All Chapters of Save Him: Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
214 Chapters
201|Pigeon Pair
The Spanish restaurant on the ground floor at The Castle was surprisingly packed when they walked in. Levi's parents waved them over from their window table when they saw them lingering at the door.After all the pleasantries and hugs were out of the way, Levi pulled out a chair for Natalie.His mom couldn't stop gushing about Natalie's glow. The longer she complimented her, the darker the frown and the look of suspicion grew on Leviticus' face.He cleared his throat and picked up his menu. "Your mother said you have something to tell us?""Oh yes," Levi nodded. Turning to Natalie, he smiled. "Nat and I wanted to share some news with you."Cynthia looked like a Cheshire cat, and Levi wondered if her smile could grow any wider as she urged him from her seat, "yes, tell us!""We're expecting twins! And it's a pigeon pair!" Levi announced."Finally!" she squealed as she took both Natalie's hands and kissed them. "I've been dying for this moment for weeks. Now I can tell all my friends."
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202|Good To You
The next few weeks flew by very quickly. Before Natalie knew it, she was right in the middle of her second trimester, and Heritage Day weekend was upon them.The long weekend coincided with Speed Freak's summer launch and the Raven's opening game of the season at Stargazers Stadium.Her siblings called her bright and early Friday morning to let her know they were already on their way to the airport two town's over. Levi had insisted on booking them plane tickets, and both were anxious out of their minds since it would be their first time on a plane."What if the plane goes down?" Amber asked."Yeah, what if we crash into the sea?" Jamie added his concerns, and Natalie was surprised the thought had even crossed his mind. He was usually level-headed and scientific about everything."Guys, you both need to relax. Nothing will happen to you. I've flown a few times," she assured them as best as she could but neglected to mention on a helicopter. "We'll be there at 10:00 AM."She and Levi w
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203|Family Is Forever
The party broke up shortly before 11:00 PM. Liam and their friends wanted to take Levi and Mark for celebratory drinks."You don't mind if I go, do you?" Levi asked outside the venue."Not at all, go have fun. You deserve this," Natalie reached up and kissed him. "I am so proud of you. That was an incredible sales night.""You haven't seen nothing yet," he kissed her back. "Three years from now, you'll be on that stage, revealing the sales for 'What If'.""You think so?" she stared at him in wonder."I know so," he touched her tummy, his eyes widening when he felt one or both babies kick for the very first time. "Nat? Did you feel that? I think Juno moved."Natalie chuckled, tears blurring her vision, "You silly oaf, how do you even know it's Juno? It could be Mars.""Nah," he gave her a tearful smile. "Mars is lazy. The less effort he puts in—" His words died off when he felt a few more kicks, this time more rapid and stronger than before. "Oh God, does it hurt? Are they hurting you?
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Goodbyes…Levi never really liked them.But then again, who did?For him, though, this goodbye was especially hard since he'd just found Colleen, and now she was flying off to Lord knew where with Mark, and he didn't know when he'd see them again.He didn't want them to go, but asking them to stay would be downright selfish. He had Natalie and the twins, and he was so deliriously happy. Colleen and Mark deserved the same happiness he'd found."So this is it then?" he said, jamming his hands in his pockets.They were at the international travel terminal at the airport, where Mark and Colleen were about to board a noon flight bound for São Paolo. What led them to pick Brazil as the first stop on their three-month-long world tour was still a mystery. Levi had asked, but the details had remained sketchy. They seemed excited, though."Yeah, and we really have to go," Mark checked his watch and patted him on the back as they exchanged a hug.Turning to Natalie, he pointed at her tummy. "Tak
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205|So Much More Time
Dr Neville was already waiting at the emergency room entrance. She and her team placed Natalie on a stretcher and wheeled her to the obstetrics wing.With Natalie now safe in the doctors' hands, Levi finally collapsed under the crushing strain of the past few minutes. "Oh God, Zach! What do I do? What do I do if Natalie and our babies don't make it? I don't think I can survive—"Carlos and Zachary shook him out of his hysteria. "You have to keep it together for Natalie's sake. She's in there, fighting with everything in her to make sure your twins make it. So you need to keep it together for her.""Okay," he nodded, brushed his tears away and called Emily and his mom. They were both hysterical over the news.Fifteen minutes later, Cynthia burst through the doors, opening her arms to him as soon as she saw him. "Your father will be here soon. We've sent the chopper to pick him up."The doors shot open again, and Emily ran in with Seth."What happened? She was okay at the office today.
