All Chapters of The CEO and a High-Schooler - Part two: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
57 Chapters
Chapter 41
Isabella's pov;Kirk asked, "You own a restaurant but still you're having your breakfast and dinner here." Said while placing the fish tacos on the table in front of me for breakfast."It's because I have to pay if I eat food there." I said."It's your own restaurant, who cares if you don't pay?""I do.""What about lunch?""There's a food stall around the street so I'll go there for lunch.""Doesn't that look weird to people? Having a restaurant but still dining out in a food stall.""I'll go in disguise." And continued eating the tacos and said, "I haven't added the popular dish cioppino in my menu. Do you know why? Because I don't think others can't do it better than you. I put up a new special dish every week. Please, come and cook only for a week. A week is all I'm asking you, Kirk."Mr Martinez took a seat beside me and started to eat. I continued talking to Kirk, "Please, a week will do."Kirk, "I can't. Finish your breakfast, it's getting late for your work." "I won't let it
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Chapter 42
Isabella's pov;"Your face says it all." Mike said while I was setting up the bar along with the bartender and continued, "Don't worry, you sent out all the invites and did what you have to do so people will come for sure. The number of people who came to the restaurant till now was already more than I expected." And patted my shoulder. I gave a nod and said, "All I want is to see people leave while having smiles on their faces." And walked to the table and took a seat. "Bella!" I heard Noah's voice. When I looked up, I saw my high school friends walking towards me. They're earlier than I expected. Noah, Evelyn, Liam and Sophia. But where are the others? I ran to them and gave them a hug and thanked them for coming.Noah, "Don't just stop thanking us, we came here to get drunk." Liam, "I'm not getting drunk tonight. I promised my girlfriend."Sophia, "Let's see if you can hold onto till the end."I showed him the table and sat along with them. After a while, my college friends w
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Chapter 43
Isabella's pov;"Why did you call me here?" I asked Jeremy who was standing in front of me looking here and there. Why does he look suspicious? While i was taking a break, Jeremy called me and asked me to come outside the restaurant and said he wanted to ask something. Jeremy didn't answer and looked around the place. I shook him and asked, "What is it?""My dad told me to inform you that he wanted to meet you." "Me?""Yes, he heard that your restaurant is going well so he wanted to greet you I guess.""Okay, inform him that I'll see him tomorrow. I have work today.""He hates when people postpone things.""Seriously? I said I have work today. I'm not postponing just because I'm drunk, okay? Tell him I'll go and meet him tomorrow." And walked inside my restaurant. In the lunch time, "I'll be back in a few minutes." "Are you going to eat out again?" Mike asked me while I was removing my apron."I just ate my lunch with you not more than a few minutes ago. How do you think I can
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Chapter 44
Noah Johnson's pov;"What happened between you two this time?" I asked Mr Martinez as soon as I entered the house. He walked to me and gave me keys and said, "She won't come here anymore." And started walking upstairs."What do you mean by that? Where's she now?" "I don't know.""Why do you sound like you don't care about her? I'm sure that even now you're thinking about her.""Why should I? Even if I did, it'll be just another act for her."I stopped Mr Martinez and said, "Let's go and get her back and talk this over.""Didn't you hear what I said before? She won't come here. She moved out of this house.""Then, What about the thing between you guys?"He didn't give a response and stood still. I walked away from him and made a call to the restaurant but no one picked up. I called Mr Halls and asked about Bella but he said that she left early. If she wasn't at the restaurant then where might she be? While I was thinking about Bella's whereabouts, Mr Martinez said, "I know where sh
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Chapter 45
Isabella's pov;I woke up to the bright light falling on my face which made it hard for me to open my eyes in the beginning but soon i got adapted to it and blinked a few times and finally opened it in the end. When I opened my eyes, I saw myself lying on a bed in a place with white walls and blue floors. I looked around and found a needle stuck into the back of my right hand. My clothes and the place gave a medicine smell which made me realise that I'm a hospital but how did I end up here? All i could remember was sitting outside the restaurant… someone spoke to me… why can't I remember anything?A nurse walked in and asked, "How are you feeling now, Ms Garcia?""Yeah, I'm good but shall i know why am I here for?""You're diagnosed with sleep deprivation."I didn't expected it soon."Then, Who brought me here?""Two guys. One left after admitting you and the other…" she looked around and said, "He was here… where did he go?" "What's his name?""I don't know. Maybe it'll be in the re
