All Chapters of Orphan Luna: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
139 Chapters
Chapter 60
Grace’s POV Emma is unconscious, pulse in the 30s, blood pressure too low. She is clearly unstable. I get busy working, placing a central line so we can get fluids into her as quickly as possible. I hadn’t yet noticed Liam. When I glance at him, he is a shell of my son. He had pulled back to give us space to work but wanted to be close. “Liam, go ahead and hold that hand, we’re done with that arm. She needs to feel you”. Without a pause, his hand is there. His forehead to the arm. “Liam love, keep holding onto her but I’m going to transfuse your blood into her. She needs blood immediately and we can at least start with some of yours”. He doesn’t hesitate. He exposes his arm, never glancing away from Emma. It is devastating to see him like this. I continue to assess the trauma, taking note of the dislocated shoulders, fractured ribs, femurs… Jesus, did they run her over with a tank? I gently unfold the trauma blanket, discovering the brand on her abdomen read
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Chapter 61
Ruth’s POV Sitting on the helicopter, I’m trying to desperately wrap my head around what has unfolded. I’m sitting next to my supposed mate yet I feel numb. Thankfully he is giving me some space and hasn’t tried to push boundaries or even speak for that matter. I have been watching mom tend to Emma the entire ride. One of the nurse comes over and asks if I need anything and I almost want to get angry and tell her to fuck off but I take a breath and politely tell her I’m fine. Inwardly I’m dying. I literally suffered nothing other than the humiliation of being bound, gagged and stuck in a cage. Emma took the beating for both of us and it killed me. Killed me knowing that she is fighting for her life and I walked out without a scrape. I have never seen my brother empty before. Even when dad and Alice died, he had substance. This is different. She is his substance. I’m shaken from my torment when my mate speaks for the first time, “I’m sorry”. “For what?”, I am too
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Chapter 62
Grace’s POV I left the hospital around 4am to get some sleep. Emma is in good hands. I’m exhausted but desperately need to check on Ruth. I had some colleagues check on her earlier and felt so guilty for not having gotten to her sooner but I know she understood. The suites are deafeningly quiet. I knock on Ruth’s door, nothing. Entering her suite, “Ruth?”. I quietly whisper as I search for her. I find her asleep on the couch. I grab a blanket to cover her up when I hear her stir. “Hi sweetheart”. “Hi mama, how’s Emma?”, she asks, sitting up. “She’s stable now sweetie. I'm so sorry I couldn’t attend to you last night”. I grab her so tightly and pull her into me. The harder I hug her, the more I realize that my daughter was almost lost to me. She could be the one in Emma’s shoes and I start crying. Ruth rubs my back, “mom it’s okay. I’m okay. Please don’t cry, I’m okay”. I can’t help it, I’m overwhelmed that my daughter was in this situation and came that cl
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Chapter 63
Zak’s POV Leaving the hospital, it dawns on me just how strong I’m going to have to be in these next few weeks. I have never seen Alpha hand over the reins so passively. I want to be there for him and Emma. I’m lost deep in thought when I run into Ruth. “Oh god Zak, I’m so sorry!”. Reaching out to steady her, “Ruth how are you feeling? Wait, why are you here and what are you doing here? Why aren’t you resting?”. She has a sort of guilty countenance which I find odd. “I want to check on Emma and Liam. I wanted to ask too if I can help organize the women’s housing and pack organization. I need to help with this Zak, please. I want to help”. She sounds desperate. “Of course you can help. I would love it actually since the women aren’t too fond of the men which I can understand and we could really use as many women as possible. But Ruth… you went through a lot yourself. Are you sure you don’t need some…”. Before I can even finish my sentence, Ruth starts crying into h
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Chapter 64
Ruth’s POV Standing outside of Emma’s room, it’s surreal seeing her so motionless. She lies still. I force myself to open the door. Liam looks up at me and a small smile comes across his face. I remembered to bring some of his favorite snacks since I know he won’t have been eating, along with a stack of bridal magazines, some nail polish and some various board games. “Mind some company?”. He nods as he ruffles through the snack bag which warms my heart. The way to my brother’s soul has always been through food. I’m happy to see him eating something, even if it is cheetos. “Moving in?”, he chides in between crunches. “I could live in the broom closet, next to you Liam”, I say light heartedly. I know mom has been harping on him to not spend so much time here even though it’s hardly been 24 hours. Grabbing some nail polish, I’m debating between two colors when Liam butts in… “that one”. I lift my left hand and raise an eyebrow. “You prefer this one? That’s a surpri
