All Chapters of The Billionaire's Trap: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
72 Chapters
CHAPTER SIXTY ONE**Faith was absent-minded towards whatever was being displayed on the TV.Much to her relief, an urgent office matter came up, so she didn't have to deal with Sterling this morning. The memories of the night before continued to attack her, at this point she didn't even know what she wanted. Was it to destroy him or be with him?She was so lost in thought and hadn't even heard when Sterling's mom entered the room until she was already standing so close that Faith jumped in surprise. "Sorry dear, I knocked but got no response. Are you okay?" Mrs. Barbara stared at Faith's pale features."You look ill, should I call the doctor?"Faith shook her head, aside from the fact that her conscience was eating her from within, she was fine. Mrs. Barbara had attended a charity event the last evening and was only back now. "I'm fine, just preoccupied with some thoughts..." Faith muttered. Mrs. Barbara asked for permission to sit beside her on the bed. "If it's a matter betw
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CHAPTER SIXTY-TWO**Faith chewed on the roasted lamb, she was trying to resist the man whose gaze was like a hawk. It was impossible considering that they were the only ones in the large restaurant. She was avoiding him. Sterling knew that much. Her quick response whenever he tried to strike up a conversation. He found it quite surprising that she had easily agreed when his mother had suggested that they both have an outdoor dinner. After last night, Sterling was certain that she still felt something for him, it didn't matter that she was trying so hard to deny it. They belonged together, she needed some time to accept that, but he believed that she would come around.As his gaze lingered on her, he wondered how she still managed to take his breath away.She was gorgeous, dressed in a beautiful white gown that showcased her bare shoulders, her curly hair had been stylishly pulled up, drawing his eyes to her slender neck, it was simplicity, yet so sexy. He could imagine his hand
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CHAPTER SIXTY THREE**Faith was still reeling from shock even as Sterling started to drive. Out of all the possibilities, she couldn't think of any reason Dan would stalk her. It's been more than a year, why would it be now? The day she had married Sterling was the last time she had seen him, the last time she had heard anything related to him had been when Natalie had told her that he was arrested by the police for abusing substances and even murdering a person while intoxicated. Did he escape from prison? Was his intentions to harm her? Seeing Dan just now filled her with all sorts of weird feelings."Faith__""I'm not hiding anything! I didn't see anyone!" She jumped when Sterling touched her shoulders. Her eyes widened at him, she didn't mean to yell out like that. He was already suspicious, but that was nothing compared to the intent look in his eyes at this moment. "Who did you see out there? is someone after you? Answer me! Damn it!" She flinched at his sharp tone, hi
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CHAPTER SIXTY FOUR**Faith tried not to wander too far, but she couldn't fight the negative thoughts swimming through her mind about Sterling and Stacy. She should be joyous that he found another woman, he would let go of his obsession with her, wasn't that what she always wanted? Faith sighed quietly wondering if fate was also laughing at her predicament, she was in love with a person who was infatuated with her, but she couldn't be with him because she knew how scheming and dangerous he was, she planned to take over his wealth so she could defend herself and Maya against him but she also didn't want him to be involved with another woman, to forget about her and their daughter which was exactly what she desired in the first place? A loud frustrated groan escaped her mouth, why couldn't life be kinder to her? Buried in her thoughts, Faith didn't hear the movements behind her until it was almost too late.She turned around, but as fast as lightning a hand pressed against her mouth,
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CHAPTER SIXTY FIVE**"Where the hell did you go!" Sterling's eyes were a mix of anger and relief the moment she stepped through the door.Faith's eyes wandered across the house, it seemed Stacy had left. She had only been gone for about ten minutes but the whole residence and beyond was crammed with security, all were searching for her. It would be a miracle if Dan managed to escape. Sterling moved quickly, closing the distance between them, his hawk-like eyes scouring her body, looking for signs of her being hurt. "Nowhere!" Faith answered too quickly, his rigid scowl told her he knew she was hiding things from him and that he wasn't liking it one bit. She met his deep frown stubbornly, she didn't want his concern.He had gone too far framing Dan for a crime he never committed, but why did Dan feel that he was entitled to her help?She didn't owe both men anything. Sterling only wanted to control her in the name of love and Dan was just being unreasonable. Any sympathy Faith h
