All Chapters of Mated to Three: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
85 Chapters
Thirty One
The ride home was rough, with the adrenaline from the chase and subsequent fight well and truly gone, and the cold turning bitter as night began to fall. It didn't help any being half naked, with my legs exposed to the icy wind for all of the long ride home. By the time the bikes slowed and pulled into the garage, I felt frozen, numb, and trembling. I stumbled as I tried to dismount, and Finn caught me, steadying me before he dismounted too, taking my helmet. I only shivered more, trying to tug the hem down on the hoodie and wiggle my fingers to warm them, and they both looked at me with expressions of deep concern. Cole took the helmet from Finn, gesturing for his jacket and gloves too. "Let me put everything away and go and check in, get her upstairs and into a hot bath," Cole said, coming over and pulling me against him while Finn took his gear off. I snuggled into his warmth and he kissed me softly, resting his head and looking into my eyes, "Don't worry, little mate," he said s
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Thirty Two
I woke up a short while later, as I felt him lowering me into steamy hot water, and I blinked my eyes open, looking up and giving him a grateful smile. "Hey little wolf," he said quietly, as he settled me between his legs and pulled me back against his chest, "Is that better?" he asked, and I nodded, sighing softly as I felt the heat penetrating through my skin. "So much," I said softly, still feeling sleepy, "Thank you, Finn," I added, and he wrapped his arms tightly around me. "You're welcome, little wolf," he said, sinking a little lower in the water, until it reached my shoulders, and resting his own head back and closing his eyes. He seemed exhausted too, I realised, and I suddenly felt guilty. "I'm sorry for making you worry," I said quietly, "the last few days must have been horrible for you, not being able to find me." He lifted his head then, turning me around and frowning at me, "It's not your fault, little wolf," he said as he cupped my face gently, "You have no reason to
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Thirty Three
They watched me with amusement as I rolled up the bottoms of some drawstring-waisted pants that Finn had found me and tied the shirt to the side, trying to make them look like they at least somewhat fit. He threw me some warm socks too, and we headed down a moment later, greeted in the main hall with many relieved-looking smiles. We'd barely entered the kitchen when Maggie swept me up in a sudden, warm, tight hug. "Oh, dear, I'm so happy to see you back safely," she said with a huge smile, though she frowned a moment later, as she saw the marks all over my face. "Are you okay, my sweet? Have you seen Dorian?" Finn and Cole nodded, both smiling warmly at her, "Yeah, he just checked her over. Said we've gotta feed her," Cole said playfully, and she swatted him with her kitchen towel. "What do you feel like, dear?" she asked me, and I looked around at the busy kitchen, noticing smiles from a few of the Omegas too, who looked like they were working on dinner. "Uhm, what's for dinner?" I
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Thirty Four
I awoke a few times during the night, with nightmares of being chased, or dragged, unable to move, to find myself with a strong set of arms around me, soothing me, and the triplets' scents surrounding me. I felt them stirring during the night too, reaching for me several times, as though making sure I was still really there. It was oddly comforting, knowing that they needed me, even though I hated that they'd had to worry so much. I couldn't truly understand the depths of what they'd felt when they realised I was gone, and for the two days following, but I could easily see how much it had affected them, and all I wanted to do was be close to them, reassure them, and help wash all of those feelings away. We didn't get much time to ourselves once the following day started though. We all caught each other up on what had happened when others hadn't been there, and then Thane needed to do the same with the Elders, who were naturally very interested in knowing the details of any threats to
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Thirty Five
But as I looked at him, I realised I did want to. He'd never given me any reason not to trust him, and he'd seemed truly torn up about me being taken from under his watch. I stood, moving over to beside Thane, facing Luca, and nodded slowly. I opened my mouth to speak, but hesitated, glancing at Thane first, who gave a small, encouraging nod. "I'm.. a Royal," I said softly, meeting Luca's gaze, and holding my breath as I waited for his response. His expression turned to one of complete shock, and he looked to Thane, as though seeking confirmation. He gave a short nod, and Luca stared at both of us, "How?" he gasped, still stunned, "Did you know, before..?" Thane shook his head then, "None of us knew, including her, until she was forced to turn while fleeing them." Luca sighed deeply, sitting back down and burying his face in his hands for a long moment. Then he looked up at me, meeting my eyes, "I have.. so many questions," he said quietly, "But I want you to know that it doesn't ch
