All Chapters of I Fell For The Boy His Daddy Was A Bonus: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
120 Chapters
Chapter 100: The Best View
Entering the room, Scarlett’s eyes rounded. She could not help but beam at the romantic room set-up. After her eyes scanned the room, she remarked, “Oh my god! I honestly thought they had forgotten!” “No, kitten. I just asked them to prepare the honeymoon compliments on the evening of our first day,” Kaleb revealed. There were battery-lit candles forming a walking path to the bed and one on each bedside table. The lights were purposely dimmed. At the center of their king-size bed was a bottle of red wine in a bucket of ice, two glass wines, and two bars of dark chocolate. Rose petals were scattered on the bed, as well as on the floor, and a sweet scent of jasmine easily filled Scarlett’s nostrils. She realized how jasmine incense had been lit on each corner of the room, adding to the mood of that night. Scarlett commended, “I love it." Kaleb took the initiative of opening the wine, and he filled each glass. As he hand the other glass to his wife, he proposed a toast, saying, “To
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Chapter 101: Trap Lisa
“Have you found Lisa?” Kaleb asked while on the phone with Archer. They were still on their holiday, but he wanted to investigate what had happened to Liam’s biological mother. He no longer wanted any surprises at that point, not after what had happened over the past few months. Kaleb was leaning on the side of the door from their front room, admiring the sight of Scarlett and Liam making a sandcastle at the beach. He heard Archer reply on the phone, “She tried to get on a flight the same evening Vlad was caught making a scene at the airport. That was probably why he was there, looking for her.” “Anyway, she wasn’t able to get past the check-in process because the airline staff noticed her documents were fake. Then she came back, trying to get another flight out using her real name. She was denied, and in fact, she was reported to the authorities for having fake IDs.” “Wait.” Kaleb frowned. He asked, “Are you trying to tell me that Lisa Hayes is still in Braeton?” “We think so, Mi
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Chapter 102: Liam's Request
“Are you here to mock me? To laugh at me? To make me beg?” Lisa asked. She winced as she sat in front of the table, inside a police station’s interrogation room, two days after her arrest. Kaleb just shook his head and replied, “I wish one day you would learn your lesson, Lisa. I never wanted this for the mother of my son, but you did this to yourself.” “You knew, the moment you attempted to communicate with Liam, you would get in trouble.” Kaleb turned in the other direction before shifting his gaze back to her. He added, “And then, what is this liquid you put into the shake you wanted him to take?” “Clearly, you are a danger to Liam. You don’t deserve to be his mother -” “Shut up! Shut up. Do you think I care?” Lisa asked, her voice rising. “Right now, all I wanted was to get back at you for everything! For all my suffering -” “You blame me?” Kaleb countered. He sighed in disgust and resumed, “Please, Lisa. Look at yourself and reflect on what you have done. If you can’t see it,
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Chapter 103: Nature Is Bare
Three days before the gathering in Kaleb's home, Scarlett was in the office, working. Feeling her throat dry up, she went to the pantry to fill her water container. As soon as she entered the pantry, she caught a scent that nearly made her want to throw up. She complained, "What’s that smell? It’s so disgusting?” Her friend, Joy, who happen to be there, raised a brow. She answered, “Scarlett, it’s everyone’s all-time favorite! Pizza!” Joy offered a slice, saying, “Have some.” With just one whiff, Scarlett leaned back with a full frown on her face. She grumbled, “Oh, my god! Why does it smell so bad for me?” “Pizza is pizza, Scarlett. It smells the same and we order the same thing all the time!” One paralegal said. “You aren’t pregnant, are you?" “Yeah, and it had been over a month since your long honeymoon with Mister hottie husband,” Joy mentioned, and her lips thinned, forming a teasing grin. “Pfft! No, I’m on depo shots!” Scarlett explained. “We aren’t ready to have a child
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Chapter 104: Lucky Case
“Mother, father. Thank you for coming. You both really didn't need to,” Scarlett said, giving her parents a peck on their cheeks as soon as she met them at the hospital lobby. “We would not miss this for the world, Scarlett,” Philip remarked, his arm extending to her, warranting a hug. “Especially since you are having twins. I think we want to see them this early on. Congratulations, Scarlett. I look forward to having more grandchildren.” “How are you feeling?” Cindy asked while taking her turn to embrace Scarlett. “I’m okay, mother. I feel better after eating a little of that salty crackers,” Scarlett replied. She had earlier relayed to her mother how she had been feeling sick over the past week. Cindy told her it had something to do with her pregnancy and her sisters, from Kaleb’s side, had already warned her the same. Two weeks after the couple found out about the pregnancy, they were back for another check-up. It was to confirm a healthy pregnancy. “Grandma, grandpa, I’m ex