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206|Juno and Mars
Levi called his assistant on his way back to the hospital and cancelled all his meetings for the week."Sir," Angela said before they could hang up. "We are all thinking of you. Norah and Natalie's team are beside themselves with worry. But she's a fighter. She'll be out of the hospital in no time.""Thank you," he smiled into the phone, praying with all his heart she was right. He'd lose his mind if anything had to happen to Natalie and their twins. They'd come too far for him to lose her now, especially after everything they'd been through.After he hung up from Angela, he called Amber. She was hysterical, and it took him a long time to calm her down and assure her Natalie, and their babies were fine, and there was no need for them to drive down to Rock Union.He was immensely relieved when he found Natalie sitting up, chatting with his folks and her bestie.Now that he was back, his parents and Emily excused themselves, promising to return later to relieve him."See, I told you I'l
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207|Life's Little Moments
Natalie received a clean bill of health five days after the twins' arrival, and two days later, they were all finally allowed to leave the hospital.After months of being cooped up in bed and eating terrible hospital food, she couldn't get home fast enough.She couldn't stop raving about all the stuff she'd do when they got home, like taking an actual shower and sleeping in her own bed—all the things she used to take for granted before her bed rest.Zachary and Carlos picked them up, and they spent a few minutes gazing at the twins in their double infant stroller, trying to decide who they resembled the most."I really can't tell who they look like," Carlos admitted at last."Neither can we," Levi said with a smile as he covered the twins with a light blanket and turned to Natalie. "Ready to go?"She took one last look around the ward, ensuring they had all their stuff. Satisfied everything was packed away, she nodded. "Yep, let's go home."She hooked her arm around Levi's, and he pus
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208|One Thing Right At Least
In theory, the idea of having twins had sounded fun and appealing. But the reality was far from it, as Natalie and Levi soon learned over the next few weeks.Indeed, it was double the blessing, double the fun, and double the joy. But it was also double the work, and it didn't help that the first week after they brought them home, Juno and Mars decided to go on different sleep schedules.If she and Levi didn't have a strong support system to rely on, Natalie knew they would have lost their minds in those first few weeks.Mrs Ackerman semi-moved in with them, splitting her time between the Blue Mountains and Green Point. It was nice having her around; she was a pro at the never-ending laundry of tiny-sized human clothes and the general upkeep of the house.Levi suggested hiring a nanny full time, but Natalie wasn't sold on the idea. She wanted to be hands-on and involved in the twins' upbringing."Love, it's not working," he said after one particularly difficult night. They were running
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209|Midnight Rendezvous
Julian and Andrei took it upon themselves to throw Levi the biggest and craziest bachelor party Sparrow Beach had ever seen.And Levi was only happy to blame Mark for everything."What did I do? I followed your 'no bachelor party' rule to the T." His best friend held up his hands as they watched Liam, Jaxon and Matthew try to outdrink each other over a beer pong game."That's exactly why it's your fault. You didn't enforce the rule hard enough," Levi replied, his attention stolen away briefly by Julian and Andrei sipping champagne from the navel of one of the three models-slash-strippers they'd flown in for the occasion.The said model was laid out on the pool table, her half-naked body out on display for everyone to see, and Levi wondered just how Joe had allowed this debauchery to carry on at his family-friendly establishment."Seriously, Mark, as my best man, how do you think Natalie will feel about all this crap?"Ten—maybe even two years ago—this was totally his scene. But now, a
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210|Cold Feet
"Is everything okay with you two?" Colleen approached him. "I'm sensing a weird vibe. Are you guys getting cold feet?""I don't know about Nat, but I'm not," Levi replied and pushed his hands in his pockets. "How was she today? I don't know…These last two weeks, she's been so calm.""And how is that a bad thing?""Because I know Nat. A wedding is a huge, life-altering event, and she doesn't do life-altering events well. Her knee-jerk reaction is to run. I'm just scared that—Never mind.""No," Colleen refused to let him leave her with half the info. "You're scared of what?""She's too calm, Leeny. The last time she was this way was when she threw you the welcome party. The very next day, she made a run for it without telling me about the twins.""That was months ago!" Colleen reminded him. "You're overthinking this. I've seen the way Nat looks at you. She's crazy about you and your babies. She won't leave you in the lurch! Besides, where would she run to? This is her home town."Right,
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