All Chapters of Demon King's Contract: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
72 Chapters
“Great, what now. The day keeps getting better and better.” Despite her instinct telling her to go after Kira, she found herself walking to the principal’s office to see what the fuss was about. The receptionist had called her at least 2 times. There was a certain dread following her with each step she took. She felt her heart feeling uneasy, relaying the feeling to her gut. When was the last time she was urgently called to the principal’s office? She tried to remember. Not a single instance crossed her mind, it had never happened. What could the reason possibly be? She had a feeling that she shouldn’t just barge in. It would be best to stay back and assess the situation first.She was just outside the door when she heard the voices.“She must have skipped school, we’ve been looking for her since the day before yesterday.” It was Kieth’s voice.She had a feeling all along something wasn’t right here and rightfully so. Just as she had suspected, her parents were involved.Her heart st
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“Oh it’s you.” She breathed out.He squinted his eyes. “You sound like you were expecting someone else.”“NO! No. So, I was wondering.. can you maybe look over Lily for a bit tonight. I know you must have some demon stuff to do yourself like idk? Steal people’s souls? But just for a bit. Like a few hours.” She asked him.Agares looked at her nonchalantly. “Fine.” He shrugged his shoulders.“Really?” Her eyes sparkled at this sudden revelation. She wasn’t sure she could get him to agree but her plan was to be as persistent as she could and annoy him until he said yes. It was a surprise that she didn’t have to do that much convincing, she was ready to spend a lot of energy on it.He nodded slowly.“Thanks so much.” She stood up from the chair and ran over to hug him.“Geh.”She lowered her jaw with offense. “Ouch. Geh? You really hate me, don’t you?” She laughed.“If I did? It doesn’t bother you?” He was intrigued by how she was laughing about it.“You can hate me all you want as long a
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Party Night
♡Enkeli♡Kira’s long figure must have really made a difference. Either that or the security were drunk themselves since no one questioned us and we were let straight in after one look at our I.D cards. I was glad it worked since even though we were 18, which was the legal age to drink alcohol, the legal age to enter bars was 21 so to be able to pull it off was quite an achievement. At least, I would consider it to be an achievement. I haven’t had achieved many things in my life so why not? I’ll take what I can get. ‘At least I don’t look like a kid anymore.’ I was tired of hearing it. Makeup was truly a blessing.“So it’s completely packed tonight.” Kira shouted.“What?” The music was blasting loudly in my ears causing them to buzz. My heart was pounding along to the beat of the music.Kira gave up and simply made a motion of drinking shots and we nodded in sync. We walked to the bar and ordered the drinks. Drinking at clubs was more expensive than getting drunk outside and then goi
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Trigger warning
Warning : Do not read if you have any triggers related to Sexual coercion/ Rape and/or abuse. Violence, Gore and Language are also indicated. A summary of this chapter will be given at the start of next chapter for anyone who wishes to skip this one......Enkeli’s POV :In response to that statement, I got a slap to my face. “’ Open your mouth but not to talk, suck it like your life depends on it.”He smacked his dick on my cheek, hovering over me.I hate people like you. I hate them. I hate those men who think they can overpower women just because they’ve got a bit more muscle. Even more than that, I hate those who respond with ‘she was asking for it.’ I hate the people who take it personally and say ‘not everyone is like that’ instead of just supporting the victim. I hate them. I hate everyone. If this went all the way, after it would be over – no one would believe me. If they believed me, they wouldn’t empathize. They’d protect the perpetrator.Why were you wearing that? Why d
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I killed a man
Summary :- The strange man who was flirting with her attempts to rape Enkeli but she manages to get one over him and stabs him with the knife he was intending to use on her. She strangely enjoys it and discovers a dark part of herself she wasn’t familiar with. Shedim arrives later and finds her covered in blood. He convinces her to go home but she wishes to let the police know about what she had done. Somehow, Shedim manages to take her home by sprouting his wings and flying her there.Next Chapter -I was half passed out but I could feel him gently carrying me to the bathroom. Agares was sitting in the living room reading a magazine. He had looked up once and then continued reading the magazine. It seemed the situation just occurred to him because he dropped it and stood up.“What happened?” He asked.“I don’t know.” Shedim sounded angry. I wonder if he was angry at me. He walked up the stairs and I groaned.“Sorry. I would have teleported you here but you would have felt even more n
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Thank Satan
For a while now I could tell he wanted to ask me something. He looked like he was on the verge of opening his mouth and spitting it out. I used the hand shower to rinse my hair. "Say it" "Now's really not the time" It didn't really matter anymore, couldn't he see that? I'm going to jail and I couldn't care less about anything. "Just say it. I'm pretty numb right now" I point to the empty glass of wine. "That bastard.. how far-" He couldn't seem to form the words. There was a frown on his face and he was looking towards the floor. I haven't seen him be this hesitant since the moment we met. "Not all the way, if that's what you're wondering. I didn't let it get that far" My voice turned quiet towards the last sentence. From what I recall he had- forget it. There's no point in remembering it. I don't want to remember it actually. I know what happened and it's best if I throw it out of my head and shove it away for the rest of my life. He nodded slowly.