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Chapter 105: Gender Reveal
Weeks and months passed. Scarlett and Kaleb were about to give it another try. They had been unsuccessful in determining the babies’ gender in her fifth month, so during her sixth month of pregnancy, they were at the hospital, hoping to find out whether they would have girls or boys, or maybe even both. “Mommy, I hope today is finally the day,” Liam said. “I hope so too,” Scarlett replied. “I’m sure. Today we will have the babies’ gender. Babies are now moving often in mommy’s tummy,” Kaleb suggested. “I’m equally excited,” Boris remarked while handing Kaleb Scarlett’s bag. “I’ll park right at the back, Mister Wright. Just let me know when you’ll need me.” They left out the rest of the family. They wanted the gender to be a surprise this time. The couple meant to announce the gender only during the baby shower. This time, only Liam and Boris would know in advance. Soon the couple found themselves inside the ultrasound room and carefully, the doctor checked the babies one by
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Chapter 106: Lewis Ethan And Levin Philip
“Where is my wife?” Kaleb was panting as soon as he reached the nurse's station on the same floor as the delivery room. “Mister Wright, please, this way. You need to scrub first before going inside the delivery room,” one nurse called him. As they walked, the same woman updated Kaleb. “Your wife’s labor progressed really fast. When she arrived, she was already in the full labor phase at six cm. It took just an hour for her to reach the second stage of her labor. It won’t be long now before the first baby would come out.” When Kaleb entered the delivery room, Scarlett had sweat all over her face. She gave out varied frown expressions as she went through the pain. Her brows were constantly knitting the entire time. “Kitten, I’m here. I’m here,” he announced. He was quick to stand next to Scarlett and peck on her forehead, his other hand holding hers. “I love you, Scarlett. I’m here for you.” “Kaleb, it.” A tear fell down her cheek as she said, “It hurts so much.” “Shhh. I’m sorry,
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Chapter 107: Go With The Flow
“Kenzie? What are you guys doing here already? I’m sorry, I wasn’t expecting you so soon?” Scarlett asked, her eyes widening at the sight of Andrew and Kenzie alternately embracing Kaleb at the front door of their home at ten in the evening. She smiled, greeting, “Hello, Andrew.” To her nephew and niece, she asked, “How are you, Kim? Luke? You guys look exhausted.” Kimberly approached and pecked on Levin’s feet. She replied while yawning, “We are tired, aunt. We’ll get some rest first and then find time to play with our new cousins.” Luke was yawning as well. He only approached Scarlett and pecked on her cheek, then Levin’s feet before following behind the maid to their rooms. Kenzie and Andrew meant to stay in their mansion before the baptism celebration, but Scarlett expected them a week later. As to why they were staying in their home when they had their own in Braeton? Scarlett has yet to find out. “Andrew wanted to come early,” Kenzie revealed. “I’m also going to get myself
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Chapter 108: A Real Man
“We both know that’s not an airplane,” Scarlett read the bib after opening Joy’s gift in front of everyone. Laughter easily filled the air, knowing how many adults often referred to a baby’s food as an airplane. Scarlett said, “Nice one!” “This is Kenzie’s gift. Please let this be a decent one,” Scarlett begged, and that encouraged more laughter in the air, especially from Kaleb's family. When Scarlett found herself staring at a jar of Tylenol, she frowned, asking, “What is this?” “That covers for lack of sleep, Scarlett. You're gonna need an entire year of supply after getting so much headache,” Kenzie laughed. “Trust me. Ask Gaby. She is an expert on lack of sleep. She had triplets, remember?” More hoots and giggles echoed throughout the venue before Scarlett opened the next gift, “The next gift is from Rachael - aww, thank you, Rachael, you did not have you. You got Luca to come to the party.” From the far-end table, Rachael just smiled. She was sitting next to Luca. Scarlet
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Chapter 109: Junior Associate To Associate
“I forwarded you some research I found about children’s rights. That will help you with your arguments.” Scarlett was on the phone with Luca in the morning while at the Longhills And Hogans Law Firm. There was a moment of silence before she heard Luca answer. “I won’t need it anymore.” “What?” Scarlett reacted. “Why?” “I decided to support Dash. I will ask his father to allow adoption. I’ll take Dash as my own,” Luca answered on the other line. Scarlett was at her desk, trying to absorb everything Luca had just said. She gulped and replied, “You are serious about this? So - so you and Rachael are now together?" “Yes, I don’t want to give that man a reason to come after Dash. So, I’ll ask him to give up any claims to his son. In exchange, we will cancel the lawsuit,” Luca replied. "When did you and Rachael make it official?" Scarlett asked. "Ummm... the night after the twin's baptism," Luca replied. "I meant to tell you." A smile became painted on Scarlett’s face before she
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