All Chapters of The Alpha's Punishment: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
54 Chapters
Chapter 11
Jasper Hartford Lizzy stepped out of her room wearing the dress my mom bought her looking absolutely stunning. She normally wore clothes that hid her body, I know that was mostly my fault but I still felt guilty about it. Maybe when we had completed our bond and she felt more comfortable around me I could convince her to dress like this more often. I had overheard her talking to my mom about me. She seemed happy that I was her mate which was a nice surprise after how badly I had messed things up in the past. I had been worried that she would be shocked and upset once she worked out I was hers, the fact that she seemed to be taking it so well made me want to throw caution to the wind and kiss her. ‘Say something, you are staring at her like an idiot.’ Garnet groaned. “Wow,” I mumbled, unable to think of anything more profound to say. ‘I should have been more specific. I should have told you to say something smart.’ Garnet complained, sharing some of his embarrassment with me. “Tha
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Chapter 12
Elizabeth Summers Jasper held his hand out towards me. He had just told the whole pack that I was his mate and now he was expecting me to run into his arms when all I wanted to do was run away. I wanted to sneak out of the back door then run into the forest and never come back, but I knew that would only make things worse for everyone. It would embarrass Alpha and Luna Hartford and undermine Jasper’s position as Alpha when he took over. That would put them and the rest of the pack in danger, I couldn’t do that to them, they were the only family I knew. Besides, Jasper’s wolf was an Alpha so if I ran from him he would be compelled to chase me and when he inevitably caught me he wouldn’t be able to stop his wolf from marking me. The best thing I could do for the time being was to play along and act like the perfect future Luna. I would talk to him about how I felt later, but at that moment I needed to do as he wished for the good of the pack. I walked towards Jasper and brought my han
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Chapter 13
Jasper Hartford I was so happy. I have been walking around with a huge grin on my face ever since I told the pack that Lizzy was my mate. I declared her mine, I even kissed her and she didn’t push me away or tell me to leave her alone. She may not have come to bed with me but that didn’t matter as long as she was mine. I would wait as long as it took for her to be ready to take that step with me. I took longer than usual to get ready this morning. I wanted to look perfect for my mate. I kept trying on different outfits but nothing felt right. I didn’t want to look too formal but I also didn’t want to look too casual in case she thought I wasn’t making an effort for her. I spent so long worrying about how I looked that by the time I got downstairs to breakfast, she had already eaten and left the table. The only people left in the dining room were my parents. I sat down opposite them and poured myself a cup of coffee from the jug. “I am not sure that was the best way of telling Liz t
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Chapter 14
Elizabeth Summers I paced my room as I waited for my date with Jasper. He had really worried me earlier when he walked into the library. I was sure that he was going to mock me for spending my Saturday morning in the library but he didn’t. He sat with me reading for a while and then he started holding me. He wasn’t reading or looking at his phone or anything. He just sat there for hours with my head resting on his chest as he watched me read. He stroked and kissed my hair but what was even more surprising was that I actually enjoyed it. The closeness, the warmth and even the scent of his masculine grooming products. It felt really nice just to be held in his arms. I had intended to keep Jasper at arm’s length until I turned nineteen in case he decided that he wanted to reject me, but that wasn’t working out so well. It has been less than a day since I found out I was his mate and I am already feeling the effects of our bond. That was the only possible explanation for the way I felt
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Chapter 15
Jasper Hartford I could smell Lizzy’s arousal while she was straddling me, so I was surprised when she suddenly stopped kissing me and pulled away from me. I thought the kiss was perfect, I never wanted it to end and I thought she felt the same way until she jumped out of my lap as though I was on fire. At first, I was worried that I had done something wrong but seeing the blush spread over her cheeks I could tell that wasn’t the problem. She wanted me but she was embarrassed, probably because she was in such an intimate position with me in a public setting. There was something about her innocence that I found completely adorable but I had to remember to take things slower with her. I didn’t want to scare her or make her feel pressured to do something she wasn’t ready for. She had to be the one who set the pace, we literally have the rest of our lives together to work out the details. We walked back to my car mostly in silence but it wasn’t an awkward kind of silence. I had my arm