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Chapter 46
Isabella's pov;I hugged Big brother and presented a gift for big brother and Ms Devlin. Yuyang asked, "Where's mine?" I squatted down to her and gave a kiss on her cheek and asked, "How's my gift?" She pouted her lips and said, "I'm not a kid anymore. I'm 9 years old now. You can't cheat me."I pinched her nose tip and said, "You're a grown-up, huh?" I took the box from my pocket and gave it to her. "I thought you didn't.""I did. How can I forget my cute little niece?" She opened the gift and gave me a hug as soon as she saw it and thanked me for the gift. Big brother, "Is that a camera?" Yuyang screamed, "It's a digital camera! Daddy!!!" And showed the camera to Ms Devlin and jumped in happiness. Big brother to yuyang, "Can you grab a drink for Daddy from over there?" She nodded and left.Big brother asked me, "Why did you buy her that? And, that looks expensive. What if she broke it?" Ms Devlin said to him, "You know how she loves taking pictures. Let her have it.""Okay
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Chapter 47
Isabella's pov;"Why did you bring me here? You would have come to my restaurant if you wanted to talk to me?""Just come inside." Issac took me inside his house and said, "I brought you here for a reason.""What is it?" Asked him while walking after him."Steve wanted to see you.""Then you should have brought him to the restaurant. Why bother bringing me here?""Because he's not in a state to go to your restaurant.""What?"He opened the door to a room and said, "See for yourself." I walked in and saw Steve lying on the bed with a cast on his leg. "What happened to him?" "Fought with some boys in lower grade."I laughed and asked Steve, "Who won?" Steve said while smiling, "It's me."While we're laughing together, Issac said, "You two are alike." "Aren't we?" I gave a high five to Steve. Steve, "I'm so sad that I couldn't have a taste of Tiramisu from your restaurant." "Don't worry, I'll make Issac bring it to you next time.""Thank you."I asked Issac, "Where's your parents
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Chapter 48
Isabella's pov;While I was taking orders from the customers, A table of three, they talked among themselves and didn't tell me about the menu properly. I didn't pay attention in the beginning but they looked at me and the restaurant and were mumbling to each other which looked weird so I asked them politely, "Is anything wrong?" They looked at each other and stood from the table and tried to leave.I stopped them and asked, "What happened? Why are you leaving?" They didn't say anything and walked out of the restaurant straight away. While I was being confused, a couple from table number seven left too.I asked Emily who was attending that table, she said, "The girl was ordering from the menu, the boy who came along with her showed something on his phone and then, they both left immediately. Maybe they went to another place to dine in." And left to attend to another customer.If they wanted to go, they would have gone in the first place? Why did they leave while giving their menu?D
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Chapter 49
Isabella's pov;"It's surprising since you were the one who made the call." Julian teased me while holding a glass of wine in his hand.I said, "It's been a hell of a week and I needed a break." And placed the glasses for Carlos and Jack.Carlos took a look around and asked, "How's your restaurant now? You changed the decor?""Yeah, I wanted some change and the restaurant is getting back on track. When we explained it to the people, some believed us and some didn't. Our regulars spoke for the restaurant and tweeted many good things about the restaurant. As a result, we started getting customers even though it's a small amount but it's good. We're catching up. By the way, Why didn't you bring Leah with you?" "She's still in her hometown. What about Gia? Did you call her?""Yeah, I did. She said she's on a business trip." And drinked from my glass.Zoey, "Bella, Can I leave? I have a class to attend tomorrow.""Yeah, yeah. Just go. I'll take care of it."After Zoey left, I said to Carl
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Chapter 50
Isabella's pov;When I first walked inside the restaurant, I was startled by the bursting sound, which caused me to jump in the air. When I opened my eyes, which had been closed due to the sound's force, colourful confetti rained down all over the room, even on me."Congratulations, Bella!" Everyone yelled at the same time."What exactly is this? Is it true that our restaurant made the news?" I inquired of them, unsure of what was going on."Stop thinking about the restaurant all the time," Emily murmured with a brush of her hand over my brow."Then what is the point of the celebration?"A voice from behind me replied. "It's a wedding present for you." It was Dylan who I saw as I turned around.Emily took my hand in hers and pointed to my ring finger, saying, "You claimed you were going to a friend's wedding, but you actually went to get married. Here's where we need an explanation."They all nodded in unison when I looked at them."Is it true that you're working against me? I'm the o
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