All Chapters of The Alpha King's Series : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
105 Chapters
Chapter 34
The Alpha King’s Cursed Mate.Chapter Thirty-Four.“Why?” Dominic whispered, as he placed me to my feet once I was able to stand on my own. “I could have ended this, why wouldn’t you let me?” He asks, his voice full of anger. I sighed. I couldn’t let Dominic fight Charles, I needed to know why Harry asked him to kill me. “I need to ask a few questions first. He’s the only one that can answer them,” I replied.Dominic hesitated before he finally nodded. Dominic grabs my hand and was about to lead me to the dance floor when papa took the stage. “The new King and his Luna and future Queen would like to have their first dance. Please make way for Dominic and Caliana,” Papa said, clapping his hands. Everyone was clapping and smiling as Dominic led me to the floor. He placed his hand on my lower back and took my left hand into his. The warmth of his palm on my back sent shivers down my spine. Dominic and I swirled and he spun me around as the song continued and we swayed to rhythm as
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Chapter 35
The Alpha King's Cursed MateChapter Thirty-Five.“Freeze him,” Bane said to me.I took a deep breath.“Agatha, freeze Charles,” Charles froze in place with an angry expression. This isn’t a permanent solution. I can't keep him frozen forever. He has a son and I get the feeling that Weston isn’t a guy to mess with. Bane turns around and hugs me.“Dominic and Anna are coming,” He whispered just as the door opened and they both strolled out.Dominic takes me in his arms and the warmth from his body gives me so much comfort and here in this moment I feel like everything is going to be okay.Anna, let’s Bane out of her arms and she turns towards me with a frown.“Can’t you just keep him like this?” She asked the same question that I was thinking just moments ago.I shake my head.“Weston would wonder where he was and seek him out and we don’t need to be Weston’s enemy,” I explained to her and she nodded.“But we can’t just let him go. He will never give up until Cali is dead,” Bane tell
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Chapter 36
The Alpha King’s Cursed Mate.Chapter Thirty-Six.Bane.The ground started shaking and the wind was getting stronger. Caliana's body was shaking and the amulet around her slender neck was glowing red.Anna, held onto forearm tightly, her nails digging into my flesh. Since I marked her I can feel her emotions and right now she’s terrified of what she’s seeing. And honestly so am I.Caliana suddenly lifts off the ground and as lightning strikes the sky. I’m not sure what kind of power Agatha is giving her but the looks of it…it looks painful. A cry escapes Cali’s lips and Dominic makes a B-line towards her.I was quick and grabbed his arm.“You can’t touch her right now. Goddess only knows what would happen to you and the kingdom needs you along with Cali,” Dominic looks at me and looks back at Cali, he doesn’t try to move he knows what I said was true.The thunder comes out of nowhere like the lightning. Caliana continues to shake and the red glow makes its way through her body.We
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Chapter 37
The Alpha King’s Cursed Mate.Chapter Thirty-Seven.“What are we going to do about the palace?” Kyle asked papa. Papa looks around at the mess and sighs. “We start to rebuild,” I thought papa would have been upset that I destroyed the palace but he wasn’t. He’s nothing like Harry who nearly took my head off when I broke a piece of china from his collection.“Agatha, restore the palace,” As my amulet glows a green color everyone around watches as the glass that covers the floor flies back to the window and looks untouched. The balcony becomes whole again and the walls are no longer damaged. Papa glanced over at me and smiled.“Thank you,” I nodded my head.“I fixed what I’ve broken. I’m only sorry it took me so long to control Agatha’s power. I never meant to destroy the palace,” I told him. “Mama?,” Toby came into the ballroom rubbing his eyes.Mama rushes toward him and lifts him into her arms.“What are you doing out of bed?” She asked him.“I heard a loud noise and I got scar
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Chapter 38
The Alpha King’s Cursed Mate.Chapter Thirty-Eight.I haven’t heard from Tyson in a week, not since I told him I couldn’t help his son. Believe me I wish I could have but that’s just not how Agatha works. Dominic knows something is bothering me but I gave Tyson my word and I tend to keep it. Dominic has been working with the new recruits on training them to become warriors of the kingdom, doing some digging he found out that Danny the head of the warriors was doing some awful things to the she-wolves unspeakable things. So Dominic is taking over until he can be replaced with someone more trustworthy, Danny’s judgment day will be soon.“Cali, do you mind watching after Ginger while she’s napping so I can try to wash my hair?” Anna asks. I smile and nod. I love watching Ginger. She's so adorable. Annabella on the other hand looks like hell her hair is a mess and the bags underneath her eyes are darker today.“Anna, are you getting any sleep?” She sits down on the sofa next to me and s
