All Chapters of The Princess and Her Werebear: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
50 Chapters
Chapter 31: Engaged To My Enemy
Drake steps to the side, able to somehow sense Eliana's presence. He is not quite quick enough, though, as the rusted nail imbeds itself in the side of his arm. He bares his teeth in pain. As he tries to turn and face the Princess, she rips the weapon out and goes for his neck.With reflexes now kicking in, Drake grabs Eliana's wrist, tightening her hold on the metal. She whimpers as her flesh is pinched. Gritting her teeth, she yanks against his hold, trying to step away.Drake's long hair is now even over her own shoulder, tangling them together. He grabs her other arm, pinning her in place."Let me go." She seethes, her face burning with anger. She will not allow herself to be used and manipulated by a Climont monster."You just tried to kill me, and yet you're still demanding things of me," he chuckles, his chest rumbling. Drake's breath is hot on her face, only causing her rage to build. "I said unhand me.""Only if you promise to sit peacefully and listen to what I have to
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Chapter 32: The Rescue Team
"Have I made a mistake?" Eliana whispers as she sits in the large wooden drum, washing off the grime of her travels. The water has become drastically cool, but she welcomes the cold, allowing herself to become clearer minded. "How do I know that Drake will keep his word?"Cupping a handful of the water, Eliana splashes it over her face, rubbing her cheeks."He would not risk the wrath of his father for nothing, right?"Making sure to keep her body almost completely submerged in the water, Eliana dunks her head back, wetting her hair. She glances around at her surroundings carefully. She is on the outside of camp, a large sheet blocking her view of the tents. She wonders if they all do this when they bathe. "What if someone is watching," she wonders to herself."Prince Drake has ordered all men to stay within camp, to not venture out, for the time being." Junet explains as she appears through the small tuft of decaying trees. "He does not want your privacy impeded on.""That is v
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Chapter 33: Outed By The Maid
Jasper paces back and forth, his shoulders hunched over, his gaze never leaving the spot where Eliana was standing.Alma is still near the tub, watching him. Her heart warms at the emotion Jasper feels for Eliana. The love he has, even for someone who could not possibly be his soul bond. It gives her hope, that even though her lover in Pyrion is not her mate, that they can still be happy and in love. She presses her lips together to hide a smile at the thought of the young man. His short, pale hair and his beady eyes that linger on her. An image of him forms in her mind, smiling at her. "Oh come on," Evyn growls snapping her out of her reverie, "Why are we even still here?" He throws his hands up into the air, exasperated. "She obviously is not in any real danger. She can simply just go home with them."Weighing whether or not she should respond, Alma covertly follows Evyn's movements. He is close to her, his scent twisting around her heart and blocking most of her senses. She inha
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Chapter 34: My Grandmother Was A What???
"We should be leaving now," Jasper growls out. He runs his hand through his hair, pulling the locks. "It is only for a few hours," Alma explains. "We will be able to make up the time later on.""I do not feel comfortable here," he retorts, snarling. The Climont soldiers mill about, shining their weapons or cooking their dinner. The maids constantly glance over at the Pivurlions, their brows stitched up with unease. Jasper refuses to relax in this atmosphere. There is a tension thick in the air that he does not trust. "Let's retrieve our horses," Alma urges, moving to his side."I am not leaving her here alone.""She is not alone, Olisnia is with her." Jasper breathes in, but he is only able to sense a small whiff of Eliana's honey scent. He cannot put too much distance between them. He must protect her."She is right," Evyn sighs entering the conversation. "We all know Olisnia is very powerful. She will watch over Eliana while we go to get the horses. We will need them if w
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Chapter 35: No Cats Here
"You're lying," Eliana bites out, her entire being wracked with a shockwave reverberating through her. She grits her teeth, trying to hold herself together. "Why would you even say such a thing?""Because it is the truth," Olisnia sighs. "I know it is difficult to comprehend, but it is a fact of your lineage.""It is impossible. My grandmother passed before my mother ever gave birth to me. Neither me nor my mother have any abilities." Anger rolls through Eliana, the edges of her vision darkening. She stands her hands tightening into fists."It is simply because your blood has mixed with that of a human. You do not hold the same abilities as a fullblood Kexon. You most likely cannot shift completely, but you are still considered a Pivurlion. Your golden hair is proof of this.""What—my hair? Why?" Eliana reaches up and gently tugs on her locks."I am sure you are aware that every clan has their own specific trait. The werebears are overtly large, and the werebirds are thin, short,
