All Chapters of Hot Summer In California: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
73 Chapters
I wake in a good mood this morning, knowing that we're about to hit a road trip to Billings, the largest city in Montana. The boys have an urgent business with some banker over there, and asked if we wanted to tag along with them. But of course, we both answered with a big yes, full of ecstasy. I've decided that since I'm here, I should explore everyplace I can afford.Isn't that the whole point of a vacation?"Just wake me up when we arrive," Sam tells me, her voice groggy and lazy. She's seated between Malik and me in the backseat."Sure, ma'am. Goodnight," I reply placidly."Do you enjoy this, Professor?" Malik asks teasingly upon seeing my smile."Yeah, don't you?" I reply, gazing at his big, bright eyes."Well, I love the company better." He shrugs, forging some sort of gallant that makes me chuckle. Jeez, he's mood! "And you, brother?" He faces
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God knows how sexy he looks when he smiles. It's almost impossible not to get lost into those ocean-like eyes.Okay focus, Kira."What else should the guy do to make sure his guest is having a good time at his home then?" Liam retorts seriously, but I find it more of a mockery.Or . . . maybe not? He's probably being earnest."A guest? Is that all she amounts to you?" I raise my voice, feeling a bit annoyed, and yet he looks totally unaffected.He's still smiling, to be precise, and I can't say I'm complaining. Well, I think I've lost myself at this point. Indecisive, hot and cold, I can't even tell what I am anymore."I clearly told you before, Ms. Jones . . ." Liam moves even closer, startling me, taking me completely off guard. "I don't harbor any special feelings for your friend; not at all. She kindly toured me around Los Angeles, and I was indeed grateful.She
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"Hurry up, Kiki!" Sam urges, impelling me to snap out of my state of panic."Just a sec," I utter while opening the door, my heart still thumping from the earlier incident and this sudden appearance of Samantha. "Um, hi," I breathe, forcing an innocent smile.Bitch! My subconscious mutters, rolling her eyes at me, and I know she's right. It's just too uncalled for."What's up? You look like you've seen a ghost." Sam slips in hurriedly. "It's boring drinking alone, so here." She now reveals a champagne bottle and beams."Drinking? Right now?" I ask and she nods. "Why?""Why? Stop being a spoilsport! And why not? Do you have classes tomorrow?" Sam mocks, and I hiss with my eyes, making her laugh."Well, let's drink." I take a deep sigh, accepting the offer.I probably need a drink."That's my girl." Sam smiles while
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I'm sure she's surprised that I've muted all this time since our last session back in L.A, and it's so unlike me. Originally I would've called her immediately when I had that dream about Liam, but I shockingly didn't bother."Yes, doctor. I'm out of California right now, and I apologize that I couldn't properly say goodbye before leaving," I answer softly, parading around the room with my hand on the waist."No worries. I'm aware that you dropped by my office when I was away in a seminar. So, how are you? I know I should take your silence as a good sign, but I can't get too comfortable either. Is everything okay with you?""Well, it is okay." I raise stop moving, leaning against the window that's leading to the balcony. "I guess?" I add, unsure of my exact status of mind."You guess?""Um—“ I stutter. Damn, I don't know how to explain it. What if she, too, despite being a psychiatrist
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The coffee has extra cream shot, exactly how I love my stuff. My heart jumps aflutter at the thought of Liam knowing my taste so well.Could it be that he's taken deliberate to learn of it through our short dining experiences? Dream on, Kira. It costs absolutely nothing to have a lovely dream. I laugh at myself inwardly.Liam’s laptop is on the countertop with the Skype window open on the screen. He was probably video chatting with someone before I arrived. I resume my attention back as he finally hands me the mug.’’Thank you.’’ I feel giddy as I slowly start sipping it. Hmm, it's exquisite. Mr.Intense does know how to please a lady.Or maybe you are just too infatuated, breathes my subconscious with the look of ’oh, we’ve lost you, girl’. I just smile, enjoying my coffee."Shouldn't you be resting by now?" Liam breaks the silence, taking the same stance as mine, facing one
