All Chapters of The Human and the Vampire.: Chapter 21 - Chapter 26
26 Chapters
Try one of these.
Scott and Alfred teleported back to the vampire Town to check out the mansion. "Wow, I have missed the place a little though. Living with a human is very frustrating. " Scott said to Alfred as they arrived.Lucas opened the door of the mansion, coming out from inside of it. "Lucas, how are you doing man? Any progree?" Alfred asked him, clearly wanting an update on the break-in.Scott stared back and forth at the both of them before snapping out and requiring that they both put him up to speed.-Sweaty. "I have no idea how an unconscious person got this sweaty and dirty. " Renee complained as she Alijah from the bed, carrying her to the bathroom. She saw that there was a bath drawn in the tub already, which further clarified Scott's story.She put her in the bath, slowly cleaning her body and getting rid of all the dirt. Renee drained the water and opened the shower on her. "Wow, even this didn't wake you up. Scott must have really done a number on you." Renee said, as she ea
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The sound of the heels traveled through the entire room as Scott, Alfred and Lucas walked to the study. "So, what you are trying to tell me is that, even with all the people that have been put in charge of finding things out, you guys still don't know who did it?" Scott asked, basically looking down at the other vampires efforts on the matter. "Don't say it that. Most of us trying our possible best to get to base of the problem, but I still haven't been able to." Lucas said, walking closely behind Scott.Alfred decided to join in and out more into it. "Yeah, we all did a lot of work in trying to find out who broke in and we dare you to even closely try to remotely achieve what we have achieved. " "I'll take you up on that challenge, I bet that I can easily get more done than you guys have done since." Scott said, a gleaming smile appeared on his face as his steps seemed to hasten.Using great speed, he moved through the house very easily and he got to a room that neither of them
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The sleek hair of her body and the flexibility of her in the present cat form that she is in, Renee easily snuck into an apartment.Timothy was not in the house yet. I should honestly stop sneaking into his house without telling him first. Renee thought to herself.Renee went to Timothy's house phone and put a call through to his mobile phone. "Renee?" He asked over the phone, his voice not really showing certainty. "How did you know?" Renee asked, shocked that his first guess was her. "Well, because no one would break into my house and then call my phone number, from my phone, except you " he chuckled through the phone.Embarrassment filled her face as she realized her mistake. "Fine, Sherlock. I am here now, so please be fast." "Okay dear, I'll be with you shortly. " Timothy cut the call.Renee sat in her living room, her fingers tapping anxiously against the arm of the sofa as she waited for her friend Timothy to arrive. He was like a brother to her, someone she could alw
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Light snoring and turning.Alijah stirred from her sleep, blinking groggily as she became aware of Scott's presence beside her in bed. She couldn't help but feel surprised to find him there, his presence a very strong reminder of the events of the previous night.As she cast her mind back, she remembered how Scott had returned home late, soaking wet from the rain. Concerned for his well-being, she had confronted him about his tardiness, only to be met with a harsh rebuke. "Why are you so wet?" Alijah asked, as she gave him a towel to dry himself. "That's probably because of the fact that is raining outside. "he said snarkily. "Don't give me that attitude. I'm pretty sure that you saw the rain coming and you could have easily evaded it, yet here you are, wet and dripping all over my floor." Alijah snapped at him. "I wasn't giving you any attitude, woman. You don't need to know why I am wet or what happened, mind your business. " Scott replied back, rather rudely. "You are und
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What is it, human?
Alijah stared at Scott as he slept. For a vampire that is strong and supposed to protect, he slept like a log. The rays of the sunlight rushed in through the window, casting a warm glow into the room. Her stomach rumbled and she remembered that she waited for Scott all night yesterday and she didn't get to eat. She stood up from the bed and she also realized that she never got to put on a cloth yesterday and she basically slept with just her bra and a short.I need a relaxing bath. Alijah thought as she entered the bathroom and drew a bath. Removing her clothes, she basically dropped into the bath and had a long nice bath, soaking her body in the warmth and fragrance of the bath. She showered the dirt of her body and dried it off with a towel. Just as she was walked out of the bathroom, almost completely naked with just a towel wrapped around her hair, she remembered that Scott was still in the room and her legs just stopped moving.Scott was still sleeping on the bed, he was very m
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Grant me a wish.
Alijah's heart ached as she listened to Scott's painful confession, his words echoing in her mind long after he had fallen silent. She had never known that he had human friends, let alone that he had been betrayed by them. It was a side of him she had never seen before, a vulnerability that touched her deeply.Watching him talk about the pain reminded her of the experience she had in high school, were she was befriended by a lot of popular girls and at that time it was a big thing for her. She was getting a lot of attention and then she got a lot of power also. But at the prom dance, they all played a prank on her, embarrassing her and putting a painful memory in her forever. She confronted them later but they said that, the main purpose of the friendship was to lead to this. So, she clearly understood his pain. "I'm so sorry, Scott," she said softly, her voice filled with compassion. "I had no idea you had to go through that. It must have been so difficult for you."Scott shrugged,
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