All Chapters of Love, Vogue and the CEO: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
42 Chapters
Chapter 1
Watching a movie with my parents in our living room, my dad’s phone rings. With a concerned look on his face, he stares down at the screen.‘Excuse me, girls. I need to take this call,’ he says, standing and leaving the room.‘Should we pause it?’ I ask mum.‘No, it’s fine, sweetie. Dad has seen this movie before,’ she answers. I return my focus to the film in front of me, and I’m startled when I hear Dad’s tone rise in anger, in the other room.‘No! That was not part of the deal! You can’t have her. I’m not going over this again with you. She is not for sale! The deal is off. Don’t contact me again, and stay away from my daughter,’ he yells.I look over at mum who is just as startled as I am about dad’s phone call. I stand and leave the room, and find dad sitting outside near the back door, on the back steps, with his head in his hands.‘Dad, is everything okay?’ I ask.‘Yes, darling. Everything is fine.’ He lets out a heavy sigh. ‘Okay, so maybe everything isn’t fine. There is some
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Chapter 2
The next morning, I pace back and forth in my hospital room, in my hospital gown. I need to know who the man who murdered my parents is. Is it someone I know? I think of all Dad’s work friends and associates. Damn it! He was going to tell me who it was the next day, before the fire happened.No one really stands out as someone capable of murder. Dad only took me to work events with mum, if he absolutely had to. His associates and colleagues would always stare at me or attempt to flirt with me otherwise.I ignored their advances, and pretended I didn’t hear them or notice them. I instead focused on listening to the speeches.Dad would always thank me for being so graceful and attentive at work functions. He was proud I didn’t give any attention to the ‘hungry men’ or ‘beasts’, as he would call them. I assured him I was there for the function, and not the men. I wasn’t interested in pursuing a relationship with anyone anyway.I’ve never had a romantic connection with any man I’ve met. P
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Chapter 3
I wake up feeling restless. I get dressed and make my way to the kitchen to make myself a coffee. Hailey is sitting by herself eating breakfast so I join her, and sit down in the chair facing her.‘I’m sorry I haven’t made an effort to talk to you Hailey. I haven’t meant to be rude. I’m still adjusting to a lot. And I’m out of it,’ I explain to her.‘Oh, don’t worry about it,’ she says. ‘I think we all keep to ourselves the first night we arrive. We’re all here because of something bad. We all understand it’s normal to be antisocial at first,’ she says.‘Thank you. I’m glad you don’t think I’m snobby,’ I say, with a smile. Hailey looks up at me and giggles.‘Snobby! I haven’t heard that word in years,’ she laughs, and Debbie enters the room smiling.‘Zurielle! I’m glad to see you up and about. Are you ready to type up your resume’?’ She asks, and I stand.‘Yep, that would be great, to get started,’ I say and follow her out of my room to the computer room.I type down everything I have
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Chapter 4
The next morning, we arrive at the cafe, and Hailey focuses on taking orders and learning how to make the coffees, while I wash the dishes, and wipe down the tables.Mark and Grace arrive just after eight o’clock, and sit down at the table they were sitting at the day before.Hailey takes their orders and makes their coffees. It’s getting quite busy, so I tell Hailey to keep taking orders while I serve people their coffees.‘Good morning. Your latte and your cappuccino,’ I say, as I place each down in front of them carefully.‘Good morning, Zurielle. How are you this morning?’ Mark asks, sipping his cappuccino. I freeze for a moment. Did this handsome man just ask me how my morning is? No man has ever asked me how my day is. I’ve been standing here gawking at him in admiration. I blush a little, and look away at Hailey who is taking orders.‘My morning has been very good,’ I reply, happily. Mark nods and smiles.‘Good to hear,’ he says.‘Enjoy your coffees. Call me if you need anythin
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Chapter 5
‘I’ve never had a boyfriend, so I don’t have an ex,’ I explain, watching her go wide-eyed, as she sits down on her bed.‘Are you a virgin?’ She asks.‘Um, I guess so,’ I say, shrugging my shoulders.‘Zurielle! You’re almost twenty-years-old, and you’re super, and I mean super hot, and super beautiful. And you’re a virgin,’ she yells jumping on her bed like it’s a trampoline.‘We need to get you laid girlfriend! Or better yet: have you ever thought about selling your virginity? Do you know how many rich men would want to buy your virginity? You’d probably get paid enough to buy your own house!’ She yells, jumping up and down on the bed again.‘Hailey! Stop yelling. All the other women will hear, and no! I’m not going to sell my virginity. I’m not something you can just buy. Besides, I wouldn’t give it to someone who wants it for the wrong reasons,’ I explain.‘Well, you’re no fun,’ Hailey pouts, and gives me a playful push on the shoulder.‘We should get to sleep. We have work in the m
