All Chapters of The Playboy's Woman: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
171 Chapters
Chapter Ninety One
“Mr…” Alvarez called out as his eyes raked the office, a cigarette in his hands and his legs on the table.“We don’t do that here.” Niko said to him, nodding his head towards his legs as Alvarez's lips formed a smirk.“Don’t you look for the comfortability of your clients? That’s how comfortable I am, and I need to do it. So please, accept it for me that way..” Alvarez added, staring deep into Niko’s eyes.Niko did not bulge, staring hard at him with a stern expression. Alvarez rolled his eyes to his head, stomping his foot on the ground before looking back at Niko with a bored expression.“….satisfied?” He said with a raise of the brow.“For the moment..” Niko replied before picking up a file and passing it to him.“….with the help of our company, your company has made triple of what you make in a month. And yet, you’ve refused to settle us, why is that?” Niko started.“Because I was bringing all of it together.” Alvarez replied before snapping his finger.One of his guards came forw
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Chapter Ninety Two
Niko drove home with a happy feeling in him. He didn’t know exactly why but there was something in him that bubbled greatly which he also found hard to explain. He had planned on going to Reyna school, picking her up and having some fun time with her before they both went home.“Maybe that’s why I’m happy..” he repeated to himself as he packed in front of her school.He got down from his car and walked inside the school, his hands in his pocket and a gigantic smile on his face. She was going to be in the cafeteria, that's where she’s always with her friend.“Hello again handsome..” Stella called out as she dashed out from an open space.“And here again.:” Niko grumbled, stopping in his tracks immediately.“You don’t want to know what your little thing has been doing all these days, seeing another person at your back, having lunch with them, holding hands and going to the cafeteria with them. Do you want to know all of that, and evidence backing them up too,” Stella saud, eyeing Niko a
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Chapter Ninety Three
“Of course. Of course we are. I just..just..” Niko stuttered, his eyes not being able to leave Reyna’s face.“Alright. I’ll be waiting for you downstairs.” Reyna said before walking away.Niko scrunched his brows after she left, he couldn’t even get why she was dressed like that, probably the heat or anything. She was always covered in the house, dressed to the tip of her fingers and now, it just looked like she was putting her whole self on display.He sighed, walking back inside the room and stopping for a while, his brain trying to process whatever could be going on with Reyna and the part he wanted to take in all of this also. He walked towards the door again, his foot stepping out and slamming the door as he walked downstairs. Reyna was already seated on the couch, with a blanket draped over her body.“Ohhh..” he murmured, his head bobbing up and down before walking to join her.“I’ve been trying to pick a movie for us to watch and yet I can’t get any, do you have any one we can w
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Chapter Ninety Four
Another passionate sex.That was the first thought that came to Reyna’s mind as she woke up tangled on the couch with Niko whose eyes were still closed and one of his arms around her. She gulped down, closing her eyes and trying her best to wrap her head around this.If this kept on going, she’ll lose count of how many times they’ve had sex and it’s something they’ll start taking casual already.“If that hasn’t started already..” a thought occurred to her.She couldn’t deny it, the sex was always good. How he stroked deep in her, holding her breasts as his support, and turning, flipping her to all sides and hitting every nook and cranny of her. It was nice, very nice, only that it was just the sex, and there was nothing more.She sighed deeply, stylishly removing his arms that were around her and dropping it to his side. She managed to stand up slowly, her foot hitting the ground without waking him up and carrying her up the stairs. She closed the door to her room gently, gulping down
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Chapter Ninety Five
“Are we still on for tonight?” Dylan asked as they both walked out of class.“Of course. Just send me the location, I’ll meet you.” Reyna replied, their hands intertwined together.“Alright..”“…and about the project, I’ve seen some other designers, which we’ve been talking about our project, we should go see them together when you’re free.”“Okay. That’s good.” Reyna said, stopping abruptly as she turned to face him.“I’m always free, so you can just pick a day and we can go together.” She added.Dylan’s lips curved forward as he nodded to her,“I have to go now. I need to check on my brother and prepare…so I’ll..”“Of course. Of course. Take care of yourself okay?” Dylan said.Reyna nodded and was just about to break their hand bond when he leaned and placed a peck on her cheeks, catching her off guard.“Bye..” Reyna said flustered, as she walked away quickly.She had texted Niko when her class was about to end and he was supposed to be out there already. The peck lingered on her ch