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CHAPTER SIXTY SIX**Faith found it difficult to enter the large building. She hadn't been here in so long, but today, she had to do this. Maya was securely bound to her by the baby carrier. Faith couldn't help but stare around the company she had once worked for, it brought sensations of nostalgia.She greeted some of the familiar employees who seemed shocked to see her. As she headed into Sterling's office, she greeted Rex who greeted her with a broad smile, Stacy by his side. "Long time no see, oh look what we have here." He averted his gaze to Maya who was gawking at the new stranger. "She's beautiful and looks so much like my cousin __and you of course, can I touch her?"Faith didn't realize how hostile her expression was, she still hadn't forgiven him for reporting her pregnancy to Sterling, She might be living peacefully with Maya somewhere, but instead, she was stuck with a crazy man.To her greatest satisfaction, when he lifted his hand to touch Maya, she burst into a fi
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CHAPTER SIXTY SEVEN**Sterling entered the dimly lit building. His eyes glimmered with purpose as he stood tall above the man who was cowering in fear. A deep bruise covered the man's forehead, he tried to stand but his broken bones made him scream in agony. Sterling tapped his chin with his index finger."Now, what am I going to do with you?" He murmured and watched the man's eyes dazzle with fear. "P_please, let me go, I p_promise to stay away from your family, I'll leave, I s_swear!" "I already gave you that chance, didn't I? But what did you do?" Unrestrained anger made Sterling's voice harsher. For the sake of his wife, he'd informed Rex to provide this man enough money to get out of the city and start a new life, but the mother fucker was greedy, he made the mistake to think that Sterling was a pushover and was demanding more money."The biggest mistake in your entire life was that you ever knew my wife, You could've lived the rest of your life peacefully, anyone who come
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CHAPTER SIXTY EIGHT**Her eyes were haunting, she trembled, still shaken in disbelief.The court had sent her own copy of the divorce papers after it had been finalized. If those copies weren't from the court then__Sterling had managed to play his crooked game somehow. They were still legally married! She was still his wife__The thought left her cold, the sharp stab of anger and betrayal made her eyes burn with the salty liquid. This was too much, she should be used to his cruelty when he wanted something, but he always left her dumbstruck each time. Faith suddenly recalled the number of times he'd referred to her as his wife, even Rex had called her that.She had been naive to think it was merely a slip of the tongue. She should have known that there was no mistake with Sterling. Why was it that each time she tried to fight him, he was always a thousand steps ahead of the ways he could hurt her? Faith suddenly thought how Sterling knew about her plan, and also the reaso
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CHAPTER SIXTY NINE**Faith's lips still tingled from his forceful kiss, her mind was trapped in a turmoil of emotions. The wedding band now encircling her fingers made her certain that this wasn't some nightmare. They were back in his mansion which had never felt so much like a prison to Faith as it did now.Her devastated eyes followed him like a hawk as he prepared Maya for bed, they hadn't uttered a word to each other since he forced her to return with him.His wife_The dreadful word continued to ring in her head like an alarm, she was yet to recover from the shock and still didn't want to believe that he'd won so easily. She was a loser yet again, but if he thought she was going to be 'An obedient little girl__Their gazes clashed briefly, then he completely ignored her as he walked out of the nursery. In his eyes, She was probably no more than a child throwing a tantrum, She fumed at the thought and watched as he disappeared into his room and presumed he went to take a show
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CHAPTER SEVENTY**Sterling and Faith, both were still drenched to the skin, they had just returned from the hospital. It turned out that Maya was fine, she had just been asleep and Faith had been too panicked to even realize that. While Faith was relieved, her body still trembled at the thought of what could have easily happened. She glanced at her husband, trying to get a read on his mood.Husband?Where the hell had that thought come from? She wanted to speak, but her mouth was glued shut, she still remembered the horror and panic in his eyes when he first arrived at the accident scene, when he thought she and Maya had been hurt. Now, his guard was up his cold-blooded mask in place. She couldn’t get a read on how furious he was, which made her fearful. "Sterling I__"Sterling walked forward, his eyes staring into Faith's with a strange intensity that had her heart pounding in both fear and excitement.Excitement? Perhaps it was that brief flash of moment when she thought she
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