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Singing, Liam finally looks at me. "I thought you two became closer enough to tell each other such details, was I wrong?"Why does he sound like my husband accusing me of adultery?"Yes, and no, at least we haven't reached that part yet," I say. "Does it bother you?Dang it! I’m really searching for trouble."You should go back to your room, it's getting late," Liam tells me casually, ignoring my query.I hate when he does this."What? But I'm not finished with my coffee yet and—‘’"Then do it when you're done. Goodnight, Ms. Jones," he practically snaps at me before putting his mug in the sink. He grabs his laptop, and leaves without eyeing back.What the heck! I can't believe he's so childish. Or could it be that he's jealous of his best friend? An apprehension makes me frantic . . . delirious even, of the
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It's almost three a.m. I slowly exit my room, coming across the silent hall with a dim light. Breathing softly, I head a few steps towards Liam's door that's just next to mine and opposite to Sam's, and here is my destination.It's now that I notice the magnitude of this favor I've been asked. I must face Mr. Intense so late in the midnight, and in my pajamas. I'm not sure of how I look, and I don't understand why I'm even concerned of it.Oh, really now? Apparently my subconscious seems amused by this, rolling her big brown eyes.I reach for Liam's door, tentatively, as though afraid to make a slight sound. Sighing, my courage pulled in, I knock about four times and stay still, waiting. I keep my little patience intact, but my tummy is already in a thousand knots.Just open the door, Mr. Darcy, and let's get it over with. I sigh again, unable to keep calm.A moment goes by until I hear th
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I'm slightly nervous about this, but my fear is far from surpassing my desire. I'm seriously craving for a piece of him. No, all of him, and it's an intense urge I've never felt before. Only Liam Darcy can do this to me, I easily conclude."Tell me, Ms. Jones, why are you always trying to provoke me?" he asks softly, seducing me with his warm breath against my skin."I'm not provoking you, Mr. Darcy," I hardly reply as I’m drenched with the mere sound of his sexy voice.He's the beginning of my end.Breathing out of order, I quickly tug Liam's T-shirt over his head and throw it away. My eyes rest on his bare upper body and that subconscious of mine goes on hiding. I'm in charge."You're looking for trouble," Liam utters, smiling devilishly, and my fingers trail the toned abs of his tight stomach. He flexes, but stays put any way, letting my suddenly incorrigible hand follow my cr
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Liam lies down by my side and covers us both with the duvet. I dare not question him, for I don't want him to alter his mind. I ultimately love this gesture, my subconscious nodding in agreement."Lights off, please." Liam points at the bedside lamp."Okay." I hurry to comply, stupidly indulged into this new bliss. Okay or not, just this once I'm refusing to think of anything else but this moment.Liam holds me gently and I feel his warmth that makes me smile sheepishly. So this is what it feels like to have someone by your side, huh? What a feel!"I said to sleep, Ms. Jones," Liam urges, dissolving me from my sweet reverie."Yes, Mr. Darcy," I reply with rolled-eyes.How grumpy can he get?I don't mind, however, I just can't help but wonder about his personality at times.We stay in silence, and I can't say I'm sleepy at a
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Staring myself in the mirror, my reflection kind of disgusts me. I'm suddenly feeling guilty from all the treacherous things I keep doing in the dark, behind closed door.I'm such a traitor, backstabber, and I wonder how to stop."I've made up my mind, Kira," Sam shouts enough to give me a startle. "I'm going to tell Liam everything today." Her voice echoes just behind the bathroom door, and my heart jumps a rope.Again with that? I feel more awful. She sounds pretty much excited, however, and what I see for myself in the mirror isn't what to call bliss."Really? That's good," I hardly utter the words.Sam goes on telling me about her plans for the day, and it seems like she's so determined to finally ask Liam out. I'm positive she's more than capable of doing so."Do you think he'll reject me?" she asks casually. I swallow hard, not knowing what to say. What c
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