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Chapter Ninety Six
Packing in the huge spaced mansion, Reyna was the first to get down from the car, trying all her possible best to avoid all interactions with Niko.“Can you please help open the trunk?” She called out as she paced back and forth in front of it.Niko sighed as he leaned his head to the car seat. He couldn’t even understand why he had acted like that, and for some reason, the way she was acting back didn’t fit now. He just wanted one simple thing from her.“Arghhh..” he groaned out.Opening the door and slamming it close, he made his way to the trunk and opened it, Reyna carrying the things out and nodding her head at him before walking towards the entrance.“Wait up..” he called out.Reyna stopped in her tracks as Niko walked to meet her,“I don’t know what you have going on with your project mate..”“What?” She cut him off with furrowed brows.“Whatever you have going on with him, don’t tell Alan or discuss anything about it with him, we might have won over my grandfather in some kind
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Chapter Ninety Seven
“Let’s eat. I’ll show you all of the other things later.” Alan said to Reyna before pulling her out of the room.His eyes met with Nikos one more time before they walked out, leaving Niko in the room.“Shit!” He cursed out and stomped his foot on the ground.He ran his hand through his hair as he paced back and forth. What was wrong with him today? Why had he said that?“Fuck!” He cursed out again.Before he could hit another thing, a knock sounded on the door, stopping him in his tracks.“What!” He replied harshly.“The food has been served, everyone else is waiting for you and I’m just asked to come and call you.” Eh heard the maid say.A low hiss escaped his lips before he could know it, opening the door and walking out without sparing the maid a glance. He got downstairs to meet everyone seated and a funny discussion was going on because Reyna was laughing wildly as he walked in.“See you’ve been waiting for me.” He eyed the table while mumbling.Reyna stopped laughing all of a su
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Chapter Ninety Eight
Chapter 109Both Niko and Reyna sat in silence after that, Niko glancing throughout the room and finding what could be more prettier in a room that was just colored in shades of white and a touch of black than a room colored in all shades of female colors.“What’s wrong?” Reyna finally voiced out, reaching out for his palm and intertwining hers with it.“Nothing.” Niko said almost immediately.“You’re lying. You can always talk to me, you know.” Reyna said.“And why is that? Why can I always talk to you?” Niko asked her, turning to face her.Reyna gulped down. She did not know why she had said that, but it just felt right at the moment. “Because I’m your girlfriend. Even if it’s fake, I’m still your girlfriend for the time.” She replied.Niko sighed as he fell to the bed, his eyes faced the ceiling, pulling Reyna’s hand down too and making her fall on the bed.“How is Dylan?” He asked.Reyna furrowed her brows immediately, tilting her head to meet his eyes staring at her already,“Wh
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Chapter Ninety Nine
Chapter 110“Ahhhh..” the both of them jerked forward, Reyna falling to the bed and Niko falling on top of her.Niko slid to the side, his chest falling and rising as Reyna panted heavily. She pulled her skirt down, closing her eyes and letting the pleasure sink in her. She didn’t know when she became this, having sex and sex without knowing what they were, but she was definitely enjoying it.“We have to go outside before my father starts suspecting nonsense.”“What!” Reyna exclaimed, turning to face him.“He might start thinking we did something..”“Didn’t we do something?” She cut him off with raised brows.“But do you want to tell him that?” Niko replied to her with widened eyes, seated up as he buckled himself back on.Reyna clenched her jaw, her right palm grabbing a handful of the blanket as she closed her eyes. That was just it, another part of her flesh with his. She sighed heavily and opened her eyes, pulling herself up from the bed and redressing herself.Thank God she broug
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Chapter One Hundred
Chapter 111“Why do I think you’re angry now?” Niko said as he glanced at her.Reyna sighed and faced the window, not saying anything but her mind rummaging through a lot of things. Was she overthinking it or did it just look like they couldn’t tell his grandfather about it.“Reyna…” she heard him blurt again.“I’m thinking about something.” She replied harshly.“And what’s that?” Niko asked again.“I’ve been thinking..” Reyna said, turning away from the window and facing the front.“What’s that?” Niko asked, darting his eyes to her before facing the road again.What was wrong with her? Could she possibly be mad because of what he said? Or what could be wrong with her?“If it’s about..”“About what?” She cut him off fast enough.Niko glanced at her again, this time with raised brows. He couldn’t help but find her actions so weird.“You don’t possibly think I’ll tell my father that we just had sex in his house or what do you expect me to say?”“But you made it seem like having sex with
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