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Thirty Six
"Oh.. I.. uhm, hey Luca.." Jess said awkwardly, looking surprised to see him here, and he smiled kindly at her. "Hey, Jess," he said gently, and she frowned, seeming uncertain, "I came to see Thane, is he busy?" she asked, and Luca turned to look over his shoulder at him. He sighed softly, turning to Dad and Sam, "Cole and Finn will help you get settled in, Laila and I will see you for dinner," he said. They both nodded silently, coming over to give me tight, warm hugs before they followed them out, squeezing past Jess and Luca. "Come in," Thane said to Jess, and gave Luca a subtle gesture to stay also, and he frowned, coming to sit back down. "I.. I just wanted to apologise again," said Jess, remaining standing, "Especially to you, Laila, I should have noticed something long before it got as far as it did." I gave her a warm smile and started to stand, but Thane motioned for me to remain sitting, and I did. "It's okay, Jess," I said softly, "You didn't do this." She gave me an appr
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Thirty Seven
Thane suddenly placed a hand in the centre of my chest, pushing me backwards, then bent down to lift my legs. Cole and Finn both began undressing, and Finn moved behind the desk, grabbing my wrists and holding them as Cole went over to the door, and I heard the click of it being locked. Thane groaned softly as he began moving his hips back and forth, his huge, rock hard cock rubbing over my sensitive clit, making me close my eyes and gasp softly. The tip was suddenly pressed again my entrance then, and I gasped louder, sitting up slightly, but Finn pushed my shoulders back down as Thane held my hips, his cock penetrating me slowly, until it filled me completely. My muscles tensed around it, and I moved my hips gently, making us both moan with the incredible tightness. He pushed me further back on the desk then, until my head was off the other side, before he started thrusting, slow and rhythmic, at just the right angle. I tried to lift my head to meet his eyes, but Finn tangled both
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Thirty Eight
It was the most peaceful sleep I'd had in days, even if it was short, waking up a couple of hours later with Thane spooning me from behind, his strong arms wrapped around me. I sighed contently, and I felt him stir just a little, "Hey, little wolf," he said, still sounding a little bit asleep. "Hey, handsome Lycan," I responded, my voice playful, and he pulled me closer into him, starting to place soft kisses on my bare skin. I couldn't help but smile, waking up with him like this, and leaned back, turning my head towards him until he lifted his and he my lips tenderly. He lingered there for a long moment, enjoying it, then sighed deeply. "We should get up," he said, as though he wished he didn't have to, "We still need to meet Elyanna before dinner." I gave him a confused look, "I thought you were inviting her here for dinner?" I asked, and he shook his head gently. "I thought about it, but it's not ideal, and we said we'd have dinner with your Dad and your brother, too," he said,
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Thirty Nine
Cole grabbed me before I got even got close, wrapping his arms tightly around me and holding me against him as I struggled, desperate to protect my brother. He was far stronger though, and I could only watch as Jake rushed towards him, grabbing fistfuls of his shirt and picking him up, turning to shove him against the wall. "Stop!" I cried out, seeing Sammy's wide eyes as Jake loomed over him, but I froze, falling silent a moment later, as I watched Jake lower his head to bury his face in the curve of Sam's neck. He breathed him in deeply, then pressed himself closer as he lifted his head to look my brother in the eyes, uttering a single word, "Mate." Sam stared back at him, looking bewildered as he squirmed in Jake's grip, "H.. hi?" he said weakly, and Jake smiled at him, a hungry look in his eyes as he lowered his mouth to Sam's, kissing him with fierce passion. Sam hesitated, then embraced it, returning it with a passion of his own, as Jake reached one arm out towards the door, sl
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Our dinner continued for several hours, as we enjoyed each other's company, until Maggie and the Omegas helping her tonight came up to clear our dessert plates. We thanked them for our dinner, which was as exceptional as Maggie's cooking always was, and stood. Dad and Sam both gave me tight, warm hugs and words of encouragement, before saying goodnight, and as we walked past their rooms I noticed both Jess and Luca nearby, keeping an eye on them.The triplets led me down the rear stairway again, and we headed outside, where the full moon was shining brightly in the clear winter sky above us. We took the narrow path down towards Elyanna's, but veered off before her cottage, heading much deeper into the forest, well out of sight, before they stopped and began undressing. I felt Lisbet stirring in the back of my mind as I did the same, shivering slightly as I felt the crisp winter air on my bare skin. Finn stepped closer, pulling me against him as he kissed my forehead softly, looking i
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