Semua Bab Italian Mafia 2: Bab 31 - Bab 40
59 Bab
❧ Fiorella ☙I peel myself off his table and refuse to look at his semen, which I notice sliding down the inside of my thighs. I have been used in the worst possible way, I am unable to look him in the eye, so I look down at the floor, waiting for him to swallow me up. The last thing I want is for him to see exactly how much what he's done has affected me. I don't look up until I hear his retreating footsteps down the hallway. That's when I raise my head. I'm surprised to see Moira standing in the hallway, looking impatient.My God, has she seen us? Even if she didn't see the act, she sees me now, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out what has happened. Another wave of shame washes over me, how could I possibly let him do this to me. Logically, I know I have nothing to be ashamed of, I didn't want this, he made me do it. Still, I am the one who feels ashamed, for letting him use my body once again, he takes me to my room without saying anything. Once inside, I close the door an
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❧ Lorenzo ☙"Let's talk. what do you want?" he charges forward and stops abruptly at Darian's threatening step to step out to meet her. "I want your life for hers." Of course I do, I look at Camillo with a small smile and then step forward to meet Darian.I laugh because I know that's what this stupid guy would want, but I'm not an idiot, I won't let em blackmail me so easily, "How much do you want for her?" ."We are businessmen and money is our language, name your price and it's yours," I tell him without hesitation, I walk away from him and put my hands in my pockets.He seems to be considering my offer, I stand still waiting for his answer but for Camilo and my men know that only Fiorella's integrity keeps me from wrapping my fingers around the damn goblin's throat, until he can't breathe. Until it squeezes its useless life out of its useless shell.She stared at him unflinchingly. "You, you want to pay me to get back the woman you stole from me, is that right? Because it looks l
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❧ Fiorella ☙Darian is in the living room with Connor and some men, talking about business and money, I would like to ignore him and go to that room that is supposed to be luxury, where I can sleep, but since he has me as a maid, I have to wait."Where do you think you are going?" says that woman."I'm leaving , what else can I do here , I'm retiring to rest if he wants something you can help him , that's what you are his employee for', the I said with contempt."If you think you can leave , you are wrong , Mr. I specified that you attend him and his guests, so stay until they leave and do not even think of wanting to escape, because the consequences will be very severe stupid", she told me and she left, now even the maid can treat me badly.My feelings are wrapped up in a tight ball, stuck to my belly, churning and twisting in a painful knot, in the kitchen there are a few bottles of wine.They are all open and ready to be served, I see a closed one and open it I look at it for a mom
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❧ Fiorella ☙My heart pounds in my chest and fear creeps up my back. I miscalculated the distance between this place, I also didn't see the huge mesh that borders the whole place from side to side. "HAAAAAAAAAAAA", I scream in the cold, empty darkness, light seeps in from the still half-open door I came out of. If I go back now, no one will know I tried to run away. No, he'll be able to read it all over my face as soon as he takes his mouth off the other woman long enough to notice me.It doesn't matter now, what's done is done, there's no turning back, I take one last look at the door and head in the opposite direction, up a small hill towards a post or lamp that cuts through the darkness. I hit a screen before I reach it. My only options are to take shelter inside or follow the screen out of this maze of warehouses.Well, forward I get an urge to run, especially knowing that as soon as he realizes I've disappeared, he'll come chasing after me. The farther away he is, the less chanc
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❧ Fiorella ☙Another moan escapes me and he groans into my shoulder, he shoves the last few inches into me with those big, wide fingers. When he positions himself on top of me to look into my eyes. "Let's play a game, I'll ask you a question, and if you answer it correctly, I'll make you feel really good. If you don't answer, I'll leave you a quivering mess, wanting a release that I'll never let you have. Nod if you understand." I nod slowly, avoiding eye contact, so he doesn't spy the urge to push him away from me, to fight his words and the demands of our bodies. "That's the way I like it," he whispers along the column of my neck, his lips tracing every sensitive bundle of nerves there."Let's start with an easy one. Who do you belong to?" He accompanies his question by slipping his fingers inside me and turning his hand so that his thumb brushes my clit. I shudder."Darian, please , don't ask me that..... please," I beg him trying to close my thighs without being able to do it."
