All Chapters of Save Him: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
214 Chapters
141|Ik Heb Je, Liefde
All the big shots of the gaming industry and Chassis' fans came out and showed up for the beta access launch of Speed Freak.By the time Natalie and Emily arrived at Rock Castle's Convention Centre, fashionably late because it was the only way to make a statement—according to Emily—the black carpet was ablaze with cameras and microphones as reporters tried to get the most iconic shots and memorable quotes from those they deemed worthy of their time and attention.Natalie called Jamie and Amber to give them a glimpse of the launch. She headed inside the venue and panned her camera around while Emily remained outside and took hundreds of photos on the carpet.Amber was underwhelmed. She couldn't understand what the fuss was about. As impressed as Jamie was, he wanted to get back to the live stream."What live stream?" Puzzled by his announcement, Natalie asked."The live stream Chassis set up for some of their fans." Jamie couldn't keep the impatience from his voice. "Nat, I want to cat
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142|Damage Control-Part 1
It took Natalie a long time to stop shaking. It took Levi's heart rate just as long to come down slowly.He held her tightly and kissed her forehead, grateful to have her back in his arms and in his bed.The past couple of weeks were torture for him.There were times when he'd been so terrified she'd never return to him.There were moments of intense jealousy and feelings of inadequacy whenever he saw her chatting with other guys in the office, smiled at them or laughed at their jokes. He wanted to be the only man who made her smile and laugh. He wanted to be the only man she looked at and thought about.Now that she was back in his arms, he planned to hold on to her forever. She said she loved him; Levi hoped she'd meant it, and it wasn't just her anger and petty jealousy talking. He knew she wanted him. Their drenched sheets were evidence of their desire for the other. But he desperately wanted her heart, too."Natalie," he whispered as he sought her lips in the dark and moved over h
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143|Damage Control-Part 2
"Van Holt, we can't just fire people!" Mark glared at him as he slammed the door shut. "Do you know how long it took to calm her down? She wanted to quit.""Let her. I mean, with her few brain cells, it seems all that university education has gone to waste, don't you think?" Levi clenched his jaw. "Who is she again?""She's a PR intern.""Why was an intern sitting in a crisis management meeting?"Mark rolled his eyes in frustration and stalked to the bar. He brought a bottle of whiskey and three glasses. Natalie declined. Levi was more than happy to be her white knight, so he knocked back both drinks."Are you sure about this?" Mark asked as they sipped their drinks in silence.Levi shook his head. He wasn't sure, but it had to be done. He'd acted irresponsibly. Natalie wasn't his direct subordinate, but he had to declare their relationship since a fallout from an office romance could be catastrophic for him as the CEO. It was one of the many reasons he'd never gotten involved with an
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144|Things He Never Talks About-Part 1
They were in the kitchen, going over their plans for the day while Levi made them coffee to jumpstart their brains.He felt it was too soon for Natalie to return to work after their meeting with Anna, and he wanted her to work from home."All the more reason I should go, don't you think? I don't want everyone to think I'm taking liberties just because I'm dating the boss," she argued as she took the mug from him and sniffed it, relishing the intense smell of coffee beans.Levi placed his cup on the counter and draped his arms around her, engulfing her in his warmth as he dropped kisses down her neck. "You can take all the liberties you want."Natalie liked the sound of that. In fact, she liked it so much, she turned around and kissed him fully on the lips, and it didn't take long for their not-so-innocent smooch to morph into a heavy make-out session."Let's go back to bed. I have a surprise for you." Levi nipped her upper lip playfully.He had her at 'surprise', and Natalie was ready
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145|Things He Never Talks About-Part 2
Emily was already waiting, tapping her fingers impatiently on the steering wheel.Natalie jumped in the passenger seat and fastened her seatbelt."So I met the ex," she said as soon as they pulled away from the entrance."I was there, remember?" Emily rolled her eyes."No, I mean. Today. I've just left her with Levi—""What?" Emily rammed on the brakes so hard if Natalie didn't have her seatbelt on, she was pretty sure she would have flown through the windscreen.The driver behind them complained, but Emily pretended not to see him as he overtook them and flipped them off."What do you mean you left her with Levi? Why would you do that? God, Nat! Can you honestly be so naive? You never ever leave your boyfriend with his ex!""Why not?" Natalie asked."Because there's a thing called casual sex between exes.""I trust Levi. Besides, Melissa seems nice. She's not at all like the evil blonde witch we imagined. Gosh, I feel so awful for stalking her socials and hating her for no reason, Em
