All Chapters of For the Alpha: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
177 Chapters
141: side effects
Ryan finally showed up after what seemed like forever and I didn't even wait for him to give me any explanation of any sort before pulling him into a tight hug."I really thought you wouldn't be coming back," I sighed, not letting go of him."Why wouldn't I be?""You left so spontaneously and then Danna's words, I was just so frightened, what happened to not keep anything from each other. It was not hard but it was a bit painful."I'm sorry and I really didn't keep anything from you... I told you already, I was going to join the alpha in making decisions to protect the people and as you can tell this is like a daily growing virus so acting quickly is really required which is why I woke up early to see if I could assist them in intervening.I sighed, hoping that was the full truth, "okay maybe you're right and whatever but I'm going to need you to promise me that you will not be keeping anything nor putting your life in danger over anyone?"He nodded, "hey get dressed, let's go have di
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142: Spill the truth
DannaThe kiss kept going for a moment but then I widened my eyes and stiffened my body on top of him when his hands moved to cup my ass. He seemed to notice my change of response and immediately pulled away, "too far? I'm sorry.""No, no..." I left his hand back to my ass, "I mean they're small and there's really nothing to grab there but..." We both burst out laughing. I felt more tension leave my chest from the effect of that to be honest.If you connected on my lips and continue to squeeze my ass even though I was kind of insecure about that I still could not believe this was happening cuz I believe here with Devin on my bed making out with me is this was a dream I never wanted to wake up from it.It sucked me over so I was laying on top of me but carefully so that he did not squeeze the organs out of my tiny body are you sure you want to do this?And they did as fast as I wanted him to go inside me don't worry I have plan b pills the promise.He nodded and sniffed the skin betwee
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143: Back to the beginning
It felt like a dream to me as Shepherd recounted the entire situation to me, "and you didn't think I deserved to know? You were just going to sacrifice yourself without having a talk with me first?" I couldn't help the tear that slipped down my face there was no other time to talk about this except right here and now. I was beyond disappointed, "after all we've been through, is this still how you see me? Like some sort of stranger?""I was going to tell you, I just didn't know the perfect time to spill it to you, you seemed so happy...""Yeah you were going to tell me in deed, when? When the planning phase was over?""I don't know what in the couple's therapy is going on here but I have a pack to run with situations to deal with, I don't think we have the time to counter on what should have been done wrong of right, Badeline as you've heard we need him to be a sacrifice otherwise none of us will survive...""Oh just shut up, I heard everything you did already," I rolled my eyes. "look
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144: her conclusion
The living room was empty when we went inside. As though she was just reading I wasn't alone, she furrowed her eyebrows, "who are your guests? Hi Ryan... But who are these other two?""Elena, can you just get Alex for me?" Patience was something I didn't really possess right now so I couldn't take it."Sure, maybe you can finally talk some sense into him,, since everyone's powers went wonky he has been completely inactive, it actually sucks." She rolled her eyes. She suspected from our sight."You know this has to be the strangest place I've encountered in a long time." Shepherd commented."It's just home for all types of creatures, rogues and other people you would never have thought existed but it's okay, none of that really matters right now, we will clearly create time for chit chat when I think the time is right to.We sat on the sofas waiting for what actually felt like forever before he decided to show up. I don't really know what it was but Alex looked very different. I had a f
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145: Call the alpha
DannaWhen the alpha had sonehow showed up at my door when Devin and i were butt naked, we had panicked, broken a few of my favorite vases trying to scamper around for our clothes.I didn't know how the alpha had managed to find us but I wanted to assume it had something to do with his sense of smell yet to completely diminish because of his alpha blood .It has been crazy and everything was impromptu. "Do I look like i was having cing sex?" He asked in a tone that wasn't actually panicking as mine."I don't think i have an answer that, I think you should just go answer him, you're going to nake things bad."He'd said the alpha wanted him to go on a trip with him but he had declined because there would be no one to rule the pack if all the high ranks left and that's why I was currently heading to the packhouse where he temporarily lived."Hey," I called, setting my bag on the bed. We had not really had a reason to talk since the last sex we had, sad one or the reasons I had been avoid