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Chapter 16
Elizabeth Summers Patti watched as Jasper walked away. She waited until he was completely out of sight before turning back around to face me again. She was looking at me as though I had lost my mind and I couldn’t really blame her for thinking that way. “Now tell me, what the fuck is going on?” Patti was almost screaming in my face. “I am dating Jasper.” I would have thought that was obvious by this point. If the cosy table for two wasn’t enough to prove this was a date then the way Jasper just kissed me should have made everything crystal clear. “Why would you do that? He is mean and cruel.” “He makes you cry all the time,” Oliver added. “It was all a misunderstanding, he’s different when you get to know him.” I couldn’t believe I was sitting here sticking up for Jasper but I wasn’t sure what else I was supposed to do. I couldn’t exactly tell them that Jasper was my mate and I was trying to work out if I wanted to accept him. Not only was I sure that they would think I had take
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Chapter 17
Jasper Hartford Lizzy has been different around me since last night when her friends crashed our date. She still kisses me but there is a hesitance that wasn’t there before and it is terrifying. When I think back to the way she looked at me after kissing me goodnight last night I feel sick. I hate seeing her look so worried but knowing that I am the one who made her feel that way is ripping me apart inside. I know she can’t reject me until her wolf is awake but even the idea that she might be thinking about it sends both me and my wolf spiralling into despair. I have to show her how much she means to me. She is the most important thing in my life and she needs to know it. After spending a couple of hours sulking in my room I decided that I needed to come up with a better plan. I still had some time before I had to be at training so I arranged to meet my friends at the nearby coffee shop. It only took me a few minutes to get ready and walk there but Adam and Nico were already there w
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Chapter 18
Elizabeth Summers I hate training more than anything else, even more than I hated doing trigonometry. At least in trigonometry I can hide near the back of the class and pretend not to be there. I can’t really do that when the Alpha walks around the room assessing each of us. There’s nowhere to hide. Training was also the only time until recently that I interacted with other members of the pack outside of those I lived with. It never went well. Nobody wanted to be paired with me, on a good week someone would be away and I would be allowed to practice my moves alone. On a bad week, I had to pair up with one of the other pack members. They hated being paired with me and when they fought me they would make it very clear just how much they hated it. They wouldn’t pull their punches or stop when they were supposed to, so I would come home with cuts and bruises all over my body. I pulled the sleeves of my oversized hoodie over my hands as I left my room. I wished that I could be doing anyt
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Chapter 19
Jasper Hartford I took Lizzy out of training early. After Frankie nearly clawed her throat out I didn’t want her anywhere near anyone else. I would lock her in my room and never let her out again if I could but that would just be hurting her to cover for my own inadequacies. I felt so useless watching Frankie shouting at my mate and getting ready to attack her. I knew that if I went after him when he was shouting at her the anger would have caused me to partially shift. Everyone in that room would have seen that I was an Omega and the news would have been around the whole pack in minutes. I let that hold me back for just a few seconds and she nearly died because of it. I should have just shifted straight away so I could protect her. Her safety was much more important than my secret. I was such a terrible mate, I hesitated just when she needed me most. I didn’t deserve her. “I’m so sorry,” I said. My voice didn’t even sound like mine. It was quiet and shaky, barely even a whisper. W
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Chapter 20
Elizabeth Summers When I woke up for college this morning Jasper was in bed beside me. At some point in the night, he must have pulled the covers over us but other than that nothing had happened. Surprisingly Jasper had acted like a perfect gentleman for the whole evening, we kissed for hours but he never tried to push me to do anything other than that. Jasper must be a heavy sleeper because I managed to remove his arms from around me and sneak out of bed without him waking up. I left him in my room while I went to get showered and changed. When I came back into my room a few minutes later he had already left and I didn’t see him again until halfway through breakfast. When he walked into the dining room my heart fluttered at the sight of him. His hair was still wet from the shower and his t-shirt was sticking to his body slightly. It was almost as though he was so excited about seeing me that he didn’t wait around to dry himself properly. That was a stupid thought though, why would
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