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146|Left Unseen
Natalie rushed through her morning routine, and at 6:00 AM on the dot, she was on the bus on her way to work.By 07:00 AM, she was already logged in to her workstation and anxious as fuck, waiting for Levi to come in. She sent him a text, checking how far he was. She was dying to tell him about her little discovery.But when he still hadn't responded to her messages a couple of hours later, she dashed to the 10th floor."Mr Van Holt is out of the country. But he asked me to give you this." Angela smiled politely behind her glasses.Natalie took the envelope, puzzled by the PA's announcement. "But I spoke with him last night. He said he'll be here today.""He got a call at the crack of dawn. It seems the issue with the overseas distributor is much bigger than we'd anticipated—" Angela explained, but lost interest halfway through, leaving Natalie to fill in the blanks herself."When is he coming back?""Depends on how soon they reach an agreement.""Is Mark in yet? Can I see him?"Angel
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147|A Bad Omen
Since the surgery was Friday, Natalie took the bus down to Sparrow Beach on Wednesday evening and spent Thursday at the hospital.There was a lot of paperwork to get through, and she met one expert after the other—from the finance side of things and all the way to the medical end of the spectrum.For some reason, everyone thought she had to know everything at once. They bombarded her with too many details she didn't need. She didn't even understand half the things they told her and wished they could just speak plain old English to her."Will they be okay?" Natalie finally asked Dr Eric Mwangi, the head surgeon Levi had flown in. She'd been locked away in one of the conference rooms with the transplant team for the better part of the afternoon, and she couldn't take any more of their rambling.She didn't care about all the fancy terms his team kept throwing around when they explained, in detail, the four-hour-long procedure.All she wanted to know was if her siblings would be okay."Th
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148|I'm Here Now-Part 1
Levi pushed Natalie into a cleaning supplies closet. It clearly stated in big, bold writing on the sign on the wall next to the door that the area was off-limits to the general public.But he didn't care.He wanted a moment of total privacy with his girl. Their kiss in the hallway was not enough for him. He wanted her in his arms."We're not supposed to be here." Natalie shook her head, but he hushed her up with a kiss, his hands resting on her waist. She'd lost a lot of weight and looked tired. Levi reckoned she wasn't eating or sleeping again. He'd have to fix that when they get home."I'm sorry I didn't call you over the past few days. Things were a little manic—" he tried to explain as he brushed her hair away from her face.Natalie stunned him, though, when she reached up and kissed him."You're not mad at me?" he asked the scepticism in his voice matching the suspicion in his eyes.He'd expected her to be fuming with him and throw every imaginable roadblock in his way. But Natal
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149|I'm Here Now-Part 2
A slow jam drifted from the jukebox in the corner of the room. Casey approached their table and held out his hand. "Nat? Remember this song? Our matric dance? Care to indulge this old flame?"Levi saw red.In a heartbeat, he was on his feet, getting up in Casey's face."Look, pal, there'll be no dancing tonight. There'll be no dancing ever again!" he glowered at the other man.Natalie tugged at his arm, pleading with him to stand down."Who are you to decide that?" Casey challenged him."Her boyfriend," Levi barked."Nat, who is this guy?" Casey asked, and before he knew what hit him, Levi's fist had already connected with his jaw, sending him reeling backwards before he crashed to the floor.Casey was back on his feet instantly, ramming his head on Levi's midsection.Stunned gasps and fearful screams swept through the room as he and Casey slammed into each other again, both trying to assert their dominance. It took all of Mark's and Seth's strength to pull Levi away from the brawl.J
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150|Good Foundation
Levi left Natalie in her bed early on Saturday morning to grab his stuff from the B&B.She wasn't in her room when he came back, and her house was oddly silent, lonely almost."Natalie?" he called out as he moved through the place, checking the rooms."I'm in here."He followed the sound of her voice and found her in what he assumed was the master bedroom, her face a splotchy mess of tears as she looked through her family photos.He sat beside her and took a few of the pictures she'd spread out in front of her. All were of a stunning Cape Malay woman with the same eyes and shy smile as Natalie’s. In all the shots, she either had all the Taylor kids around her or had one of them in her arms or on her hip."So this is my mom-in-law," he teased her, smiling with relief when Natalie laughed tearfully.She bumped her head lightly on his shoulder, and he held it in place. "Who said I want to marry you?""You will!" he told her as he gently patted her bedhead."I've signed too many papers whe
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