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❧ Darian ☙After what happened last night, I want her even more and her being naked, tied to the bed in her room, doesn't help at all on the contrary it only causes me to get harder. I felt it was a fitting punishment for her running away, for having almost completely escaped from me.I can't even think about it, or I feel like grabbing her, marking her, claiming her back. The urge came over me last night. I did nothing I regret, except stopping before burying myself in her warmth. Even now, something primal in my body demands I take her in ways I've never taken a woman.The way she writhed on the ground, with the rocks and dirt grinding into her skin, she had enjoyed my cruelty. And I had savored the reward afterwards. It's not until Connor walks into my office and plops down on the couch in front of my desk with a meaningful look on his face that I completely push away the thought of his soft skin under my hands.Today he's wearing black pants and a black t-shirt looks like we're in
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❧ Darian ☙"Fiorella will be sold, and it doesn't matter if she dies right after." As I say the words out loud, my chest tightens uncomfortably. For my plan, it doesn't matter what happens to her afterwards. It shouldn't matter to me either, but the thought of her death turns my stomach."If you say so." Connor shakes his head at me and walks out of the room. I come out shortly after, my legs carrying me to her room without thinking about it. She was furious when I tied her to the bed. I wonder if she's calmed down. Probably not. Maybe I can smooth things over for now.And if I can't, well, she won't be my problem in a few days anyway. I push open the door and walk into her room. She's lying on the bed just as I left her. Completely naked and on the sheets, her wrists tied to the corner of the bed and her ankles at the foot of the bed. "Enjoying your stay, my dear?", I said with a smirk. "Moira came here earlier, do you know how embarrassing it was? She saw this." She tilt
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❧ Fiorella ☙"Any revenge he gets by selling me out won't do him any good and won't make him feel any better when it's over. I'll just be another mark on his conscience, another scar he'll never be able to erase." My voice is low and thready. I try to keep the tears at bay so he doesn't really see how scared I am."This isn't about Lorenzo caring about you. This is about Darian taking something from your husband. You think we don't know he's desperately looking for you? It's clear he does, but knowing that Darian took something from him is what will destroy him, that's the real revenge." My mouth drops open, probably making me feel like a fish out of water.Of course, he knows that. However, he doesn't care that he's innocent. I don't know if that makes it better or worse. "I thought we were friends once, you were always chivalrous to me and never disrespected me, I never thought you would agree to this, it's such a low and dastardly thing to do," Connor studies me, his long muscular
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❧ Fiorella ☙"You want to tell me something, Brendan?" she snorts and shrugs."Just the usual. Fuck off, and I'll see you at dinner." When he tries to leave, Darian grabs him by the shirt and throws him back in front of him. I move out of the way so I don't get caught between them.Darian and his cousin remind me of a bull and a red flag. The outcome can never end well. Darian has his Brendan's shirt clenched in his hands as he leans in with a growl, "Did you think about touching my wife and tasting her before the auction?" I don't like the way he says "my wife," which warms me in places I had tried to cover up with nonchalance.Brendan shakes his head and pushes Darian off of him. "I don't want anything to do with her. She'll be gone tomorrow. By the way, thanks for letting me know you set the date, asshole."Darian looks ready to throw a punch, and I shrink back behind his desk chair, something akin to guilt creeping through me. I'd brought Brendan into this, and now I was going to
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❧ Darian ☙I rip the top button of my shirt from its hole as I stare into her eyes. "What does it look like?" it takes me a few seconds to rip off the rest of the buttons and pull the shirt out of my pants.She drags her gaze over every inch of my slowly revealing skin. She may think she's above it all, but I can see the whites of her eyes as she takes in my abs and the tattoos covering my torso.I toss my shirt on the chair and unbuckle my belt, never taking my eyes off her. But she continues to stare at my body like it's the last dessert on the buffet. "See anything you like?" I shout at her.When she doesn't answer, I take off my belt and snap my fingers in front of her nose. He startles and grabs the desk by the hips. His eyes dart to mine. "What?""It's rude to stare, Fiorella, tell me what you want, what you were going to offer Connor and maybe he'll give it to you. Use your words." She swallows hard, her voice low and husky as she replies."You call me darling when you're angry
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