Lahat ng Kabanata ng Rise of the Alpha Queen: Kabanata 101 - Kabanata 110
166 Kabanata
Chapter 101- Saving Remiel
Levi’s POVLetting out a deep sigh I walk through the barrier separating me from my father and close to death cousin. Remiel looks up at me upon my entrance, a grimace on his face. My arms fold over my chest as I stare down at my wounded cousin. “Bet you wish you had stayed with us, huh cousin?”“Quit being an asshole Demon.” He growls, lifting his body to a seated position with the help of my father. “And get me out of here before you have to explain to our mate how you allowed me to bleed to death on your father’s bearskin rug.” He looks down at the rug with mild interest.“Trust me, you don’t want to know about the rug.” A shiver of disgust moves through me. Remiel lifts an eyebrow in question but decides against asking any questions about the questionable rug. Pushing the horrors of the rug out of my mind, I reach down and grasp Remiel’s shoulder. In an instant his wound stopped bleeding as his skin knitts back together. Remiel lets out a groan of pain at the increased speed of
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Chapter 102- Meeting the In-Law
Levi’s POV“Do you mind moving this conversation into the dining room?” I ask my father as I chant the words that will hide the cottage to the outside world. As we sit at the table a buffet of food appears of varying foods before us. My father’s eyes widen at the sight of all the different foods, Remiel lets out a moan of pleasure as he immediately dives into the feast spread out in front of him. “Thanks.” He grumbles around mouthfuls of food. Remiel will need food in order to help his body heal the rest of the way. When I healed his body with my power, I also allowed for his magic to work while being trapped in here with me and my father. So by the time we leave this place he should be back to one hundred percent. “How long have you been able to use your powers inside your prison?” I repeat my question from earlier that my father didn’t answer. “Since the beginning.” He tells me, settling into his seat at the table, grabbing some food and piling it onto a plate. “I’m going to ne
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Chapter 103- Webs of Control
Lucifer’s POV“What does she even want?” Jamari asks, speaking up for the first time. Her eyes lock onto Levi’s as she speaks. “Why go through all that trouble to put a spell over Lucifer and trick him into unsealing the Fae Realm?”All eyes lock on her. “What are you talking about Red?” Levi asks her, a frown forming on his face.I always suspected that that vile woman had placed some kind of spell on me, is it possible that I was right?Surprise flits across her face before she glances around at everyone staring at her dumbfounded. “You mean you can’t sense it?” A frown crosses her features, as she nervously begins to fidget with her hands.Can she actually sense the spell that Eve had placed on me all of those years ago? “Sense what?” Levi sits back in his seat, grabbing Jamari’s hand in his, love shining brightly in his eyes.“The web from her spells are all around us, weaving around in an attempt to take back control.” All eyes in the room widen as they cautiously look around f
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Chapter 104- Athena's Return
Jamari's POVMeeting Levi’s father was quite the shock to me, especially when his father is the bad guy in many horror flicks. But sitting here watching him try to make sense of everything happening around us, I get the feeling that there is more to him than what the movies portray, and more than what Levi knows about his father. A sniff test proved that he isn’t the man from the old Church Ruins, or the man that kidnapped me in the woods, not that that was really in question any longer, but it’s still good to be sure. The scent of the person responsible is all over Remiel though, swirling around him in angry waves. ‘It’s a spell swirling around him.’ Rieka says, unlocking herself from the room that she placed herself in earlier. A frown forms on my face. ‘What kind of spell?’Rieka goes silent once more, leading me to believe that she retreated back to her room. ‘It’s a spell of control.’ Confusion in her voice. ‘But I don’t think the spell is placed on Remiel.’ She takes a seat,
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Chapter 105- Garden Prison
Remiel’s POVAll of those years wasted, hating my Uncle for every bad thing that happened to me, and to him, and none of it was his fault. Guilt wracks me at the harsh treatment I put him through instead of seeing that he wasn’t acting like himself. I should have known that something was wrong. I should have known that my Uncle wouldn’t behave in that way.And now, I face succumbing to the same spell that almost destroyed my Uncle a millenia ago. A thought crosses my mind at that.“Is it possible that Eve had placed my Father under the same spell as the one that Uncle Luc was under?”Realization dawns on Uncle Luc’s face as he leans back in his seat to think. “That would explain a lot actually.” His eyes meet mine. “My brother was acting unusual for a few weeks, almost destroyed his family when your mother found out about his obsession with another woman. That alone was highly unusual for my goody two-shoes brother. He was always such a party pooper as the kids say.”“Is it possible t
