All Chapters of The howling alpha and the forest of deception: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
82 Chapters
"Are we seriously going to wear that?",asked Natalie "Yes, what's the problem with that?",asked Eva scowling "I mean they are pretty, but we are all wearing the same outfits?",asked Emily  "Why Emily? Is that a problem?", asked Eva. Emily frowned and said,"Actually yes. All the girls are wearing pink dress and all the boys are wearing black shirts?! I mean won't we look like a band or something?" "Yes Emily so what is the problem with that?",asked Eva."In case you haven't noticed we are not big on money right now....It would be great if you all tried to cope with it, this is what you all are wearing if you want to go to the party with Scarlett, or forget about it" Everyone was silent then Laurel said ,"Okay...we will wear those things, just let's get this over with, Scarlett is waiting outside" Everyone nodded and Eva handed them out
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Don't mess up
When the bus stopped, Zane thought it was one of those castles from his world.  Scarlett's house was huge,it was really big and almost all the kids were staring at it from the window and gaping at it. "Oh my God...Do you see that?!",Mick shouted Laurel.  Laurel scrunched her nose and said,"Ofcourse I see it! I am not blind!" Laurel had been in a particularly bad mood since she had been made to wear the pink dress instead of the black dress she had been intending to wear. They saw Scarlett gesturing at them to follow her. As they were going to get out of the bus, Eva stopped them.Everyone looked at her and she said,"I won't be following you all inside but I assure I can see how you all are behaving. So all of you, behave yourselves and the only reason I brought you all here is because this is a part of the test. We will be monitoring your behaviour. So do your be
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Ruby and Arthur stared at Zane incredulously. "I know you from somewhere",said Arthur pulling up a pained expression "Woah....I don't know you from anywhere",said Zane in a convincing tone. Ruby gasped and said,"Arthur I saw this guy in my dreams! His name was something I don't remember..." Arthur shook his head vigorously and said,"I REMEMBER TOO! I SAW HIM IN MY DREAMS TOO!" "Pardon?...You saw me in your dreams? Sounds a bit dramatic, don't you think?",said Zane Ruby smiled stupidly at Arthur and said,"Mary said we were mutual dreaming when we saw him in our dreams! Does it mean something?" Arthur shrugged like a big stupid baby boy and said,"I don't know but I think we should talk to him. We don't see a guy in our dreams everyday and see him in real life again!" "Uh...I am standing right here",said Zane 
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Good-bye Aidan
All of them ran outside towards the garden  "WE ARE SURROUNDED!", shouted Zane, amidst the confusion. "Yeah we noticed",Aidan called back "What do we do?!",asked Laurel "I don't know",said Zane, panicking He looked at Alice standing there and shouted,"Hey do you think you could summon a storm or a lightning or something?!" "I can try",Alice said Although she had never tried summoning a big storm in an alarming situation. Wind whistled in their ears although it did not seem to affect the ten of them because of some force-field Aidan had created to protect them. The storm did seem to be doing a lot of damage. Alice's eyes turned white and shone. She raised a hand and pointed at one of the scary-looking men's direction and impressively a lightning bolt hit the spot she pointed at. But unfortunately, the men jus
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Not just a hender
All of them were gathered around a coffin inside a poorly dug grave.Bennett had mysteriously arranged for a coffin.They said their goodbyes and covered up the grave.All of them were grieving but Alice was crying hard. Emily knelt and produced flowers made of ice and kept it on Aidan's grave. Everyone knew it would eventually melt but no one said anything.  They all stood by his grave for about fifteen minutes when Scarlett broke the silence,"So sorry to interrupt but those scary men may catch up...we need to keep moving" "Keep moving and go where?!",asked Alice "Anywhere safe!",said Mick "Oh yeah Mick? Where is safe for us?! The orphanage?! We don't even know if they themselves are hunting us, or if it's the crew that Eva talked about and we have no home and no where else to go! Where will we run?!", cried Alice Derek held Alice's shoulde
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Restless spirits
