All Chapters of Fated to More Than One : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
479 Chapters
Chapter Sixty
Day Eight Lilith's POVI don't know much about mate bonds, but I do know we mark one another to solidify the bond and introduce each other's DNA to forge a new DNA. Damian never really taught us much about mate bonds. He never really mentioned it at all. But I do know that when Khai and Theo marked me, I felt nothing but happiness and a deep sense of belonging to them.Damian's mark is nothing like that, though. His mark brings me sadness and anger, and my blood is chilling within my veins as he sucks my blood from my body.I lay lifeless beneath him as he struggles to pull back and release me. It feels like I may die as if he's drinking my blood rather than marking my neck."Sir..." the distant sound of a male voice comes from the small door allowing filtered light throughout the room. The sight hurts my eyes and makes me squint as pain splices through my brain.Luckily, their voice breaks Damian's trance, helping him release me as I fall back into the mattress. "What?" Damian s
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Chapter Sixty One
Khai's POVThe night descends over the trees drowning everything in a darkness that threatens to take my soul into the depths of hell that I've narrowly lived outside of the majority of my life. I've always hated the evening, the way the moon only gives enough light to be able to see muted colours of everything around me. The once vibrant greens and earthy browns, now dark shades of greys, fooling my very eyes of a different life at night.It reminds me of the days I was locked up in the bunkers working out my punishment in the dark. The things were so dark that I could only barely see the outlines and shadows of the bed frame and four solitary walls that would be my home.The shudder rolls through my whole being as I push those memories away again, and I move from one tree to another to distract myself from the darkened atmosphere around me.I've been waiting all evening for Alfredo to give me some sign that Lilith is okay. Our conversation the other day is playing on my mind, taki
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Chapter Sixty Two
Theseus's POV Swirling my hand in the fountain of sight, I summon the vision of my daughter, my only child in the sense of genetics. Lilith lays upon the bed I've seen her in more than a million times before whilst one of Celeste's creations feeds from her. I can feel her essence leaving her body. Feel her soul departing her being, and it's painful. I've never been disappointed in Celeste or her choice of creating wolves. That never mattered, but she has this one wolf, one being that isn't particularly thoroughbred. She calls him her moon-hound, and his name is Hati. And unfortunately, where he is concerned, I do hold malice. She refuses to rid his soul and believes he can redeem himself, but I don't see a way for him to do that. Celeste has long since participated in this reigning war between herself and this wolf she has created. He's a corrupt soul, feeding from the fear of others, taking their souls to prolong his life. He used to come back once every other life cycle,
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Chapter Sixty Three
Lilith's POV That voice doesn't leave me alone, and although it's just a voice, one I presume belongs to that person with the fast-beating heart that has seemingly ignored me for days, having the company seems to comfort me. Firstly he taught me not to talk aloud. 'You do not need to talk aloud, child. I can hear your thoughts. Besides, it's safer this way.' Secondly, he told me I held more gifts than I ever thought possible. 'You are the most gifted being in this realm.' Those were his exact words. He explained that I had every gift known to every being. The ability to see visions past, present and future. The ability to heal. The ability to emotionally manipulate anyone around me. The ability to manipulate every element known to humanity. He also told me about gifts I had yet to have knowledge about because I hadn't yet inherited the use of my witch powers. He told me I could use telekinesis, the ability to move things without touching them. Aura stripping which is strippin
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Chapter Sixty Four
Khai's POV Three more days flicker by, leaving me in a trance of hazy sadness. Something feels off, and I can't quite put my fingers on the reason, but it feels as if the life is being sucked from deep within my soul. Could it be dread for the future? Or maybe dread for the past?? The lack of sleep is a probable cause because it isn't helping much, but I cannot convince my body to shut down, even if for a nano nap. It's stupid, really. My body does this sometimes. Refusing to sleep even when my body strictly needs it. Theo gave up his obstinant refusal to sleep, crashing in the yard at home as he watched some of his warriors play football in the yard. It was strange. I could feel his body shutting down. His wolf was recharging under the early evening moonlight, and he was dreaming, I think. That or I was hallucinating times of making out with Lilith myself. Anyway, three days. Seventy-two hours sat here within the trees, watching and waiting whilst simultaneously holding m
