Lahat ng Kabanata ng Orphan Luna: Kabanata 121 - Kabanata 130
139 Kabanata
Chapter 120
Emma’s POV Everyone is too tired for a family dinner, so we all opt for dinner in our rooms and early bed. There’s extra security I notice around the packhouse. When I make it back up to the apartment, the lights are dimmed. “Liam?”. It’s so quiet. Setting my cocoa down, I walk towards our room where there are no lights on. I smell him before I see him. He snakes his arms around me, ever so gently. “I am so incredibly proud of you, my love. You are amazing, you know that?”. Turning around to face him, I lean up and wrap my arms around his broad neck and shoulders. “Not as amazing as a mate I know”. Soft lips graze mine. His tongue gently caresses my mouth. As our kiss progresses, his hands squeeze my ass and he picks me up. I wrap my legs around his toned torso as he carries me towards the bathroom. The bathtub is surrounded by candles and a bubble bath drawn. “Your cauldron milady”, making me giggle. Liam slowly peels off my clothes, layer by layer. When h
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Chapter 121
Michelle’s POV Leo did not sleep all night which kept me on high alert too. He was tossing all night. I just want to get today over with. Savannah, Dana and I all testify today. Leo keeps fussing over me as we’re getting ready. “Baby, please… I need you to calm down a little bit. You’re making me nervous”. I’m not trying to hurt his feelings but he needs a Xanax or something. Maybe someone has some pot? Something. Geez. Maybe Grace can tranquilize him? We get to the courthouse and I’m determined. Emma meets me at the front, “are you ready?”. “Ready as I’m going to be”, I reply. I mean how does one ‘prepare’ other than reliving these damn memories. I’ve been trying to kill them. So close. “Okay hun, let’s do this”. As we enter, we take our seats in the front row bench to ready ourselves for when the prisoners enter. Leo has his hand on my thigh for comfort. The prisoner door opens and the sound of shackles clank. Suddenly I see a face that is so familiar to me yet I d
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Chapter 122
Liam’s POV I carry Emma to the privy quarters. “Emma, why did you strike Erik? What’s gotten into you?”. She’s uncontrollably crying. “How do you know him?”. She’s pacing around the room when suddenly she stops and stares at the door… oh my goddess… “Mi mi is Michelle. Michelle… Erik is E. Liam…”. She isn’t making any sense. “My dream! Liam!”. She bolts from the room before I can stop her. She races to the courtroom and finds a still shocked Michelle. Sitting next to her is that unknown ‘guest’. Emma approaches cautiously. “Grace, I need you to take mine and Michelle’s blood and do a DNA match”. We all look at her like she’s crazy. There’s a few moments’ pause. “There’s no need, Luna”. The ‘guest’ speaks. “Michelle is in fact, your sister”. Emma looks at Selena. “How do you know and why do you look exactly like me, who are you?”. The woman looks at all of us. “Let’s get some air shall we?”. She nonchalantly walks outside and expects us all to follow. Leo lo
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Chapter 123
Michelle’s POV I gasp for air as if my lungs are full of water. We emerge from the memory with Selene. Emma and I both cling to one another. “Regan? Is our uncle?”, I ask… barely able to hold my own head up. “But why? Why would he kill our father… why?”. My head is killing me, it hurts so bad. My lungs hurt, my eyes hurt. All of me aches. The only thing holding me up is my sister. Leo can feel my pain. He scoops me up and pulls me tight into his chest. “I think we’ve had enough of this for a while, no offense moon goddess”, he states defensively. She looks at him solemnly. Emma hasn’t said anything. She’s not crying and hasn’t moved. Suddenly she shifts her eyes so she’s staring Selene directly in her own. “If we are somehow related to you, how could you watch all of this suffering unfold; not to mention what Michelle and I went through for the last ten years past that and not do a fucking thing to stop it?”. There is venom in her words. Lee goes to interjec
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Chapter 124
Liam’s POV Emma just busted this case wide open. Part of me is ridiculously proud of her but part of me is also terrified for her and our unborn pups. This stress cannot be good for any of them. She links me, sensing my anxiety… “go big or go home baby”. I just shake my head. “Can you prove that they are of relation to you Luna?”, one of the elected officials asks. Grace stands, offering DNA analysis which would require Regan’s permission of course unless he were to be arrested. “I suggest someone go in there and straight up ask Erik about his relation to Regan and myself. I suspect he’ll tell you the truth. Ask him what happened to Damen 20 years ago and why Regan killed him or rather had him killed by rogues”. Matteo stares at me for a good long minute. “I knew your father very closely Emma. I believe what you’re saying to be true. I knew the moment Erik saw you and Michelle today, that he recognized you both. We thought both daughters were lost in the attac
