All Chapters of The Evil Fae Meets Her Match: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
42 Chapters
Double the Trouble in Love
Alizeh, Orion, and Zeek quickly thanked Radof and bid him farewell. Zeek told them to all huddle together. He pressed his hand over Alizeh’s, on the staff. The wind began to swirl around them, and they slowly floated into the air. Before they knew it, they were safe and sound back at Zeek’s home. Zeek and Alizeh combined their powers and were able to put upwards so powerful that no unwanted visitors could pass through. If anyone tried, they would turn to dust.Zeek looked at Alizeh and Orion for a long time without speaking. They were sitting in the great room, gathered around the fireplace. He poured each of them a small glass of brown liquid. Alizeh accepted it gratefully and took a long swig, finishing the whole glass in one gulp. The men looked at her expectantly, and they could tell she was trying hard not to react to the pungent drink. Zeek laughed and said, “This is more of a sipping drink, Alizeh.” Orion quickly walked toward her and took her hand. All of a sudden Alizeh r
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Truth or Lies
Alizeh sat by the fire with her mother and Isabella while Cade stood rigidly behind them like he was keeping guard. “What has happened to you since I left? When I left, I did it to protect you--all of you,” she said.Isabella looked at her sadly. “You could not have known what would happen after you left. Your father was furious when we couldn’t find you. He blamed your mother and me, saying we must be witches. That was his explanation for your disappearance, that we had done something terrible to you. "Alizeh covered her mouth, but the gasp was not silenced. Her mother took her hand and exhanged glances with Isabella. Their eyes had a conversation, while everyone else sat in silence. Finally Isabella shook her head up and down twice and Gwen nodded hers back, and turned her full attention back to Alizeh."Isabella and I went shopping in town. It had to be done, and it was a good excuse to get a break from his constant accusations. While we were out, he searched our rooms and found so
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Angels and Demons
Trixie sat across from the brain-shrinking specialist, the one who seemed in charge. She had been here before, in a different time and another place, but she knew the drill all too well. Mention nothing about the hallucinations or the voices. Talk about addiction. People could get behind an addiction. It was something they could wrap their heads around. It was a problem they could tackle. The more normal she acted, the more complacent she behaved, the sooner she could return to her regular life. She smiled bashfully up at the physician, waiting for more queries.Dr. Jayden stared at her for minute after painstaking minute without saying a word. Trixie squirmed. This was a new strategy, and she didn't appreciate it.Finally, Trixie had endured enough. “Please ask your questions, ma’am. I am tired and would like to go to my room.”Dr. Jayden sighed dramatically and forced her seat backward. “Sweet child, why would I want to waste a single syllable asking you questions that I already kno
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Denied Gifts
Zeek gave each person in the group a small glass of brown liquid, which Alizeh drank slowly. They all held hands and prepared for the shift. The world started spinning, and it hurled them into an open field. They looked around, wondering where all the trees were. As far as the eye could see, there were unrecognizable structures. Zeek explained to them that the buildings were people’s homes. “This realm is corrupted by richness and power. They always want more and are never satisfied. In this area, very few people recognize the beauty of nature. They are, in fact, on the verge of extinction because they have torn down all their natural resources to build more formations to make more money. They are just now beginning to realize that prosperity means very little when the things that they need are not readily available and cannot be bought,” he explained, shaking his head solemnly.The group walked on and noticed what Zeek called paved streets, sidewalks, and automobiles. They took every
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Calm Before the Storm
Trixie sat in the common room, looking around. Most of the people in this place appeared muddled. They did not seem to possess the capability to distinguish right from wrong. The only exceptions were the staff. The friendly Dr. Jayden's aura was brighter than the rest, but she did not shine as much as she could have. Trixie could see this woman was hiding some dark secret.The assistant, on the other hand, was not a kind person. She had an evil heart and looked, to Trixie, like a monster. What was perplexing to Trixie was that she could identify that the doctor's secret revolved around the monstrous secretary. When she was working with patients, she glowed like an angel. She was soft-spoken and beautiful. Yet whenever she got anywhere near Jeonna, the glow would fade, and her face lost all its radiance. She was not grotesque, but she was no longer a pretty woman.Trixie had only been in this place for a short amount of time, but she could already tell she would not have meaningful comm
