All Chapters of Rise of the Alpha Queen: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
166 Chapters
Chapter 152- Visitors Aren’t Welcome
Levi’s POV‘Sire,’ Ivan’s voice fills my mind causing my body to go rigid at the sound. ‘We have detected movement along the border of the Church.” Jumping from my seat, I say, “Someone is here.” But the look on Jamari’s face makes me suspect that somehow she already knew that.“We can’t just leave.” Jamari says, her eyes becoming desperate as she looks at me. “We have to find the spell that sets Remiel free.”“We’ll bring the books back with us and come back another time to look at the rest.” Jamari was already shaking her head before I got halfway through my sentence, sending my eyebrows up on my face. “These books aren’t supposed to leave the protection of this hidden library.” Jamari says quietly.“Well we can’t just stay down here and wait for them to trap us beneath the surface.” My voice rises in pitch, frustration starting to rise in me at Jamari’s difficulty. Kenji sits by quietly, watching the two of us stare at each other in a showdown of wills. After a few moments of si
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Chapter 153- Mangled Bodies
Levi’s POVThe scent of blood hits my nostrils once the blackness fades around my vision, drawing my attention to the barrier surrounding the old Church. Blood hangs in the air, dripping down the invisible barrier that is protecting us from the incoming army that is currently hurling themselves towards us.A mix of vampires, werewolves, demons, angels, giants, and maybe more continuously throw themselves at the barrier in search of a weak spot that will allow them entrance. The sound of thumping echoes all around the clearing, mixed with the angry growls from the creatures trying to get to us. Ivan makes his way over to me, the five other demons that were left to guard the perimeter following close behind him. Their eyes continue to scan the area surrounding the Church, their bodies jerking with every slap of a body hitting the barrier. Mangled bodies litter the ground all around the Church, the creatures that are left standing stepping over their downed comrades in order to get to
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Chapter 154- Balancing Needs
Jamari’s POV‘Levi is taking a long time up there, I hope nothing went wrong.’ I pull my lip between my teeth and bite gently in anxiety. I never should have sent Levi up there. Or I should have gone up there with him at least. ‘Levi is fine Mari.’ Rieka’s assuring voice soothes my frazzled nerves. ‘We would be able to feel if something was wrong with him.’ I contemplate her words without responding. Would I be able to feel if Levi was hurt? I suppose I would, I knew when something was wrong with Remiel and the bond I have with him is currently not as strong thanks to Eve.Anger bubbles up inside of me at the thought of Levi’s Mother. How can a woman care so little for her son? My brows draw together in a frown. What happened to the loving mother from the memory we saw buried deep in Levi’s mind? Does that woman no longer exist?I turn my eyes back to the book sitting in front of me, distracted once again from the task at hand. Remiel needs me to find the spell that we need to set hi
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Chapter 155- A Different Point of View
Eve’s POVMy son sure seems attached to that mortal woman of his. My eyes roll back in my head at the thought. Levi could be so much more if he would just hand that girl over to me and join my side. Together we could rule more than just the Demon Realm. I study my son standing on the other side of the barrier. The anger dripping off of him had startled me into taking a step back from him, a weakness I can’t afford to show right now. If I can’t get my hands on the key then I will never be able to return home. Something I have worked too hard, for too long, to get back to. “She really has you wrapped around that finger of hers doesn’t she?” My head tilts to the side as I study my son. “It’s a shame how far you have fallen over one female that spreads herself amongst two others.” If I could just get Levi to step over the barrier then I will be able to capture him. If the Wolf Queen won’t turn herself in to save her Angel lover, then maybe she will turn herself in to save Levi from his
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Chapter 156- Fall of the Church pt.1
Eve's POVFlashback to Five Hundred Years AgoEyes follow me as I make my way through the Church grounds in search of Rieka. Sweat drips down the small of my back, the heat of the day causing me to overheat in my layered dress. I wish someone would have told me how hot it was going to be here, I would have packed airier dresses. Whispers begin to float all around me as I draw nearer to the house located off to the side of the Church where Rieka and her family live. “What is she doing here?” “I hear she’s a witch, here to learn forbidden magic.” “I hear she has a thing for our Alpha.” “I hear it was our Luna.” The sound of their giggles dies out when I stop in my tracks to turn and glare at them. The three women gossiping scurry away quickly from the look in my eyes. The sound of a throat clearing behind me has me turning around abruptly and smacking straight into a rock hard chest. My eyes roam up the exposed muscular chest and straight into the eyes of Shappa, Rieka’s oldest son.I
