All Chapters of FALLING FOR THE WRONG ALPHA: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
42 Chapters
I committed June’s directions into memory and found the grand kitchen in the lower east end of the mansion and when I stepped in, there was so much commotion going around. Someone was hacking at a slab of meat, another person had her arms elbow deep into a chocolate doughy substance, one person was balancing a stack of beautiful china plates on both hands and two people were working on polishing up a stack of wine glasses. Pots were bubbling on the stove, I heard the whistling of the kettle from somewhere else and a device- probably the oven- was dinging repeatedly. It was glaringly obvious that I had picked the worst time to listen to scintillating secrets over a pot of tea with the head chef. Someone noticed me and suddenly exclaimed, "My Luna!" Soon, a low hush swept over the entire room and I felt my chest swell with pride at the respect that was being addressed to me. 
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My heart jumped a bit when the large mahogany double doors had burst open. I squeaked and turned around, cutting off my conversation with June and turning to face the door with a straight spine and an attempt at a regal pose and calm disposition.However, my heart dived into my stomach when yet another maid walked in with a giant pitcher containing what could either be wine or water. She bowed low at her waist and continued on her way, setting the pitcher on the large dining table spread out in front of us and stocked up with mouthwatering food and drinks in preparation for the private feast I had invited my mate to.She bowed again before she left, walking out of the room and closing the doors behind her.My shoulders slumped.What if he doesn't show up? What if he doesn't honour my invitation? What if he denies my request? What if I was only setting myself up for rejection?I closed my eyes, shutting off the intrusive thoughts and wiped my clammy
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My cheeks reddened. Adding that part had been a last decision. However, it was best to say that I was full of regrets right now. It had sounded so much more ballsy in my head. Well, everything happening right now was pictured very different in my head. For one thing, I was stating every word of the proposal with a confidence that was as unbending as Alpha Alexander’s principles. But you could obviously see how that was working out for me. I cleared my throat . “Well…um… I know you have the hots for Ophelia. I see the way you look at her,” I said in one breath, narrowing my eyes on anything but the Alpha.There was dead silence, further picking on my nerves, before he asked, “How?”“What?” I looked up now. Alpha Alexander was resigned back, graceful in the way he was lounged on the chair, reeking of absolute control and careful calculative eyes on me. “How do I look at her?”
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My eyes glanced back at Ophelia, only to see the look of pure, unadulterated shock in those forest green eyes. Her mouth was slack, her jaw had dropped to the ground and her hand was grasping at her chest as if she was going to have a heart attack. I couldn't help it. I just couldn't hold it back. A maniac giggle burst out of me.Her eyes snapped to me when she heard me laugh, those lush green orbs swirling with hate and fire."What are you laughing at?" She snapped, her lips curling back into a livid sneer.The memory of her disgruntled face only made me laugh harder.Her frown deepened. "You may think you have it all right now. You may think that Xander is all yours, just you wait until he's sick of you and your naivety. When he realizes that you're practically useless in bed and out of it!"Her words burned a fiery trail down my throat and I swallowed and glared at her, my insecurities washing over me and overwhelming me with the ne
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Solan was absolutely livid.But I quickly found out that her anger was not a fiery blazing inferno, it was a blistering cold snow storm. Chills skated up my spine as she let me lead her back to my room and called on June to assist to clean up my wounds.I clamped my mouth shut as she set to work, scolding me and muttering about Ophelia while June who wore a worried expression on her face stood by her side with a metal tray half filled with a sterilizing medicine.I squeezed my eyes shut at the stinging pain as Solan dabbed at my injury with a cotton swab dipped in methylated spirit, her actions tact and precise.As she worked, she muttered under her breath, "Who does Ophelia even think she is?" She scoffed out a chuckle in wicked amusement. "A common scullery maid like her that cleaned out chimneys-"Her earlier words against Ophelia had been unintelligible mumbles that I didn't really pay attention to but the words that just left her