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Love is blind
"Where were you going?" He got right back on track. "IS THAT REALLY THE ISSUE HERE. DID YOU NOT SEE THAT DRAGON?" He rolls his eyes. "Good girl. You can go back home now" He says as he leans on the railing to look down on the dragon with an endearing smile. Within seconds it was engulfed in darkness and disappeared. He would smile like that towards a beast? I never saw him make that expression before. What was it ? No it can't be.. it.. belonged to him?"Uhhh..."I wait for an explanation, dumbfounded. "She's my dragon" I cry internally. You really do learn something new everyday. I never thought a day would come where I would witness an actual dragon outside of movies and shows. It's crazy. It looked a lot like the fictional ones, maybe someone saw it and then added it to their stories? Could be. "I don't know if I should be terrified or jealous" "It's alright. You can be both" He shrugs lightly. "Now will you tell me?"I chew on my lip. It's not like I completely forgot a
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True Identity
"You want to talk about that now after all this time?" Shedim grit his teeth. The knife pressed against my neck but it didn't pierce my superficial skin yet. I could feel the pressure and it reminded me of what I had done to that guy. People are so easy to kill. If he wanted he could slice it once against my skin and that would be the end of me. Shedim stepped forward with a stiff posture but he pulled me back against his chest threatening him with the knife. "I can eradicate you in less than a second. I can send you back to hell. Is that what you want?" Shedim asked, his hands in front of him, raised in a defensive manner. He was asking him to calm down. He probably thought Agares lost it mentally and was completely out of it. Like he needed assurance and calmness to stop acting this crazy. But me?I thought he was completely in his right mind. I couldn't feel the intention from him.I couldn't feel that he actually wanted to kill me. If he did, I'm sure he would be giving off int
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I cross my arms as I sit on the sofa in front of the TV on the first floor. Lily was sitting next to me, brushing her teeth.“Come on, go to the bathroom and do it.”“But I wanna sit with kiwi.” She says almost inaudibly as foaming toothpaste froth drips down the corner of her mouth. I roll my eyes and pick her up, taking her to her room. I wait until she finishes brushing her teeth and put her in the bath while I pick out her clothes from the hundreds of choices in her closet. I don’t know when he found the time to do this but our closets were completely racked from top to bottom with various styles of clothes. Where did he even find this?I had to admit, the choices weren’t bad at all. Especially since he had thought to put in every possible style- from goth to cute girly clothes. I smack my face. He’s making it too hard to leave! I am so in love with this closet, I want to be buried in it when I die. Forget the graveyard. Forget cremation. Just put me in here and my soul shall rest
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Sleep tight
I wait for a few rings and then she suddenly picks up.“Enkeli?”“Hey.. sorry about the other night. I left you there I was-”“Oh my god. I am so glad you’re okay! I was worried. One minute you’re grinding up on some guy and the next you just disappeared.”I bite my lip. Oh if you knew. If you knew then you wouldn’t be worried for me. You’d be worried about yourself.“Yeah. We had a little fun and then he dropped me at my place. That was really irresponsible and selfish, I know. I’m sorry.”“Dropped you home? Yeah right. Just say you hooked up with him.” She snickered.Oh boy. Hooked up with him? I hooked him up with a soul reaper. I gulped and then tried to make some noises that sounded like I was agreeing with her whilst trying not to agree with her. It turns out that having shit happen to you makes you a really good liar. I hope I don’t end up as a sociopath.“Well.. you know.. haha.”“I completely get it but at least pick up your phone next time something like this happens.”I no
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