All Chapters of Alpha Zander: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
69 Chapters
Chapter 21 - ASHLEIGH
He knelt to be level with the fire stove to stir the pot full of our dinner. I try to make conversation, I thought a nice comment will be ok. Oh, how wrong I was. As soon as I ask about the cottage he is all uncomfortable, squirmy. His eyes flash a gold rim with his wolf peeking through like he was arguing something. I didn't even consider the history of this place, then it dawns on me... maybe it belonged to his mother. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," I start backtracking quickly. Things are already somewhat awkward because of earlier when he tried to kiss me. It came so naturally to him to want to do the action. I didn't mean to hesitate when I did, I just wasn't ready yet. I hope when I get to know him more as himself then maybe I'll feel more comfortable doing those things naturally, too. Kia is fuming that I didn't let our mate kiss us, but I wasn't ready, and she needs to understand that. "It's alright, you should know anyways.
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Chapter 22 - ZANDER
We sit and talk for about an hour, the sun set long past. It is getting colder in the evenings now being so close to winter. It doesn’t bother us shifters much but we could feel the nip in the air. The more I get to know Ashleigh the more strongly I feel about her. I have never felt love before, not from a girlfriend or any of my fuck girls at least. They may have loved me or my status but I was always explicit in my intentions. Everyone knows that wolves have mates, and I was not going to give mine up for some one night stand or some girlfriend I could barely stand or know. I try not to make her uncomfortable, she is still sitting so stiffly on the other side of the lounge, not even budging to move closer to me. I am a bit surprised she doesn’t lean into me and relax a bit. I've felt the itch to be closer to her all evening. 'Kia says she wants to know us before doing anything further,' Jace mumbles, answering my thoughts for me. 'That makes sense I guess,’ I reply. I remember th
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Chapter 23 - ASHLEIGH
Monday morning rolls around, but all too quickly. The weekend is never long enough. It was great to see Zander on Saturday evening. I loved the little cottage and could imagine us maybe living there or in something similar if we had to be on the pack lands. It felt somewhat familiar being there. I couldn't quite put my figure on it, but I had a few weird flashbacks and a strange feeling of deja vu. After a while, I brushed away the odd feelings and enjoyed his company. It was nice to get to know him a bit and try to understand him and put aside all the rumours and previous encounters we have had. As hard as some of them were, I was still going to be mindful that he had a past. I didn't want to hold it against him, but I still had to keep it in mind. Kia loved running around with Jace. She is a bit more of a free spirit than I am, but we are always in sync, epically more so, now we have found our mate. While I am still getting to know Zander, Kia has already decided she wants Jace an
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Chapter 24 - ASHLEIGH
It was a very frustrating start to the day. Every time I smelt him, I had to act as though it was nothing. Every time he walked passed it killed me that I couldn’t speak to him. I didn’t realize how hard this was going to be, is it hard for him, too? It seems he is just moving along casually without any care for the world. ‘Remember this is what you wanted, I’m 100% sure Zander would have loved to mate and mark Saturday night when we saw him,’ Kia oh so helpfully reminded me every time I pined for him. ‘I know, Kia, I just wish it wasn’t so hard. I wanted to, at least, be able to speak to him a little bit. But even then, I don’t know what we could discuss.’ I wait for the girls at the steps by my locker. We always have lunch at the cafeteria and today is no different. I feel a pull towards the football grounds, I walk towards the windows that open up all through the hallways to provide sunlight through the dark corridors. I see Zander in a sports outfit with a red rugby top, bla
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Chapter 25 - ZANDER
Mia launched herself at me while her sister whispered things in my ear while playing with my collar. The kiss feels like sandpaper scratching against my mouth, it is the most horrible thing I have ever felt. I hate hated this. all I want is my mate, but right now she doesn’t want to tell anyone so I have to still act like my old self before. Jace is pissed at me as usual. 'She didn't mean flaunt yourself around with other women, you dumbass.' 'Honestly, I'm confused as to what she wants.' I snap back at him. 'Just because you had a shitty weekend after she left on Saturday does not give you the right to hurt her like this. She can fucking see us! Do you know the pain you are causing her? The pain you are causing us by going against the bond?' Jace growls. No, no I didn't know the pain I was causing her, I didn't want to look at her and see the brokenness I caused. I hear Oliver call her name, snapping me out of my funk. I look up just in time to see her leave the cafeteria and he