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Alexander had been scarce lately. I hadn't seen him since the day I invited him to that private banquet just to present my preposterous contract to him. There hasn't been any news about it's implementation but I didn't feel quite so antsy anymore. Another person that had been noticeably scarce in my life is Ophelia. Her screaming, suffocating presence had always been so heavy in this house but these days, it seemed like she put a drab over herself in order to mute her aura and purposely avoid me. I knew it was a purposeful attempt and she hadn't actually left the house because I ran into her the other day when I wanted to help Laura in the kitchen. However, she only acted as though she hadn't seen me and continued on her way. It was exhilarating, to say the least. But I knew for a fact that it wasn't because she was afraid of me in the least. No. It was because Lady Solan had become a frequent visitor these past few days in a bid to find out what exactly was
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"Where are you taking me?" I asked worriedly as he bypassed the cars, two Rolls Royce, a silver Sedan and four Bugatti. I frowned in confusion when he didn't enter into any of them and instead, he took me around the back of the sprawling grand mansion that gave way to the lush fields which tapered into tangled thickets and thick forests."There's something I want to show you," he said, shrugging a backpack that burdened his left shoulder, my hands tight around his. "Have you ever ran through the woods before?"My face twisted into a scowl. "Why will I do that? I don’t have a wolf and I tire easily. Besides, who in their right mind runs through the woods in their spare time? It sounds exhausting. If your mission is to get me to run through a thick forest with you, I'll have you know that it is not a very romantic gesture, Alexander, and you can as well take me back now."He chuckled. For all my violent outburst, all he saw fit to bless me with was a light c
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I take it back. I take back everything I said about Alexander being unromantic because he had succeeded in taking my breath away for the umpteenth time today, but he will never know of this resounding victory because he wouldn't hear me say it.It turned out that the secret location was a beautiful cliff overlooking an enchanting waterfall and azure blue spring. Currently, there was a picnic spread out in front of me and I was feasting on delicious berries at the moment and staring at the scenery with wide-eyes, filled with awe and amazement.Alex had retreated into the woods to change back into clothes he had packed in his mysterious backpack and now, he was sitting beside me and watching me with a thoughtful but fond expression on his face, as if he was trying to read into my mind. To dive into my head and see things the way I was seeing them."Did you have forests like these back in White Fang?" He asked curiously."We had forests but they
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I was back in Alexander's room but for a completely different reason.The sun had set by the time we made it back to the mansion and instead of escorting me to my room like the gentleman he had been from the moment I met him, he led me into his room, kicking the door close behind us and pulling me back to him, eager to continue from where we left off.He was kissing me deeply. Desperately. Our kisses were hasty, breathless, never ending, each of them frantically rolling into the next.He was breathing heavily and I was about to catch fire and burn up in his arms. My trembling hands tentatively reached under his shirt, hesitant at first until he paused, pressing my hand to his skin and encouraging me to keep at it. I gasped, feeling the hardened planes of his abdominal muscles for the first time, shivers shooting up my spine, goosebumps erupting on my skin. He growled into my mouth, tearing his lips from me and ripping off his shirt by himself, fling
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I woke up to a heavy arm wrapped around my waist and the crushing weight of sexual gratification. And when my eyes fluttered open, trying to adjust to the unfamiliar surrounding, I saw Alexander looking right at me, dark blue eyes gazing into mine.Almost immediately, a blush crept up my cheeks. "Good morning." A soft smile was playing on his cheeks, a certain glint in his eyes. He looked well rested, light and playful even, instead of the wound up, straight back man I was used to seeing. And my heart was racing right out of my chest."Good morning." I squeaked back, my voice scratchy against my throat.His hands coasted down my naked body, brushing the sides of my breasts and tickling the skin of my waist. I sucked in a strangled breath as pleasure skittered through my skin, memories of last night bathed in darkness and moonlight danced its way to the front of my memory.His eyes darkened at my gasp and his hand tightened on my hips and pull
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