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Chapter 157- Fall of the Church pt. 2
Eve’s POVI stare at Alpha Takoda suspiciously as the meaning behind his words starts to sink in. He couldn’t possibly be trying to tell me that their Moon Goddess has deemed me worthy enough to be Shappa’s mate. I’m not even a wolf, so that couldn’t possibly be what the Alpha is hinting at. Alpha Takoda’s voice pulls me from my musings. “What was that?” I ask him, missing what he said while thinking over this new information about mates. Alpha Takoda lets out a light chuckle, easing some of the tension that started to build in my shoulders. “I told you that most wolves can’t sense their mate until they turn eighteen, but some stronger wolves are able to sense who their mate is before they turn eighteen.”“How do wolves recognize their mates?” I can’t stop myself from asking as I lean forward in the seat, resting my hands on the table in front of me. The sound of the front door opening prevents Alpha Takoda from responding to my question. Within seconds Rieka’s grim face appears in
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Chapter 158- Fall of the Church pt. 3
Eve’s POV“Congratulations on your new baby girl.” Rieka tells me, walking over to show me my bundled up daughter. I stare at her in wonder. A daughter. I have a daughter. Levi would be so… Well… Levi wants nothing to do with me so it’s not like I could go and tell him. Sadness washes over me as my tiny little creation opened her eyes for the first time. Green eyes, so much like her Father’s, stare back at me. “She’s beautiful.” I whisper, running my fingers down her cheek. Shappa moves to stand by my head, his eyes locked onto our daughter. “She’s beautiful like her mother.” His loving gaze lands on my face. “I’ll give you three some privacy.” Rieka says as she walks out of my bedroom door. Shappa and I stare at our new edition in silence for what feels like forever.The air around us suddenly starts to ripple. My eyes widen in fear as the feel of the power is familiar. A portal slowly starts to form at the end of the bed, starting as a small ball and slowly expanding outward. “W
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Chapter 159- A Night with the Lycan King
Jamari’s POVI jerk awake as my dream starts to fade from my mind. That was a weird dream. And far more vivid than any that I am used to having. I shake my head to clear my thoughts. All of the stress of the last few days must be catching up to me. Why else would the same dream be plaguing me everytime I close my eyes?I let out a tired sigh, my eyes wandering to the clock on the bedside table. 3:33 am. A yawn escapes me, reminding me that I only just went to bed two hours ago. Kenji begins to stir beside me, his arm searching for me in his sleep.None of us have gotten much sleep these past few days. All of us running around the clock with little breaks for rest and food in between. Despite searching through all of the books that we found with the words Forbidden Magic in the title, we still haven’t found what we are looking for.Two days have gone by since we first entered the hidden library, and we are still no closer to releasing Remiel from his prison than we were before we enter
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Chapter 160- Finding Another Way
Levi’s POVI glance up in surprise when I sense Jamari’s presence appearing within the library. Glancing at the watch wrapped around my left wrist, I realize that it has only been four hours since I sent Jamari away with Kenji to rest. Kenji walks through the portal behind Jamari, his hands raised in defense before I can question their quick return. Jamari stops to stare at me, a defensive look taking over her face. “Don’t start with me Levi.” She grumbles, making her way to the table scattered with books. “I couldn’t sleep so I might as well be of some use here.”I watch Jamari flip through books for a few minutes, my presence completely forgotten in her quest to find the spell to set Remiel free. I turn my attention back to Kenji, raising a brow in question. Averting his eyes, he pretends to be interested in the pile of books on the table beside him. ‘You weren’t supposed to return until she got at least six hours of rest.’ I berate through our link, my arms moving up to fold over
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Chapter 161- The Search for Athena
Rieka’s POV‘I will need to search for her within your mind Mari.’ I tell Jamari, as I think of the best way to find and talk to Athena. Mari is right, searching through all of these books isn’t getting us any closer to finding the answer to releasing Remiel and Lucifer from their prison. Getting in contact with Athena is a long shot, but if it helps us find the book we’re searching for sooner, then it is worth trying, even if it will make me weak for a while after. I’ll just leave that part out though, Mari would tell me to forget it and continue to look through all of these books. I can’t let her do that though. ‘So does that mean that you will be gone again?’ Mari asks me, sadness coating her words.Both Kenji and Levi make a sound of surprise at Jamari’s words. ‘Gone again?’ They both ask at the same time, their wide eyes turning to look at Jamari. Guilt moves through me at the reminder that I disappeared for a couple of days. Jamari had called out to me many times during that t
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