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Chapter Sixty Five
Lilith's POV A strange and unabating voice wakes me from my light slumber. It's not particularly saying many words, but it's happy nevertheless, and the aura accompanying the person is addictively more-ish. They seem blissfully unaware and happy, content with their surroundings which confounds me. Where are they? Are they close?? Their room seems dark, maybe with the ambience of red. Yes, yes, I can see what they can. It's as if they are sharing their secret with me. I wonder if they are another of the long line of children Damian keeps. I mean, they must be, to be around here. I lay silently for a while, soaking up their energy, afraid that they might go silent again if I spoke or tried to communicate. I need this, the happiness from an untainted person. I can't really explain with words how happy and content the being makes me feel by just sharing their... innocence. I think, perhaps, it's maybe because I'm alone and I hate being down here cold and hungry because I've co
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Chapter Sixty Six
Celeste's POV"Theseus? Are you home?" I holler out as I walk through the mansion we call our home.We live in the third realm, the god realm, where all gods and goddesses with immortality reside.We've lived a privileged life, but it wasn't always that way.I was an ordinary girl from a family with a mother and a father, and we lived a wild life out in the Canadian woodlands.We had distant witches' blood in our genetics, and my mother practised witchcraft despite not being a witch.My childhood was filled with my mother extracting the souls of one being and melding them with the soul of another, most experiments going wrong. Some were going right, but she never once made a being that lived long enough to count as a species. That's where my desire to make a wolf-shifter came from.One of my favourite books was about a wolf and his need to find a friend. I would read it every night.In the woodlands around us, we're packs of wild wolves that lived beside us humans, so that's how I sum
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Chapter Sixty Seven
Khai's POV At precisely noon, they arrived exactly as Alfredo had suggested but what I find unusual is the fact that they had children, whom I had presumed were ready, with them. “What is this?” Theo hisses towards them and me simultaneously. One of the witches, a small girl that’s been alive for longer than once thought possible, turns his way. Her name is Penny, and she’s been around for more than one of Damian’s life cycles. She’s the one who started withdrawing children when she could, and I suppose without watching her do so, I would never have concluded that I needed to help. “It’s okay; he’s just wary. He’s worried about his pack.” “So he should be…” the other witch Sara whispers as she looks around us. Theo had Calley and Arlo go over to Lucas’s place, so the pack house was empty. Currently, it’s only me, Theo and his father on the property, but I can feel Lucas and Andy nearby. I presume for a just-incase moment. “Who are these?” I ask whilst taking a small toddler.
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Chapter Sixty Eight
Lilith's POVMany influential people are sat around the dining room table dressed in expensive dresses and suits. Each with a face as straight as stone, and the atmosphere is rigid.Damian has me sitting beside him. His hand on my leg that's bouncing uncontrollably.I hate feeling him touch me, yet his touch is grounding. It's confounding, but I guess that's because I really don't want to upset him... yet.Many people have greeted me in passing, and I've not known many of them or their names, but one I do know is Leo.He's here sans Tabby, and he's dressed in an expensive slate suit. He takes the opportunity to come and say hello after Alpha Fredrickson, and his mate Luna Mina leaves us. He holds his hand out before him as he speaks."It's lovely to see you again," he greets Damian with a smile and a shake of his hand. Then he turns to me, and I panic. My heart racing, and my palms shaking.Will he show the hand I do not want to be known? Will he admit that we know one another?I look
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Chapter Sixty Nine
Theo's POV Leo appeared in the yard late yesterday evening with Tabby unannounced. She was clinging to him with the small girl behind her, the same one that teleported them here last time. At first, I thought something was wrong, and I panicked, walking out to greet them, looking right at Tabby, expecting some sort of bad news. The news wasn’t bad, and it wasn’t good either, but it was news nonetheless. Leo explained that Damian was holding a dinner, one that I somehow hadn’t been invited to. I know that is a far cry to prove he doesn’t care that he has Lilith. I’ve been sitting on the very edge of my seat, wanting to trespass his borders to match my warriors to the bunkers Khai is adamant she is residing in. We could fight it out, assert our dominance and take our mate back, but Khai is refusing point blank to make any moves. Leaving us sitting ducks as to whether Lilith is Turkey okay or not. I’ve been relying on the mate bond these past few days, begging for the emotional
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