"Why didn't you tell us you had that power?!",shouted Laurel"I told you I didn't know about it myself!",Mick shouted back. "We had our power tests and mine was super-strength! I didn't know I could teleport too! How was I supposed to know I had two powers?!""Alright Mick calm down", said Derek,"Laurel is just too excited""And Mick...the powers you have now are what we reach somewhere safe. Do you think you could figure out how your powers work without Eva's guidance?",asked NatalieMick nodded"But don't worry", Natalie smiled. "We are all going to put in all out efforts to help you gain control of your teleportation powers""Thanks",said Mick"So what triggered it?",asked Zane"I-i don't really know",said Mick. "I kept hearing this humming sound...a loud noise and then you all were crowded above me and I wanted to get away from the havoc and the noise and I felt myself disappear and then for a second there was blackness and then I found myself standing there""Were yo
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The trap
There was an awkward silence then Emily said,"Sorry we didn't understand the sign. Can you give us our friend back so that we can leave?"Bennett even laughed louder and said,"You shall pay the price with your lives! I will kill you all"Zane and Emily both looked like they had peed in their pants but Laurel went towards Bennett which surprised all of them even more."You are going to let him go right now or you are the one dying", whispered Laurel in Bennett's ear. Bennett looked a lot handsome when he wasn't brooding"OUTRAGEOUS!",shouted Bennett. "How dare you!""So you have chosen", said Laurel. "Get ready to die"Bennett closed his eyes and whispered a spell. Black smoke rose up from the ground and formed branches which formed hands."GET THEM!" ,shouted the spirit who was inside Bennett.And those big black hands came after Zane, Emily and Laurel. All the three of them ran in different directions."What do we do now?!",squeaked Emily, from behind a tree."You shouldn't have said
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Queen Kendra
When Zane woke up, he was pissed. He found himself tied to his friends and all of them were tied back to back with each other in a circle.Zane smirked and tried to break free or transform his hand to claws and cut the weird looking ropes but, he just couldn't."Oh great you are awake",said Laurel who has tied just beside him.Zane sighed and said,"Of all the people I could have been tied had to be you""Yeah",said Laurel playfully,"And look who is your other mate"Zane looked right and found Scarlett staring at him. Zane flinched. "Have you been staring at me like this since I was passed out?!""Yeah....your mouth remains open when you sleep and it's kind of weird actually because you keep making this face and opening your mouth and closing it like you were biting something but you are actually not", said Scarlett"That was very intrusive of you",said Zane grumpily. Actually Zane had been dreaming about something. He was remembering how his mother taught him to eat meat
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The kingdom of Helmfirth
When Laurel woke up, she found herself inside a chariot with all the others, still tied up. Laurel looked outside and saw barren land."Nothing is out there! Where are they taking us in this horse chariot?!",she askedNo reply came."To the queen ofcourse",said Scarlett boringly Laurel frowned. "I didn't notice you were still here""Now you do""Why are they taking you?""Well....they either don't know I dont have any powers or they just like to torment people"Laurel snorted. "Tell me about hands are starting to pain real bad now from being tied up""Yeah same here"Natalie, Mick, Helen and Bennett were still unconscious.Zane got a tickling sensation he usually got when he was trying to transform. His powers were coming back and he tried harder and his claws came out.His hands were tied behind his back so no one could see it. He cut the ropes tying him and set himself free. He did the same with the ropes tying his legsIt took a couple of minutes for the others to notice
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A regular human?!
The palace was extremely big. It could have accommodated more than fifty orphanages like Hewyard."What have I landed myself into",Zane heard Scarlett whisper as she stared at the palace with a flabbergasted expression on her face.They were being led inside the palace by the guards who were heavily armed . Not with guns or any modern technology. They had swords, daggers, bow and arrow and other weapons that made the kids even more nervous. They could have easily disarmed the guards with their powers and run away but then, where would they run? They didn't know where to go. And if Eva had sent her there, they needed to trust her. They thought Queen Kendra Monroe might be able to help them. The big gates opened and they went inside where things were even more lavishing."It's so beautiful!", whispered Emily.The palace was indeed beautiful from inside too. Red carpet laced the floors and candles were lit up all along the corridor. Beautiful paintings were hung up on the wall of horses
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