son back to the mansion. It was then that he registered Kail for a birth certificate, and that was why Kail was attending the same grade as Silje. His first three years of life was a mystery to everyone.Fredrick, Kail’s paternal grandfather, raised him in an impossibly strict manner. Kail grew up like a wild animal with Larson and when Fredrick got his hands on Kail, he used a whip to tame him.Ingrid thought to herself.‘People may think Kail has become civilized, but I know he is still an animal. At least that incident with Larson helped me. I was able to play victim and gain Rol
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