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Chapter 36: Trial And Error
"Let's rest here," Jasper says, slowing his horse near a group of dead trees.Eliana sighs with relief as he slides down from their steed, her heart beginning to finally calm down.He turns around reaching up to help her descend. "I am able to get down on my own," she murmurs, swinging her leg over the side.Jasper is right behind her, though, his hands finding her sides to ease her movement.Eliana gasps, a fire exploding in the pit of her stomach, taking over her entire body. His hand causes her shirt to bunch up, the breeze brushing against her bare skin."Are you alright," Jasper questions close to her ear once she is standing on the ground."Uh, I'm fine," she forces out harshly.Refusing to even look at him, she moves away, her chest tight. She gulps, moving to Alma in order to begin unpacking some of the food."I will go hunt for some meat. I saw some deer running around about a mile to the north," Evyn states sliding down form his horse. "It will be easier to hunt wit
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Chapter 37: The Rise Of Jealousy
As the women exit the trees, Eliana's gaze immediately searches out Jasper. Her heart begins to flutter when she eventually does see him, but it is short lived. He is standing near Alma, laughing. He moves his hands around, explaining something to her.The werebird nods, closing her eyes.Eliana only stands there, watching, with Olisnia by her side.Alma's brow furrows, her shoulders tensing up, but almost immediately, feathers begin to form on her arms, her hands welding together. Her legs shrink but only slightly. Her face protrudes out into a large beak. Jasper folds his arms, cocking his head to the side as he watches. After a minute nothing else happens. Alma flaps her wings around angrily, her beak clacking together, before she squawks and her human form is returned to her."Come, let us get closer," Olisnia says walking forward."Wait," Eliana squeaks trying to reach for the Drulian. As her heart is ripped from her chest, she eyes Jasper. She cannot help but realize that th
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Chapter 38: No More Secrets
Eliana turns away from Jasper, forcing all thoughts of him from her mind. Her body moves on its own, sending her up behind one of the bears. She reaches out and slashes her claws across the creature's leg. It roars out and Olisnia wraps her whip around its neck pulling him to the ground.Jasper, back to his senses, is now on top of the Xefol, ripping into its throat. Eliana latches onto the bear's back, tearing him into shreds. The metallic taste of his blood coats her mouth and she cringes at the after taste.The second assassin lunges at Alma who is still atop her steed. She squeaks, trying to move, but her horse that is petrified, bucks the werebird off, sending her tumbling to the ground. She groans with the pain, her arm beginning to bleed. She looks up at the exact moment as the werebear approaches, standing above her and leaning back on his hind legs."Alma," Evyn shrieks, his body growing into that of his bear form. With his newly shifted muzzle, he digs into their enemy's t
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Chapter 39: Just Keep Moving
The night breeze blows through the camp, sending a chill through the Climont soldiers. Many huddle together, surrounding small fires for warmth.Drake resides in his quarters, sitting at his table. He is hunched over, grabbing onto his hair as stress rolls through him."Milord," Junet bows as she enters."What is it?" His expression is pale, exhaustion lining around his eyes."We have received word from the Vojik of the south. They will send a pack of wolves immediately."Relief washes over the Prince, "Thank the spirits. We'll have enough men to take down the rebels, especially if they are already in Zaline."An image of Eliana appears in his mind. Concern tenses his muscles at the thought of her entering that ambush."When will the werewolves arrive?""They will be here in two day's time," Junet explains softly, remaining close to the exit."That is still far away. We must be ready for when they arrive."The maid shuffles uncomfortably, "Prince, are you sure your plan will
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Chapter 40: Goodbye Olisnia
"Jasper, are you sure it was such a good idea to leave her," Evyn grumbles for the hundredth time. As they trudge across Drein, he glances back every so often.Jasper tries not to roll his eyes, "If you're so worried about your mate, then you should have stayed with them.""T-that's not why," he blunders through his words, a blush skyrocketing through his features."You have been wanting to leave them for a while now, but all of a sudden, now you care? Stick to one reaction and one decision. Stop going back and forth.""It's just that we left them completely alone. I said that we should leave them when Eliana, the Princess, was with the Climont soldiers. She was safe with them." Evyn is trying to explain as he matches Jasper's pace.Jasper shrugs, "She has the Drulian. She is safe."His friend sighs, "I am not so sure just one Drulian will be strong enough against several Xefol if they are attacked again.""Eliana has her powers now. She can at least partially shift. Alma is clo
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