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146: He's gone
We were all sitting in Alex's place, waiting for him to drop the bombshell, and I could tell that he was intentionally stalling, either because he wanted to keep us here for much longer than we should be or he genuinely thought we wouldn't be able to handle whatever news he brought to us."Ok , so I explained the situation to her and she said, she's experienced the killings of generations of Volatiles but none of them were willing to sacrifice their own lives by leaving left a red mark on their victims, they're chaotic and it's just their nature to kill others while living to see their downfall.""Dude," shepherd said, "I hate to cut you off but we know all of these things already, can you just cut to the solution she provided, please?""There isn't any unless the carrier kills himself b..." He said and I stood to my feet sharing."How do we know you aren't lying, we all know how you feel about Ryan, and how much you hate him? You were in that meeting with her for a long time, that ca
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147: Blown bubble
After they went to get themselves clean I decided to explore around me for the things that I missed. I wished that Alex and I had left on a much better note because I had so many questions to ask him.I was still really sceptical about Ryan being alone with shepherd and Sean because I felt like they will do something to hurt him just to make a point that they would protect their pack and make everyone feel safe I just hope they knew that I will not let them get away with it Ryan meant to me way more than what the pack meant to them."Prestige!" I heard Elena call, she was heading towards me with Ronald and I remembered all of a sudden that she had told me she was married. I smiled at her and waved as she hastened her steps towards me. "Good morning!" She called, "Ronald didn't believe me when I told him you were here and so I brought him over... What the heck are you doing?" She asked the latter question to Ronald because he had rolled his eyes all the way to the back.Before we coul
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148: sad twist
Nadeline pov"I'll talk to her alone," Ryan said in dismissal to the rest of the men and held my hands to lead me out of the room. I don't know what he was thinking but if he thought talking to me alone was going to do anything to convince me, he could never have been more wrong, I was so uninterested in anything he had to say if he wasn't going my way."Ryan, this can't be happening." I shook my head in utter disbelief. "I have to, this is only the start, if we were all going to die on the same day and just maybe sleep and never wake up I would honestly not mind but watching innocent people die like that is not something I Will ever stay alive and watch,I'm an alpha, I'll always be one, I can't control the need to protect the pack put in my care, I know how badly this affects you and trust me when I say I really don't want things to end this way but I clearly have no choice."Even though I understood everything he was saying, that did not able it make sense, "so we really just can't
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149: the end of a shepherd
"Hm," he nodded once and sighed at me, "so I've spoken to Alex and the beta and we have had a long talk about it, this morning we will be flying back to the pack to let them know the news and I'll annouce my final decision to everyone. So go back yout things and assemble by the plane in the next twenty minutes.""Yes alpha," we all chorused simultaneously. Everyone dispersed to do just as he had said. If the alpha was really going to sacrifice, who would run the pack. This felt like i was witnessing the blood moon pack all over again."You have been really quiet since last night," i said to Ryan while we packed and headed out of the visitors cottage. I held his hand in mine and headed for the plane."Yeah i just can't believe that with all his persistence in orientation and reading deeper meanings into the history of the pack, he didnt confirm the situation all too well and would have made me take a step I'd eventually regret, it's all just so crazy to me.""Yeah i know right, we are
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150: Mate
I woke up feeling tired than ever, last night had been really exhausting and emotional for me especially after what had happened with Shepherd.It was still a big news to me that we would have to move into the packhouse but then that meant we could give the room to some rogues who wanted to be in the pack it something, it was just a lot to deal with for me but I knew I would be fine.'Rise and shine sleepy head.' Aela called to me and without even thinking about Ryan that was still passed out asleep on the bed, I let out a deafening scream. I hadn't been expecting that it was only natural that my reaction would be exactly that.He came awake with haziness, "what? What's it?" He directed at me, scanning me thoroughly to see if I'd been injured or something and we noticed that I was visibly fine, he frowned, "why would you yell so loud for no reason?""My wolf is back!" I squealed, "oh goddess, I need to run right now, fuck I never thought I'd feel this great about getting my wolf!" It
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