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Chapter 39
The Alpha King’s Cursed Mate.Chapter Thirty-Nine.I’ve never felt as foreign as I do now. Sitting across from my best friend and his wife she was just as quiet as me as the boys discussed our baby's future and the merger of the kingdoms. Dominic has made such a great king everyone loves him even though his bad side shows more than his good. “I don’t understand?” Dominic said, the sound I. His tone broke me from my trance and I looked away from the wooden table. “The merger will still happen. Mia and I will have another baby when the time is right. We just can’t do it right now,” Tyson tells Dominic.“That’s not the agreement. You have a son we need to sign to make this merger official between the kingdoms,” Dominic said, his tone was changing and I don’t want a fight to break out…not when Tyson and Mia are going through such a hard time.I placed a hand on Dominic’s and he looked over at me.“Dominic, our son may not live. I won’t go into details but do you see the problem?” Tyson a
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Chapter 40
The Alpha King’s Cursed Mate.Chapter Forty.Bane.“Clear,”My heart sank when the on call doctor shook his head. Caliana can’t die not like this…not when things between us have been so bad. Fuck.“She’s pregnant,” I shouted at the nurse beside the doctor and she whispered something to the doctor and he looked up at me then back at Cali.“Get the OR ready,” He tells some man in scrubs and he ran to the nurses station. “Push another round of epie and Charge to 300,” “Ready?” The doctor asks the nurse and she nods.“Clear,”“I got a heartbeat, It’s faint but there. Let’s move,” The doctor says as they push the gurney toward the double doors.“I’m sorry ma’am but you cannot come in,” The red headed nurse tells Brinley.I ran my fingers through my hair when Anna put her arms around me and I broke. I cried in her arms and she comforted me as I fell to my knees. Cali didn’t look good. She had lost so much blood and her heartbeat was faint. What if she….No, I can't think about that right
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Chapter 41
The Alpha King's Cursed Mate.Chapter Forty-One.Today I will finally get to hold Jasmine. She's a week old and this will be the first time that I’ve held her arms. According to doctor Jacob the medication that she’s been on isn’t helping and without a heart she won't make it which is why they are letting me and Dominic hold her. She might not make it through the rest of the day. Our family is here surrounding us and supporting us as we hold her and say our goodbyes.How am I supposed to say goodbye to her? I’ve carried her in my stomach for months waiting to hold, raise her and be the best mother that I can be at seventeen. I wasn’t at all ready for this but as months went by and Dominic by side I was ready…I was ready to be her mother and now it’s all ending.Tears flow from my eyes as I was the NicU nurses maneuver her from the incubator the wires that hook on her can’t be taking off when they’ve tried her heart stops beating and I can’t let go…..not before I get the chance to hol
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Chapter 42
The Alpha King’s Cursed Mate.Chapter Forty-Two.It’s been two months since Bane found Jasmine's heart, and today we get to bring her home for the first time. Doctor Jacob said her little body has accepted the heart nicely and she shouldn’t have any more problems. He wants to see her back every six months to check on it to just make sure but he believes she will live a long normal life.I’m so glad that Bane found her heart. It meant so much to me and Dominic. We both decided to treat him and Anna to dinner at a fancy restaurant tonight and show him how thankful we are. I didn’t want to leave the baby so soon after she came home but this was important to Dominic to do this for Bane so I asked mama and papa to watch Jasmine tonight while we take care of this. Even though mama and papa never really seemed interested in my being pregnant they have stood by us the whole time Jasmine was in the hospital they visit everyday.Dominic and I have been so wrapped up in the baby that the subject
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Chapter 43
The Alpha king’s Cursed Mate.Chapter Forty-Three.Six Years Later…..Today is Jasmine’s sixth birthday party and of course she had to have a princess themed party which Dominic went all out on. He got all the princess Characters balloons, a bounce house for the kids and two sheet cakes…. His excuse for the cakes was that we have so many guests when in reality he plans on saving the cake so he can eat it for a week. Dominic and I had welcomed another daughter two years after Jasmine was born. We named her Sofia. She was born with no heart complications. Anna and Bane had twins, Andy and Amira,who are now three years old. Tyson and Mia had another son they named Cato who’s the same age as Sofia, they haven’t brought up the agreement I’m kinda hoping they don’t. “Cali, Jasmine’s ready to blow out her candles,” Anna says.We all gather around and sing happy birthday to her. She smiles so big as she closes her eyes and blows out the candle. Jasmine’s such a shy and gentle little girl on
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