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Chapter 106- A God's Obsession pt. 1
Remiel’s POV“What if he didn’t actually know about the spell that was cast on him and created the prison to keep her all to himself?” Kenji suggests, shrugging his shoulders like it made all the sense in the world. I stare at my fellow mate, dumbfounded. Could it be that simple? Uncle Luc did say that my Father was obsessed with Eve and wanted to keep her to himself. “It would explain why she was still able to use magic even while being trapped within the barrier.” Jamari frowns in concentration. “It’s not like she would have been able to teleport out of the Gardens even if she did have control of her powers.”“So my Mother summons my Father to the Garden under the guise of being trapped.” “To be fair, she actually was trapped within the walls of the Garden of Eden.” Kenji interrupts Levi, receiving a scowl from him, to which Kenji responds with a grin. Would I ever be as comfortable with our relationship as these two appear to be? I know I would do anything to make Jamari happy,
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Chapter 107- A God’s Obsession pt. 2
Levi’s POV I have learned more about my Father and his past today than I did in the hundred years that he was around after my birth. I have seen a completely different side to him, a side that I only ever caught glimpses of as a child. I will never forgive my Mother for taking this away from me. And for what? Power? What was her end goal? I glance up at Remiel’s still form. He’s also learned a lot about his parents today, things that will take time to digest and come to terms with. “My mother thought to smooth things over with Seraphina and her family by having her marry my brother instead. His agreement to the marriage is what hurt the most, but I’m sure he had his reasons.” A deep sigh moves past my Father’s lips. “My biggest regret is not mending things sooner with God, maybe I could have prevented a lot of bad things from happening.” “We all think like that at some point in our long lives.” Rieka leans over the table, extending her arm in front of me towards my Father who gr
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Chapter 108- Mark of An Angel
Jamari’s POV“Before we go there is one more matter for you to attend to Red.” Levi says as he rises from the table. “Do you feel up to it?” A smile spreads across my face at the thought of becoming one with Remiel. I nod my head, snuggling further into Remiel’s arms.“You know where your bedroom is Levi.” Lucifer says, also rising from the table, taking a moment to stretch out his back. “I shall take my leave.” He turns his body in my direction, bowing slightly, his right hand over his heart. “Until we meet again my dear.”“I will find a way to set you free.” Determination in my voice as I make this vow.Lucifer smiles at me softly. “If anyone can do it, it is you.” Without missing a beat, he turns towards Levi, slapping him on the back before grabbing hold of his right shoulder. “It was good to see you son.” Emotions causing his voice to rise an octave.Levi reaches over, pulling his father into a tight hug. “You too Dad. I’m sorry…” Before he can finish, Lucifer cuts him off. “Let’
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Chapter 109- Leaving Remiel Behind
Kenji’s POVAfter replacing Jamari’s hand back on her thigh, I watch in aww as the marking ceremony, so different than a werewolf’s, takes place. Jamari reaches her right hand up, placing it on Remiel’s chest, over where his heart is. Her power begins to swirl around us like it did before, stronger in its intensity from the mix of Remiel’s power. “Ut medietates simul usque ad consummationem saeculi.” Blue light fills the room as Jamari’s power rushes out of her, filling every available space, suffocating in its intensity. Remiel’s eyes widen in surprise at the feel of Jamari’s palm landing on his chest.The branding on my chest from earlier begins to heat up once again, pulling a gasp from my lips, an answering gasp from Levi lets me know he’s feeling the heat as well. Our eyes lock over top of Jamari’s head as we ready ourselves for what comes next. “Hoc tibi roveo.” Jamari and Remiel both chant together as one, sending a blast of their power throughout the room. Blue and yellow l
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Chapter 110- Mother Dearest pt. 1
Jamari’s POV“We have been searching the Ruins for hours and we still haven’t found the secret room that Athena told me about.” I sigh, plopping down in a chair, depleted of my energy from this morning. I need to find the secret room as soon as possible in order to free Remiel from his current situation. “Well you’re not going to find anything sitting there on your bum.” Levi chuckles, pinching the side of my ass through the sides of the chair.“Ouch.” I growl, jumping from my seated position. “That hurt.” A pout forms on my face as I rub my ass in the spot that he pinched. “All for the greater good Sweetheart.” A wicked gleam brightens his galaxy orbs as they swirl with mirth. I turn my pout in Kenji’s direction, but get nothing but an apologetic smile out of him before he continues to search the bookshelf. I cross my arms over my chest, my pout becoming more pronounced. “You’re supposed to be on my side.” I grumble, getting a chuckle from both my Kings. “I am on the side of free
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