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Chapter 26 - ZANDER
From school, the drive is only tab out 20 minutes. Yesterday I took the time to set up the electricity and water. I also made a key cut in case she ever needed to go to the house and I placed it in a hiding spot last night and messaged her so she would at least know where that is to get in. As I drive, I think about how to explain away my actions. Hell, I bet she'll be pissed off considering the way she left, but at the same time, that is how I always acted even before. I can't go out of character, can I? Jace stayed quiet on the drive there. He purposely blocked me from his thoughts and feelings. Before he did that, I could sense that he was filled with anger and hurt so it's probably best I didn't get those feelings right now. I needed to figure this out on my own. When I pull up to the cottage there’s no car in the driveway or any lights on in the house. 'it's in the middle of the day,' Jace mutters softly to me. . I sigh. Of course he is right again. I park in the middle of t
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Chapter 27 - ASHLEIGH
Anger. That is all I feel right now. The pain from his actions is long gone and now just a memory of what happened. He doesn’t deserve to be my first kiss, he doesn’t deserve to be my mate. Not with how he was flaunting himself around everyone. Kia didn't say anything while my mind was in this mess, we agreed if he cheated or did something of the same vein he could be rejected. I didn't think he would, especially after what he said on the evening of my birthday. Was none of it true? I'm surprised she didn't stop me when I tried to reject him. She stayed silent letting me make the decisions on our mate. I know she was hurt by his actions, probably even more so because Jace allowed him to do such a thing. But she hasn't said anything to me since arriving at the cottage, even on our run here she was silent lost in her own thoughts and emotions. I honestly wasn't expecting him to come after me, but Kia chose to come here while running. To our surprise he arrived shortly after, of co
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Chapter 28 - ZANDER
As soon as she let go and moved away, my body felt numb and cold, and the incredible sensation of tingles left my body. All I want is for her to be back in my arms and her scent all around me. “What do you want to do then?” She asks, blinking up at me shyly. This girl will be the death of me... one minute, she’s all angry and annoyed. Then the next minute, she’s all blushing and shy. I stop suddenly before moving forward to grab her hand. I hadn’t realized she was only wearing the grey shirt. ‘Because she ran here stupid,’ Jace grumbles. ‘Nice of you to join,’ I grumble back. ‘Don’t give me attitude. You're lucky it wasn’t worse; I had to calm Kia down a lot, and half the time, I couldn’t get to her because she blocked me,’ Jace mumbles. 'She almost rejected me,' I reply, protesting. 'Yes, thank goodness you knew to kiss her, or we would be mateless, and our pack wouldn't have a Luna." I block Jace as he continues his rant and takes in her figure while she's waiting for my ans
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Chapter 29 - ASHLEIGH
Tingles fill my body as I snuggle against Zander. Kia is practically purring with happiness being so close to our mate. The sun has moved over to this side of the house, slowly setting into the evening, warming up the bedrooms upstairs as we sit here, flicking through the photos and talking. I have to give him credit. I half thought he would make a move, something sexual or another kiss. I was hoping he would lean in for another kiss just a little bit, but I guess he didn't want to push his luck. It worries me a little bit that Mum knows Zander is my mate. It explains what happened this morning. The weird thing is I couldn't even remember anything from back then. He was so cute when he was a baby. It seems his hair sprouted as he got older and he has the same eyes as his mother. I wish I remembered her or knew her. She and mum looked like they were great friends, like Chloe and me. A pang of guilt washes over me as I think about my friends and family not knowing about Zander yet.
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Chapter 30 - ASHLEIGH
We finished our classes for the day and caught up and chatted on the football stands, waiting for the guys to finish training. The sun is still out so we are in no rush to head home. I got home not too late yesterday evening, just as everyone finished dinner and went to do their own thing. I thankfully didn't get into any trouble with my parents for skipping out on school. I know I had a valid reason, but I didn't want to tell them just yet. It was hard to leave Zander last night. I missed him instantly, and Kia wanted to return to our mate every moment. It was harder than I thought. “Earth to Ashleigh,” Chloe called, waving her hands in my face, pulling me out of my daydream. “Huh?” I asked, blinking away my daze. “You know we have been talking about tonight for the last 5 mins,” Chloe says. “What’s happening tonight?” I asked stupidly. “What or who has you in the daydream?” Chloe asks. Crap, I hate it when she calls me out on stuff. “Umm, no one.” I shake my head furiously,
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