All Chapters of The Rejected Doctor: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
185 Chapters
Ethan Comes Visiting
Arielle’s POV:I finished up with the last patient and smiled at her as she left my office.The pack bond within my chest tingled nicely - I enjoyed the feeling of being able to sense the innermost parts of the pack, more than any normal wolf within our pack could. I was the future Luna after all, even if I was still learning how to deal with the fact that I had to be known.With a sigh, I got up to get a drink of water. The weather was becoming hotter and hotter for some damned reason, and I didn’t want to get dehydrated.As I finished the last water in the glass carafe in my office, I heard a knock on the door.“Come in,” I called out and the door opened.My brows rose as I saw Ethan step into my office at the clinic.“Ethan,” I greeted him, feeling a little bit happy now that I had seen my friend. It had been over two days since I had seen him last, and in that two days, there had been a lot of chaos.His brows rose too, but not at me. His eyes flickered around the strangely empty-
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Tough Decisions
Richard’s POV:I finished speaking, and the way that Darren frowned down at his whiskey tumbler made me feel apprehensive as well.“That Hunter guy… I know him. He’s a family man,” Darren stated.I had just been telling him about the visit of this morning, and how my trip to the Evans household had shed a new light on some things.I had no doubts in my head now that sooner or later, Elise and the rest of her family would come to know about Arielle and her past with Leon Walker, the Rogue.And if word got out to the Elders before I could even introduce Arielle as my mate and the future Luna… then it was going to be bad.“So what are you going to do?” My best friend, my beta and my current drinking partner asked me.I shook my head; to me now, there was no way around it.I was going to have to introduce Arielle as soon as possible, to the Pack Elders and to the majority of the Pack, as the future Luna and my mate.“I think,” I stated slowly, tasting the whiskey strong on my breath this
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Arielle’s POV:I didn’t feel ready.I felt numb, like how one prepared themselves for an execution. Richard sent me back to my home to go freshen up; essentially, I needed to dress up as nicely as possible. After all, the pack members attending tonight’s meeting needed to get a good first impression of their future Luna, and I needed to make a good first impression, and sway the minds of our people. All this, so that Elise and her chaos-causing self wouldn’t turn the minds of the people against me.I put on a white jumpsuit - one of my favorite items of clothing - and a pair of designer boots, which I had gotten myself as a medical school graduation present.Having styled my hair as much as I could, I felt a little bit better. Still, it didn’t stop the lead in my stomach from dropping and digging in deeper as Richard’s voice could be heard through the mind link that we shared.‘It’s time, angel,’ he had said.I took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly out through my mouth. I repeated
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Damage Done
Richard’s POV:Now that they knew, I knew that there was nothing standing in our way.My thumb rested over Arielle’s palm, as we stood side by side, in full view of the pack.I noticed the way that the Pack Elders for once didn’t have their eyes on me. Instead, their eyes were trained on my mate, in Arielle.And she was tense too, feeling the weight of their gazes, of everyone’s eyes on us.But that was part of being Alpha and Luna of the Pack. It was a sacreifoce I had made a long time ago. I didn’t have much oin the way of privacy when it came to the pack. I was their leader and had to always conduct myself as such even when I was conducting personal business that had nothing to do with them.And now, Arielle would have to learnt he same.Luckily, she had me to guide her, unlike the to me my father died and I was alone with no one to show me what to do.‘Richard,’ I heard Arielle’s voice now for the first time ever since she entered the auditorium. It was skat and I could tell just
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Richard’s POV:I couldn’t believe what the Elders had told me to do.It was a simple ultimatum.And it was one that spelt the death of either my relationship with Arielle, or my time as Alpha of the Redding Pack.They had asked me to reject Arielle, or lose my title as Alpha of the Pack. What was it that I could do against them?It was infuriating; I felt like tearing my hair out with the way that everything was just seemingly being against us.Even my explanations that Leon and Arielle had not had a mating ceremony and that he had rejected her a long time ago, didn’t help in whatever way. It was the only plan, the risk that I took, and it had not paid off.Now here I was, watching my mate in restless slumber. She looked beautiful still, but I could the by the way her face looked so pale, that she had spent all her energy in crying.Lilian was not around, having gone to find some clothes for her to wear. We were in Darren’s and her home after all. It was the closest place to the Hall w
