All Chapters of The Bride He Didn't Want: Chapter 11 - Chapter 16
16 Chapters
At The Hotel
Catherine and Daniel woke early the next morning. Daniel was instantly irritated to discover that she had wrapped herself around him in his sleep. He wanted to push her away, but his dick was extremely hard and it was throbbing, so he decided to roll her over and take her from behind instead. He felt a little bit bad about the way he had been treating her lately. He knew that he really did love her, but the sudden pregnancy thing just had him all out of sorts, and even a bit suspicious. He knew that they had been having a lot of sex lately, which was kind of odd by itself, because for the last few months before this episode started, she seemed to be trying to avoid being alone with him. On top of that, he knew how very careful he had been. He never had unprotected sex with her or anyone else because it was a strong tradition in his family not to have babies out of wedlock. His father and grandfather would cut him completely off over breaking that rule, and he had known that all of hi
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The Baby
As Amanda and Daniel were saying their goodbyes in the hallway, one of Catherine's body guards came out of the elevator looking frantic. He was sweating and not saying anything as he looked from one end of the hallway to the other, as if he wasn't exactly sure where he was going. Daniel recognized him as Alex, and asked him what the matter was, and why he was in such a hurry. All he could manage to say was, "Where is she? Where is Catherine?!" In what seemed like the most desperate voice that Daniel had ever heard. Daniel and his mother were both totally confused and suddenly became slightly alarmed as well, even though they had no idea why. "She's in there," the very stunned Daniel said, as he pointed his finger towards the room that they had shared the night before. "Why? What is going on?" he asked the frantic man in front of him, but it was too late, he had already disappeared into the room where they had just left Catherine. Daniel and his mother gave each other a puzzled gla
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You're Done
Amanda knew she had exactly what she needed right there in her hands, she also knew that she had to be very careful about how she used it. She sat quietly for a few minutes and thought about her next move, the last thing that she wanted was to have this backfire in her face. Just then another woman entered the bathroom, and she was talking on the phone. Amanda immediately recognized the voice and she froze in place, trying to hear what the other woman was saying on the phone. "Yes sir, I know, but she is in the hospital at the moment. Yes, I understand, but she has had a nasty fall and we just need a little more time to get her well," Julie could be heard explaining to someone on the other end of the line. Amanda couldn't believe her luck today. First proof about Catherine, now she had an inside look at how desperate Julie and Maxwell actually were, giving her the upper hand on knowing how to deal with all of this. "No sir, we don't have that kind of money, and thank you again for b
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what Is Going On?
My father and I were resting quietly when my mother came limping back into the room. She had a huge smile on her face, but it was clearly being faked for my benefit, because I was sure that I saw her wiping tears from her cheeks as she came through the door. "Everything okay, dear?" my father asked her with a knowing look on his face."Fine, Maxwell, everything is fine," she said as she nodded in his direction and slid back onto the bed next to me. I knew without a doubt that they were hiding something from me because she always put on such a big "it's all okay" act that even a child could see right through it."Mother, what is going on?" I looked her straight in her eyes and asked her as frankly as I could. "Everything is fine dear," she said while she played with my hair and stared away into space. "Julie, why don't we go and get some fresh air?" Maxwell asked her with a smile, and a very irritated look in his eye. She quickly agreed and struggled to pull her aching body back out
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This Is Too Hard
My father looked as though he was about to actually pass out at the thought of telling me the truth. I stood there quietly crying, and more than anxiously waiting for him to tell me why I couldn't just marry Lucas in order to not be taken. He held his breath for way too long, which quickly infuriated me. He stood there staring off into space for a really long time. He looked as though he was a million miles away at the moment, and I felt as though I was going to fucking explode right then and there.I waited as long as I could, trying my best to give him time to get his shit together, until I just couldn't wait anymore, my temper had gotten the best of me."Just tell me!" I finally shouted at him, while clenching my fists and stomping my foot like a spoiled child, snapping him back from his thoughts. He blinked his eyes manically for a second, and then he came back to our conversation. Tears started to quietly fall down his worried cheeks again, all on their own, and his face instantly
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Let's Do This
Maxwell sat quietly across the room and watched his wife and daughter sleeping peacefully together in the same hospital bed. His heart had never been so heavy and his mind had never been so tired. All that he ever wanted was to love those two and keep them safe. He inwardly cussed Edward and wanted to physically hurt him every single damn time he thought about it all. This whole damn situation was fucked up and it was all Edward's fault. He was the one who got into trouble, he was the one who didn't do as he promised and make the payments, and he was the one who raised that punk of a son who hurt his daughter. He silently wished that he had never even known Edward in the first place. He also vowed to himself that no matter what, one day he would get even with Edward for all of this madness that he carelessly caused.Just then his phone went off, ripping his mind back to reality. He blinked his eyes for a moment to try to focus back on the here and now.He picked up his phone to see a
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