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Chapter 125
Liam’s POV Before Matteo was back in the room, I had already ordered guards to capture Regan. “We’re too late Matteo, he’s gone. He escaped. He counted on us playing the fool for too long”. Matteo looks stern but confident. “Don’t worry, we’ll get him. I’ll set out a team. It’s been a long day. Perhaps you’d like to take your Luna and your family home for the night. We’ll deal with Regan”. Emma is far too quiet. She is still staring at Erik. Suddenly she stands and quietly heads for the door. No one asks her anything or dares to speak to her. I’m about to follow when I see her walk into the interrogation room and close the door behind her. The council stirs uneasily behind me, “quiet… let her have a moment with her uncle. She deserves at least that much”. She stares at him, still unmoving but seems to be calculating him. “What powers did she have? Our mother?”. He looks almost scared to speak when suddenly he motions to the chair in front of him and she does, she
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Chapter 126
Regan’s POV After being denied entry to Erik’s private trial, I knew I needed to flee. This could only mean one thing… he’s going to snitch. “Cody, we have to move”. He already had our bags packed. “The girls?”. I had already forgotten about them at the hospital. “Fucking leave ‘em, apparently this place is a haven anyway”. I jump into the back of the SUV and Cody hops into the driver seat. “Step on it”. “And I don’t want to hear ‘I told you so’ from your damn lips Cody”. He had told me that coming to this thing was a bad idea and could implicate me”. Cody just eyes me in the rearview but races down the road. Suddenly there are several unmarked pack cars behind us. “Fucking lose them!”. Cody hits the gas with immense force, throttling me into the seat in front of me. “Put on your damn seat belt Regan, goddess!”. Thinking on my next move, once we make it out of their territory, we’ll have to lay low for a while. There will be a warrant out for me I assume. Where
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Chapter 127
Emma’s POV Laying in bed, I just stare at the ceiling. Grace wanted to sedate me tonight with tranquilizers but I declined. I needed some time with my thoughts. “Can’t sleep my love? Are you sure you won’t take any medicine?”. I can feel Liam’s concern seep into me. It’s overwhelming. I know he means well. I let my head drift over to meet his eyes. “If I asked to go for a walk in the pack gardens, would you allow it?”. I can feel some pain through the bond but I know he understands. “Liam, love. There will be some things in this life you won’t be able to fix for me, no matter how badly you want to or try to. I just need to breathe with my thoughts and these emotions. I’m just restless and so are the little ones. I would love some fresh air and to stretch my legs is all”. Much to my surprise, he gently cups my cheek and simply nods. “I understand and I know I can be overbearing. I just love you so much. I want so badly to take this pain from you but can’t”. Placi
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Chapter 128
Ruth’s POV My phone starts ringing, scaring me awake. “Mom? What’s wrong? Ok, we’re coming… yeah”. Ian is already awake watching me. “It’s Emma… Regan attacked her and she managed to kill him but she’s gone into labor. Ian…”, I whimper. He hugs me quickly, “I know baby. I know. Let’s go”. We bump into the other groups racing down to the vehicles. We all group into one vehicle and race to the hospital. Walk/running down the hallway as our mates try to keep us women from running, I look for my brother. Liam looks awful. “Whose blood is that Liam?”. He barely looks up at me from his hands where he’s been resting his face. “Is that her blood Liam?”. I’m starting to feel panicked when mom thankfully comes out. “No, it’s not. It’s mostly Regan’s. He’s dead. Emma killed him when he attacked her. He tried to kidnap her tonight and in the process she went into premature labor. He also punctured one of her lungs. We’re doing everything we can to prevent the labor”.
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Chapter 129
Michelle’s POV Leo’s eyes glossed over partway through our shower, forcing me to stiffen in anticipation. “Oh shit… Regan attacked Emma last night. She’s in the clear now apparently but I guess it was touch and go for a minute”. I take a minute to admire my mate in all his glory. “See something you like beautiful?”. I run my hands up his torso to his cheeks, “I love you Leo, you know that?”. I feel my chest tighten. I’m nervous for today. I’m scared for my sister. “Hey, hey… it’s okay. Your sister is okay. Goddess, that’s so weird to say ‘your sister’ by the way”. He nuzzles into his mark on my neck, making me swoon and moan slightly. “I wish baby, we don’t have time right now but you are helping me relax so don’t move”. His hands roam southward over my bottom. “I’ll be with you the whole time today. Stuck to you like glue. When it’s all over, we go see Emma… deal?”. He always knows how to make me feel better. I smile and nod, “Okay, let’s get thi
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