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Chapter 65
Leo’s POV I was going crazy in my own madness when I had decided to phone Zak. I need a purpose. Of course! How could I have been so self involved?! Here I am whining about being love sick when there’s an entire hall full of trafficked women and children. I swing by Dan’s apartment but he’s not there. Also try ringing him, but no answer. As I enter the pack hall, there’s a lot more chatter than I’m expecting, mostly women which I do expect but as I round the corner what I do not expect to see is Ian looking like Tim the Tool Man Taylor, building bunk beds for small children. I swear, he looks like a saint over there. The kids clearly adore him, the women too. As soon as I walk in, the women step back in terror and look down. Noticing their discomfort, Ian steps forward. “Ladies, it’s okay. This is Leo- he is Zak’s brother. He’s here to help too”. He offers me his hand and to my dismay I shake it. Whether it was to comfort the women or out of surprise, I’m no
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Chapter 66
Ruth’s POV It’s been a very, very long day. I spoke to so many women and all their stories were painfully similar. Even some of their husbands had sold them out. It was nearly 8pm and I desperately needed dinner and a bath. We had served dinner to everyone else and had breakfast settled with a plan for tomorrow. Leo slipped out already which made me more comfortable. Ian starts toward me, “do you mind if I walk you home? Make sure you get there ok?”. His gesture warmed my heart. “Actually, I’d like to make you dinner if that’s ok?”, smiling at him and reaching for his hand. Walking hand in hand, we head for my apartment. “What do you like to eat?” I ask while rummaging through my fridge. He seems mildly uncomfortable being in my apartment. I motion to the island stools, “please, make yourself comfortable. Can I get you something to drink?”. He seems awfully quiet and still hasn’t answered the questions. Walking around to where he’s sitting to face him, “are
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Chapter 67
Ian’s POV Ruth is a really good cook. I do not know how in this world I got so lucky. My mate is the most kind, caring and complete knockout of a woman plus she can cook. We sat and talked for a long while before I see her yawn. “You better get to sleep Ruth, you’ve had a long day. I’ll head out and let you rest”. As I’m grabbing my coat she grabs my hand, “Ian, I don’t want you to leave”. I turn to look at her and she looks nervous but confident at the same time. “Ok, I can stay. I can sleep on the couch or the floor or wherever”. I would never presume anything with any woman but especially not her. She steps closer, grabbing my jacket and setting it down. “No, I don’t want you to sleep on the floor or couch. I want to be near you. I’m not ready to do that… yet… but I don’t want you to leave. Is that okay?”. My wolf is doing laps in my mind. That is way more than okay. Gently brushing her cheek and trying to hide my giddiness. “It’s definitely okay”. I lean
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Chapter 68
Grace’s POV It’s been 7 days. Imaging shows most of her fractures are healed except for her spine. This is unprecedented for a werewolf, why isn’t she healing faster? With Liam’s blood and her own wolf, she should be completely healed by now. Her brain swelling has gone down yet any attempt to wean off of the ventilator has been unsuccessful. We’ve been at a stand still. Liam looks ragged. He hasn’t left this room once. He’s slept every night here, eaten every meal here, showers in there… he needs a break. “Morning”, handing him some coffee. He’s gotten into a routine of stowing his bed so he’s not in the way of staff. He’s like a hospital ghost. “Morning”, he whispers. “Do you think she can hear us?” he asks me. “Absolutely I do”. Looking at Emma then back to him, “Liam can you feel Morrigan?”. He shakes his head with a sad no. This answers my question about the slow healing. “Are you sure you don’t want to see your…”... “no, mom.. I want to wait to see the bab
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Chapter 69
Emma’s POV Everything hurts. The lights are dim but my head is killing me. My immediate thought is to the baby. The last thing I remembered was Morgan protecting my pelvis and telling me she was preserving life. Suddenly I smell Liam and all of the pain melts away. I can’t turn my head very well for some reason but he’s near. Turning my hand palm side up toward the door, he comes in and takes my hand, resting his head on my shoulder. He’s sobbing fiercely. I wrap that hand up around his head. “Good timing Liam, Emma wants to see the baby”. Liam’s blood shot eyes dart up to mine, “you know?”. My hand gently wipes his tears and his lips find mine. Whispering gently, “Morgan told me”. Grace wheels the ultrasound machine closer and is about to raise my hospital gown, explaining how the goop will be cold on my skin when I suddenly remember my branding. With a panic my hand shields my abdomen, “no!”. Looking away, I feel ashamed. I don’t even know what word they
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