All Chapters of The Pack's Secret Keeper: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
156 Chapters
The Bystander Effect
Havermouth, Present TimeLeighton Richard lived on a farm just outside of town. The high fences surrounding his property indicated that he kept deer, although the fields appeared to be empty, the deer obviously preferring to hide amongst the scrub to the rear of the property. There was a giant timber barn painted black with “Leighton Richard” in man-sized white lettering on the road-facing side and “Potter” in smaller letters.A sign on the gate declared that they were entering the property of Leighton Richard, Potter, and editor of the Havermouth Expose. There was an honor box arrangement by the gate, where the latest version of the Havermouth Expose could be purchased.Aislen snagged a copy and dropped a few coins into the slot whilst June opened the gate. She drove forward along a well-maintained driveway towards a tidy little house whose sandstone construction spoke of it being original to the area. Under the bullnosed veranda, a grey-muzzled old dog flicked an ear as much to shoo
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Love Like That
Havermouth, Five Years BeforeAfter breakfast, the Triquetra ripped up the floorboards in one of the rear bedrooms and inspected the stumps that held the house loft. Cameron’s eyes lit as his feet scuffed over something that was not dirt, his footsteps sounding hollow. “Told you.” He said to Rhett triumphantly. “I told you that there was an old cellar.”“Yeah, but whether it’s knee deep in river water…” Rhett was dubious.“The French drain around the house says otherwise,” Cameron replied. “There’s only one way to find out. Let’s lift the lid…”“If zombies crawl out, I’m throwing you to them and running,” Rhett replied.“There’s no such thing as zombies,” Cameron laughed as he and Heath used their shovels to dig around the wooden barrier. “Right?” He looked at Heath when they had cleared the edges and as much rubble off the surface as they could.“Let’s see,” Heath grinned back, and they dug the tips of their shovels under the edge prying it up. The wood cracked and creaked, before sh
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Paint and Passion
Havermouth, Present Time“I need to make a detour,” Aislen told June. “I hope you don’t mind.”“No,” June sent her a shy smile. “It’s either clean my house or be sidekick to your adventures, so I’m all good. You’re sort of a bit like a superhero. You’ve got the secret identity, a mission, and the exciting love life.”Aislen laughed. “F-k me,” she said as she pulled up at the hardware store. “You make it sound glamorous. Believe me, my life is as f-ked up as it comes.”“What are we doing here?” June asked as they got out of the car.“I think I need to paint my house. My porch and front door at least,” Aislen told her. “Triquetra’s whore might be an accurate description for me, but I don’t need my house tagged with it.”“You really slept with all three of them?” June asked as they entered the store, and the clerk and customer at the cash registered looked up, jaws unhinging.“Yep,” Aislen declared loudly. “Sometimes at the same time. I’m really flexible. Yoga,” she winked at the clerk.
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The Scholarship
Havermouth, five Years BeforeCameron drove her home after lunch. “We have a thing,” he told her cheerfully as he boosted her into the front passenger side of his Ute. In contrast to Rhett and Heath, Cameron’s thoughts were easy going and cheerful. In his mind, they’d get a reprimand and Heath would talk their way out of any real punishment.His confidence was well founded, as that was what had always happened since they had become a Triquetra with Rhett, and also before as Cameron and Heath had grown up together. Rhett’s lingering grimness was, in Cameron’s mind, due to his father being in town, and the effect Mr Salem’s presence had on the household. With Mr Salem in the house, Mrs Salem was unable to see her lover, and that human lover objected to the ongoing marriage, not understanding werewolves’ ways…Aislen could sympathize, she thought, with the lover. “What thing?” She asked to see what he would say. Would they continue to pretend that she didn’t know, or would he admit to i
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Aislen's Harem
Havermouth, Present TimeHeath and Cameron arrived as they did, and June met Aislen’s eyes. “I have to go,” June decided. “Before I collapse in a hormonal heap. I’m used to dealing with primary school students, and not smoking hot men. In one day, I’ve been up close and personal to two more than any other average day. Anymore and I’m not responsible for my actions. How you can stand it, I don’t know, but I am totally envious.”Aislen snorted. “When they start bossing you around, their prettiness loses it’s shine,” she replied. “Believe me. By the way, do you know a teacher, third grade I think, named Liam?”“Liam,” June repeated. “Not at my school.”“Oh well, I’ll have to introduce you some time, if I see him again,” she added. “So, not tomorrow but the day after, at ten?”“Ten,” June confirmed and waved as she made her way out to the street.F-k, Aislen added to herself. She needed to find something to wear.She sighed as she turned towards the house and the Triquetra, who had unload
