All Chapters of Blue Moon: Chapter 31 - Chapter 38
38 Chapters
Chapter 29: Food and Family
Kaynon woke with a splitting headache and the most wonderful sight in front of him. Cilyna's worried stare shifted to one of relief as his eyes landed on her and a soft smile graced his lips. She helped him to a sitting position and he grabbed the back of his head."Do you remember what happened to you?" Cilyna asked holding out a glass of water for him, he took it graciously taking a long sip and swallowing down."The only thing I can remember is sitting someone in the house and then I got hot over the head from behind. What happened?" he asked looking between Cilyna and Ciaran. "When did you get here?" he asked puzzled."Cilyna linked me that something was wrong and I can running." Ciaran explained."Yes there were two men, hunters. They tied you up and put you in this car before one the other. Ciaran and I dealt with the other. They were lying in wait for us again not sure if we were going to come back but apparently they know enough about me from Thomas that I'm perfectly predicta
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Chapter 30: Name Game
After leaving the dinner, not without leaving fifteen hundred dollars for their meal and a generous tip on the table Kaynon and Ciaran had occupied, the group headed to the large public park so the smaller children could play while the older ones sat down at under a gazebo for a serious chat."So, we know that we'll have to get in touch with the Rocky Mountain pack, the Lotus pack. My mates previous pack, the Black River pack. In my opinion you are better off in another pack, Raven." Ciaran gave a pointed stare to a girl of around thirteen who decided she was grown enough to sit with the adults."What do you mean, alpha?" the girl asked."Nevermind, little one. The choice is yours all the same." Ciaran smiled kindly."And I will need my computer to find the coven of witches, but I will need help since a month ago I didn't even know any of this could be real." Cilyna chimed in."I can help with that!" a young man who looked to be around sixteen or seventeen pushed his way through a few
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Chapter 31: New Plan
Kaynon and Ciaran split up to circle Cilyna's house coming up empty. Content that everything was safe though to move the group of males in, Kaynon tried the door. Jiggling the knob he found it was still unlocked. They made their way inside and they all got comfortable sitting around in the living room."Coast is clear for your return, Cilyna." Kaynon mind linked as he walked around the inside of her home."Ok, just don't pay attention to the mess in sure is there." she quickly linked back.Her words made him smile because her home was incredibly tidy. A place for everything and everything in it's place. Kaynon found himself in her office at the back of the house where he first observed her through her big bay windows overlooking her back yard. His eyes tailed over all her paperwork and over her bulletin board. The only messy part of her home was her board, littered with pictures and hand written sticky notes. The board underneath had a map of the town. Each picture was in the location
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Chapter 32: Background
After everyone ate, Cilyna went into her office to look over her map to try and find any clue for where exactly the main headquarters for this new council was. She stuck a green pin in the location where she was taken by Thomas, than she stuck another green pin at the location they found the kidnapped kids were. The two pins were on opposite sides of the town. There had to be another location where they all resided, Cilyna was sure of it. If they could eliminate this threat, at least in this location, it would be easier to find other locations with the same issue and it would be safer to get everybody back to their families."Can I ask what's got you so focused to have been in here for the hours?" Kaynon's soft tone have Cilyna a stay as she turned away from her map."Oh, you startled me!" she said as her hand flew to the center of her chest to cover her racing heart."I'm sorry. So what are you looking for, maybe I can help." Kaynon replied with a smile, stepping closer to her at the
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Chapter 33: Finding Home
Getting Rasmosis to help set up the traps around the yard was not easy to do. His strong objections were due to the vials interfering with his magic to find the families of the young witches."I have to pull as much energy as I can from the earth and if I do, I could possibly trigger the vials accidentally." Rasmosis said angrily."Without the traps set we won't be able to keep you safe properly for you to do your little spell." Kaynon growled, glaring at him."I'm just saying wait until I have found every witches family first." Rasmosis said between clenched teeth."How long will it take?" Ciaran spoke up while Kaynon was trying not to lose his temper."For the dozen witches? I'll need at least five hours." Rasmosis turned his eyes away from Kaynon's yellow gold stare to look into Ciaran's onyx colored ones."It can be done but my wolves will be patrolling in the mean time."Ciaran spoke with finality.Kaynon walked away from the young wizard before he ripped his head off him self for
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Chapter 34: Family Ties
"Very clever trying to use our own potions against us. But it will not work, you see we have detection spells for just such occasions and your plan failed miserably." a rather large pale man stepped into the moonlight as he chuckled."This is not good." Kaynon muttered as more vampires and witches stepped from the line of shadows the trees cast across the back yard.Cilyna was not surprised that they had returned. She half expected it, though she was surprised at how fast they came. "How do they keep finding us so quickly?" Cilyna said without thinking."Did you really just ask that question, Cilyna?" Kaynon said "It was a rhetorical question!" she yelled before shifting and lunging for the vampire leading the group.He dodged her easily, jumping straight up and flipping over her. Rather gracefully for a larger man who looks out of shape. Cilyna slide right into the manicured hands of a female with black hair that followed to her hips and bright blue eyes."I finally get to meet my
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Chapter 35: Ominous Truth
"Mother?" Cilyna repeated as she shifted into her human form."Yes my darling. It's me. I'm so sorry I've had to stay away for so long. I've missed so much." she spoke, Cilyna ran to the wolf and threw her arms around her neck as tears spilled down her face into the soft fur at her mother's neck. "I thought I would never see you again! So much has happened! I'm sorry, I'm too old to be blubbering like a child but I've missed you so much!" Cilyna rambled, her voice muffled in her fur as her mother nuzzled her back. Cilyna had all but forgotten about Kaynon standing behind her until he wrapped a blanket around her shoulders to cover her naked body. She did not know where he grabbed it from, she also did not care at the moment but she was grateful as she pulled it tighter around her as she stepped away to look her mother in her eyes. "We have so much to talk about. I have two children now, twins and they're five years old." Cilyna started and closed her mouth when she saw the shock in
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Chapter 36: The Untold Beginning
"So what's the story that has been passed down through our family history?"Cilyna asked her mother after they got supper cooked for everyone and Cilyna got her children settled for bed. They were not to happy about having to share their rooms but finally agreed when she explained it was only temporary until they found everyone else's family's. "It started when the moon goddess's twin sister went against their father, the god of all creation, and created her own beings. The vampires and witches, who ravaged all life. He ordered the moon goddess to create a being that could rival the goddess of darkness's creatures, to restore balance but she could only alter what was already created." Cilyna's mother began. ******************************************************The full moon's silvery glow shines down as a spot light on a pure white wolf with golden eyes that glowed with the magic of the moon goddess. She leaned down to get a drink from the cold steam and suddenly noticed a pair of e
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