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The Demon Asmodeus
Alizeh rushed to the car, which was waiting with everyone crowded in the rear. It was long and black and had dark glass separating the passengers from the driver. She had noticed many other cars on the road as they rode over here, but most of them were smaller. As she climbed into the back, a thought occurred to her.“Zeek, don't you think she will notice this gigantic machine following her?”Zeek nodded and answered, “Yes, that is why I am sending the rest of the group back to the hotel. This part of the mission will work best if only you and I are present.”Cade began to protest, but before he could, Alizeh grabbed his hand and spoke. “Let him finish talking. We don’t have much time until the doctor leaves in thirty minutes.”Cade looked angry but did not say a word. Zeek continued like he hadn’t been interrupted. He held up two vials of green liquid and announced, “We will consume this; it will make us invisible to the first person who comes upon us for 24 hours. Therefore, they mu
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White Lightening
Trixie was getting ready for bed when Gregor walked in. The man was a sweet, oversized oaf who always brightened her day. He never had much to say, but he constantly had a smile on his face. He looked a little strange at the moment, almost as if he were worried about something, which was completely unheard of. Trixie didn't socialize much, but she loved listening to the other residents talking about how Gregor lived in a world that was all his own, a world of perpetual happiness. Trixie longed to visit that world.She noticed that he looked more grounded in this reality than she had ever seen him before. She saw sadness in his eyes, and pain registered as he limped toward her. He reached out and said, “Come.”She looked at him and asked, “What’s wrong, Gregor?”He just shook his head and moaned, “Follow me, please.”Trixie rose up and grabbed his hand. If something was so important that it brought Gregor back to reality, she could at least investigate and find out what was going on. S
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May The Gods be with us All
Alizeh and Zeek rode in the back of the cab, heading toward the institution. Alizeh blew out a breath and said, “I still don’t understand why we had to wait ten minutes before we left.”Zeek gave her a stern look and said, “I wanted to hit them with two separate attacks. I sent the part of the group who had the most physical strength first. I want them to be surprised by our presence. I was hoping we would have more people in the magical group, but I understand why Jayden and Dixon chose to go with the first group.”Suddenly, Zeek’s face went blank, and he gripped the seat cushions with both hands. He could hear Genève’s voice and see her face clearly. It was like she was standing right in front of him. He felt an unfamiliar, smug sensation come over him when she asked, “So, Dane, what does this mean for my mission. Will you be able to find him?”Zeek felt his mouth move and heard himself say, “Of course we will be able to find him. I am just going to need a little time to put togethe
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Beautiful Demon/It's on the House
Zeek could not believe how easy this was. All their powers seemed to be enhanced. He also noticed that Jeonna’s power seemed weaker than he expected. He was sure that this was their fight to win. As they pulled Jeonna closer, the group stepped toward her, ready to extinguish her as quickly as possible. They were not prepared for two more people to enter the hallway.One of the men looked them up and down, considering his adversaries. It seemed as if he were hunting for the easiest prey. His eyes focused on Gwendolyn, and he said a few incomprehensible words and raised his hands. Before anyone knew what was happening, Gwen fell to the floor, convulsing with foam spewing from her mouth.No one checked on her as all hell burst loose. Jeonna broke free, and Zeek and Alizeh had to tighten their hold. Orion was closest to Jeonna, so he quickened his pace.Cade ran toward the room where Trixie was being held. Jayden and Isabella focused their anger on the two men who had entered the hall. Th
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Don't Let This Harden Your Heart
Radof took a step back, blending deeper with the shadows of the night. He held his breath as Dane looked in his direction, then let it out when he realized that he had not been seen. He stood concealed by the shadows until Dane was out of sight, then he began his long journey home.As he walked the path to his underground cave, he went over what he knew about this strange newcomer.He knew that Dane had been summoned by Genève and had had no choice but to come. Radof had been to every watering hole and tavern in town to listen to the townsfolk talk. He had realized long ago these were the best places to pick up the information because wine and spirits loosened the tongue as nothing else could. That was how he had learned Genève’s purpose for Dane. He was here to help her find Zeek.The townsfolk spun great tales about how Dan had gotten himself separated from the rest of the group Genève had summoned, and how he had something up his sleeve, something that pleased the queen immensely.
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