All Chapters of Different Breed of Witch: A Saraid Maddox Novel: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
83 Chapters
Chapter Fifty
I was awakened by a pair of strong arms pulling my naked body from the warmth of the bed.“What the fuck?” I cussed blinking my eyes to find Brent with a blade to my throat while a man I didn’t know bound my legs and arms together with a rough rope.“Not another peep or I will sever your pretty little head from your shoulders.”“Why are you doing this?” I asked, looking over at Jaxon’s still frame. He looked like he was sleeping, but with Jax being a full vampire, he doesn’t sleep. Panic hit me.“Is he alive?”“He is for now, but if you don’t shut up, he won’t be for long. He’s only spelled.”“I thought you were my friend Brent, why are you doing this?”The look he gave me was frightening and his fist landed hard against my cheek. The room swam for a second and then everything went black.I blinked my eyes open and was im
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Chapter Fifty-One
“Brent! Get in here!” Bryant bellowed.Brent appeared in the doorway, staggering and holding on to the frame of the door. It looked as though he was fighting against himself. He was trying to stop himself from entering the room. The once faint lines of his face are more defined as his face is wrinkled from the exertion. Then it dawned on me.“You spelled him into kidnapping me, didn’t you? You really are a coward!”“I said get in here Brent and drive your blade into her heart!”I felt my heart quicken with panic. Brent wouldn’t be able to fight the spell for long. I just hope he can hold off long enough for the guys to get here.“What’s the matter Bryant? You don’t have the balls to take me on yourself?”It was working, I was getting to him. “Only a piss poor excuse for a man would force another man to do his dirty work. Kill me yourself you bastard!”
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Chapter Fifty-Two
My life is a mess. Well, it’s always been a mess, but it’s even more of a mess now than it has ever been. Wendy, I wish you were here. The voice I heard next was not the voice I was praying for, but it was good enough. Damon approached me from behind, rain leaving his hair to fall in streams down his face. His face showing signs of sympathy and a look that said that he knew all too well what I was struggling with.“I don’t suppose you just stumbled upon me by chance?”He came to stand beside me. “Not exactly.”“Liam?”He offered me a short nod. I should have known Liam wouldn’t have just left me alone with my thoughts. He would do whatever he felt necessary to try to help me work through my thoughts and emotions. He must have luckily guessed my location because I told no one where I was going, and I left those mental doors on lockdown.“He thought, rather hoped, th
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Chapter Fifty-Three
Damon graciously offered me a ride home. The meadow wasn’t far, but it had been raining and he said I had already been exposed to the weather for too long and because the part of me that is still human, can still catch pneumonia. He drove up as close as he could get to the door and walked me in.“I’m afraid I can’t stay but if it’s ok, I would like to come by and see you tomorrow?”“Of course. You are welcome to visit whenever you want.”I offered him a brief hug because he had just helped me more than anyone else would have been able to and because he cared about how I felt. At the end of the day everyone just needs to feel loved.When I closed the door behind Damon and turned around, I was greeted by the three faces of my men. Each face showed a distinct sign of worry and fear. I know that I am responsible for the looks on their faces. I find myself a little irritated by it. I mean, I should be able to hav
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Chapter Fifty-Four
I rummaged through the closet in an effort to locate something simple to throw over my body, afraid that Wendy’s appearance had been a figment of my imagination. I grabbed one of Liam’s old cotton t-shirts and slipped it over my head. It would have to do for now. When I re-entered the room, Wendy’s back was to everyone as they each dressed in their clothes.“Everyone’s decent now. You can turn around,” I assured her.I kept my eyes on Chase as Wendy shifted her feet to turn around. It was obvious to me that he was conflicted and honestly, so was I. Chase took a step toward Wendy, hesitating long enough to see if she would disappear, before taking the chance and running the rest of the way to her. His face was alight with joy as he scooped her into his arms and spun them in circles, childishly giggling as he did.“I’ve missed you so much. How are you here?” he cried as he returned her to her feet. He as well a
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Chapter Fifty-Five
The air was thick in her lungs as her body struggled to hold on to the magic that was keeping the veil open, allowing her to search for a sign, anything that would prove that they hadn’t imagined her. She stood in place, looking around at the room that looked identical to her own. There was nothing. No sign of Wendy at all.“She’s not here.”Saraid turned toward Liam, confusion and frustration evident in her features. She knew deep in her core that they had not imagined Wendy. She was alive, and she was somewhere in this purgatory world. She just had to find her.“If she is here, we will find her, but right now we need to preserve your strength. Let’s come back tomorrow after you have fed and slept.”Fighting against herself and her better judgement, Saraid gave in to Liam’s request. She knew that she would be of no use to Wendy if she was too weak to get her out of there. She would get her out of there. She
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Chapter Fifty-Six
A loud knock on the door tore their attention from Chase. Guin moved to cover her naked form while Jax moved to open the door. On the other side of the door stood the large, masculine frame known as Grady. He took a quick glance around the room, stopping at Saraid, eyes wide as he took in her disheveled appearance, in nothing but a t-shirt. The heat in his stare made her wrap her arms around herself for cover. Liam had once suggested that Grady desired her, no, loved her and the look he gave her then told her that Liam was correct in his assumptions.“You are a gracious and loyal friend to the crown Grady, but if you continue to look at my wife that way, I may just have to rip your eyes from their sockets,” Liam stated in a way that gave Grady pause.“My apologies. I mean no harm, your highness.,” he addressed Saraid, ignoring Liam’s glare all together.“It was not me that addressed you, Grady. It is disrespectful to ignore th
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Chapter Fifty-Seven
Just as Jax finished struggling with the zipper of his jeans, they heard an angelic voice on the other side of the adjoining room door.“Mama?”Saraid glanced at everyone around her to be sure that everyone was dressed before she responded with, “Yea baby, come on in.”Treasa’s little hand turned the knob and pushed the door open so she could peek inside. As she advanced further into the room, she met eyes with everyone there. When her gaze locked onto the vampire in the corner, her lips perked, and she let out a deafening squeal.“Uncle Jax! You’re back!”Jax dropped to his knees, eyes alight with joy and his arms wide open, “Of course I came back. I can’t stay away from you, Runt.”“I’m not a runt. I’m a big girl,” she laughed as she ran into his waiting arms.Jax wrapped his arms tightly around Treasa and lifted her, so she sat on his hip, &ld
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Chapter Fifty-Eight
Her eyes shot open at the sound of a familiar voice screaming her name, pleading for her to help. Saraid scanned her surroundings, hoping to spot a sign to lead her in the right direction. The same voice screamed again, a blood curdling scream.“Oh, no. I’m too late,” Saraid cursed herself under breath and ran in the direction of the screams.As Saraid ran faster, the screams drew nearer. “Just around this corner,” she chanted.She reached the end of the darkened gray hall and rounded the corner. Saraid stopped, gasping as she fought for air. This hall, like the last was empty. There was no sign of the woman or her attacker anywhere. She inched herself further down the empty hall, looking for a trace of Wendy. She was there, somewhere, she could feel her fear deep in her bones.“Wendy, I’m here. Where are you?” Saraid yelled into the empty air around her. The sound of her voice echoed along the vast hallway,
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Chapter Fifty-Nine
“Reaper is an Incubus. He unlike you though gets his kicks by throwing his powers around and feeding off unsuspecting women and from what I hear, not all of them are willing.”“So, what you’re saying is that he is a rapist of sorts?”“No not like that, but he is predatory in nature. I do not trust him with you.”
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