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Motherly Advice
Havermouth, Five Years BeforeAislen’s legs gave out in the bedroom, and she sat heavily on the bed. She should be happy, she told herself. She should be overjoyed. It was, as everyone in the tiny kitchen had repeated again and again, an amazing, incredible opportunity, an act of generosity by the school and Zeus Forest Works that she would have been a fool to turn down.Why did it feel so wrong?She knew why, she answered herself. Because Rhett had told her not to go to Rideten. Because going to Rideten meant leaving the Triquetra behind in Havermouth.In less than a month, the Triquetra had turned her life inside out and upside down. Somehow everything had become focused on them, their presence dictating how her days went, what she did, how she dressed, what she ate, where she slept…She did not know now if she could separate herself from them and survive it. She did not know if she wanted to do so.“You’re doing the right thing,” Tiffany said from the doorway. “It is the right thin
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New Rules
Havermouth, Present Time All four men looked at Aislen in unison and she felt her heart begin to race. “Oh f-k,” she whispered and caught her bottom lip between her teeth as she stood and set the flowers onto the bed. She turned and scooped her hair over her shoulder. “Can someone unzip me?” Rhett stepped up. His hands shook as he reached for the zip and his breath came quick and heavy, his thoughts were a rapid cacophony of erotic fantasies. Her dress sagged and she let it slip to the ground, before stepping out of her shoes, and felt Rhett’s hands stroke over her arse as she bent to pick them up. “Suspenders,” he murmured, slipping his fingers under the straps. “I have a weakness for them.” “I didn’t get dressed this morning anticipating that I would be painting,” she replied. “Though, it doesn’t look like a lot of painting will get done today.” “Mhm. We’ll discuss the painting and the reason for it in a little while,” Talen told her as he returned to the armoire. “In the meanti
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Suitcases and Pearl Necklaces
Havermouth, Five Years Past Aislen was dressed and ready at the door when Heath pulled into the drive. She hurried to where he held the car open for her admiring how handsome he looked in his school uniform, the trousers and shirt precisely pressed, and his blue knit jumper’s v neck showing the neat knot of his tie. “Hi,” she pressed her palms onto his chest and lifted her face to his. His thumb stroked over her cheek as he leaned down to kiss her, and his lips lingered. She felt his c-ck harden between them and leant a little against it, deliberately arousing him as she snaked her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. His thoughts were of Cameron and Rhett who were meeting them at the river house and debating whether he could pull off enroute for a quickie before taking her there. As he eased the kiss, she rubbed her cheek against his enjoying that he was freshly shaven, and his skin scented with aftershave. That decided him and he gripped her arse through her school skirt p
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Five in a Bed
Havermouth, Present DayThe flickering candlelight did wonderful things to the naked men around her, Aislen thought as she watched Rhett and Cameron move around the bed, busily securing Heath to the fixture points. The light played over their skin and casted shadow in the valleys of muscle. Heath continued to look at her, ignoring what Rhett and Cameron were doing, and looking at him splayed vulnerable, had her clit throbbing.The spread position placed emphasis on his c-ck standing upright from his body like an invitation. She moved to the foot of the bed and placed her hands on his shins, feeling the crispness of leg hair as she stroked up to his knees. “Can I play with him, daddy?” She asked.“That’s the idea, little demon,” Talen chuckled. “We all get to play with him.”Heath’s eyes fluttered closed, and he blew out his breath. “F-k,” he whispered.Cameron was entranced, his eyes meeting Aislen’s, and his grin slow and heavy. Aislen handed him the blind fold. “Put it on him,” she
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Renovations and Decisions
Havermouth, Five Years BeforeThere was another Ute parked next to Cameron’s outside of the river house when Heath pulled up. “Ah, good,” he said as they got out of the car. “Luke is here. Just hang back and stay out of the way, Aislen, whilst we walk him through what we’re after.” He strode ahead of her jumping up onto the balcony and calling out warmly to the man standing with Cameron and Rhett.“Hey,” the man grinned. “Nice place. I haven’t had the opportunity to see it before. I can understand why it’s the hangout spot of the moment. This view is amazing.”“Yeah, we’re lucky that Cameron came with advantages,” Heath laughed.“The family farm here is just over two hundred hectares,” Cameron shoved his hands into his front pockets and rocked on his hips, looking out across the land with satisfaction. “With the house, and a variety of outbuildings. Dad has kept the fencing and outbuildings up to date, as he’s been using it as grazing land.”“And you’ll inherit another four hundred he
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