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Escape from the Pack
Arielle’s POV:I was hiding, I admitted it.I had barely managed to keep still until everyone left the room I was in, which turned out to be in Lilian’s and Darren’s home. I was just waking up from my restless sleep when I overheard everything.And it was too much for me to bear.I was such a weakling, I didn’t care anymore about hiding it.If Richard had to choose between me and his title as Alpha, then I was not meant to be in the picture. Not like this.Hearing the anguish in my mate’s voice, that he couldn’t choose between keeping his pack and reputation, or keeping me, I knew that I had to be the one to help him choose.That was why I had to leave.I bit my lips as I walked close to the shadows, it wanting anyone to see me at this time of night. I had even gone to the lengths to cover my red habit, knowing that it would be a dead giveaway to anyone who spotted me as to my true identity.It was a testament to my training from Lilian, that I was able to control my body so as to n
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Catching Her
Richard’s POV:I was at her heels, chasing hotly through the forest. My focus was on Arielle and only her - her scent, her heartbeat, her.After Lilian had discovered her missing from the bed we had left her in sleeping, it hadn’t taken me long to rush to the clinic to check her room if she was there. I wish that I had been able to find her there, but all I got was nothing. An empty room which made me growl in frustration and anger.My mate had run from me and this was my fault. I just knew it.It had taken me a lot more time than I ever wished to admit to figure out that the traces of her scent were more recent than this morning. She had been here just now, I realized, in her room.And that was what led me to the forest.Tracing her scent with my high senses on alert, I found that they led to the forest.It didn’t take me long to figure out what was going on.Arielle had run.She was leaving.And that, I could never allow, not until my dying breath.I transformed into my wolf form an
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Arielle’s POV I was spent.I was done.I needed things to be over, and Richard needed to see that.Yet as his lips melded together with mine, I found it hard to resist him and his damned reason.My tears had long been shed, and though my cheeks were wet and I was shaking, I wasn’t down for the count.We parted suddenly and he was breathing as hard as I was. My heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest.Then Richard spoke.“You know, you say the pack cannot afford to lose me. The pack needs me. And that I’m a good Alpha,” he breathed out with a husky voice. “But all I hear is you.”I sniffled, fresh tears prickling my eyes at his words.He was right and I knew it.He held me close to his chest, his strong arms around my waist and lifting my chin up to look into his eyes, oh so gently.“You need me, angel. You cannot afford to lose me. And I cannot afford to lose you. I cannot let you go, no matter what you say, and no matter how much you beg. I may be a good Alpha. But now
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Restless Alpha
Richard’s POV I was unsettled by it all.“You haven’t even sat down since you returned,” Darren noted, still in my study at the dead of night. It was already nearing midnight and yet I couldn’t rest.“I left her there, Darren. I don’t think it’s safe out there for her. Yet she wouldn’t understand,” I bit out, impatient.I kept pacing the length of my study.It had been an hour already since I left Arielle, my mate standing there in the forest. She refused my help, yet I gave it, helping her find a good clearing where she could settle in and rest. Yet that wasn’t enough.“If only she would just agree to come back,” I growled under my breath.Apparently my best friend heard it, for he snorted.I aimed a glare at his face, and he raised his two hands up in surrender.“Hey man,” he said in defense, “you know how she is, and how stubborn she can get. I think she’s trying to just cover all bases at this point. The main thing is that she’s safe and we can find her. At least she’s isn’t far
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Definition of Insanity
Richard’s POV “What the hell are you doing here?” It was Darren that said something immediately he spotted the girl that had been the cause of all this chaos that was going on. “Haven’t you had enough of us? Or didnyou come here to be insulted?”Darren looked angrier than most people had ever seen him, and I felt pride at my best friend who was more like a brother to me, and the way he rose up in defense of myself and Arielle.Elise paled at Darren’s words and his look, and she hesitated in taking any more steps into the study.“Well?” I asked, after she was silent, and her eyes flickered to meet mine. “Clearly you’re here for a reason. It better not be something that’s going to waste my time. You may not know the meaning of hard work, but the rest of us do.”A flash of anger morphed her features and she scowled at the both of us.“I just came here to talk to you. It’s important, I promise, and it won’t waste your time,” she said, before turning to Darren who still was glaring dagger
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