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Chapter 6
Hailey begs to come with me to the Snake Pit for safety reasons, but I really want to spend some time alone afterwards, so I go alone.At 6pm, I leave the shelter and walk to the Snake Pit, after half an hour I arrive at road where the Snake Pit should be, there are people arguing, alcohol bottles lying on the ground, and lots of people standing around smoking, and speaking loudly.Even in my oversized hoodie and my skinny jeans, I get a few wolf whistles and men saying, ‘Come over here sweetie!’I keep my head down just enough to avoid eye contact with anyone, and look at the address again to find the right place. The Snake Pit must be around here somewhere… There are a lot of old and rundown buildings, and many drunk people staggering around.I hear the sound of motorbikes stopping, further up the road, and walk in their direction. Outside the Snake Pit are at least fifty, if not more, Harley Davidsons, and their owners, who are smoking and socialising.Hanging above their heads is
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Chapter 7
On the Yarra River, I spot the Evan Walker Bridge, it’s my favourite bridge in the area made of smooth metal. I make myself comfortable and sit down on a bench, and look out at the water. This bridge always calls to me; the way the piano did at the bar. No one else is around and the stars shine brightly above me.I listen to the sound of the river flowing beneath me, and look up at the stars, at two in particular, shining extra brightly.‘Mum, Dad… I miss you so much,’ I say, bursting into tears.I wonder what they think about me being in a homeless shelter and going to live at a bar next to a biker’s club house. I can imagine the look on Dad’s face. He would be so worried. I saw him worry and stress before work functions, so I can only imagine how worried he would be for me right now.‘Don’t worry Dad. I remember your words, like it was yesterday. I won’t let any man fool me or use me. Men are brutal, heartless, monstrous beasts who only want to fulfill their desire, before they toss
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Chapter 8
Goosebumps appear on my arms, and my hands tremble with fear, and I drop the note. I stand and look around, at all the people coming and going in the street. The man who murdered my parents could be any of these men!Fear fills me, and I’m scared, so I rush past people, needing to get away. He is here somewhere, watching me and I don’t even know where.My breathing is heavy as I hyperventilate, I pace in circles, looking all around me, panicking. A car horn beeps and someone’s arms latch onto my waist, pulling me out of harm’s way. The car speeds past with the horn still blaring at me.Having warm arms around my waist is soothing; my breathing returns to normal, and I’m feeling more relaxed until someone shouts in my ear.‘What is wrong with you?’ A man yells. I look into the eyes of the man I spilt my coffee on and register him still holding me. I glare at him, and he steps back, and releases me from his grip.‘What is wrong with you?’ I yell back.‘You can’t just go around grabbing
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Chapter 9
I keep to myself most of Sunday, and think about my parents, the murder and the note. I think about visiting Hailey, and don’t, because I’ll see her in the morning at work.In the middle of the night, I wake to a man yelling and screaming, at the club house next door. It goes on for half an hour, before I get up, open the window, and peer out at the club house, and see a few members outside smoking.‘Hey guys!’ I yell, and they look up at my window.‘Zurielle!’ They all yell, happily.‘Um, I’m trying to sleep and whatever’s going on over there is awfully loud. Do you think you can turn it down a notch, so I can sleep?’ I ask.‘Viper! You need to muffle him! Zurielle’s trying to sleep,’ one of them yells, to Viper, who must be inside.‘Sorry Zuri. We’ll do business a bit more quietly for you. Sleep well!’ He yells back. I close the window and go back to sleep, uninterrupted.I get ready, get on the bus, and wave to Hailey as she gets on, and runs up to me.‘Zuri! How was your weekend a
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Chapter 10
On Tuesday morning, I wave to Hailey as she steps onto the bus.‘How did you go at Pure Fashion Industries, yesterday? Did Mark make a move?’ She asks, wiggling her brows.‘No, he didn’t; he’s a gentleman. The work is easy. I always get it done, on time,’ I answer.‘Do you think Mark will ask you out on a date?’ She asks, and I roll my eyes.‘He is very handsome, but I’m not interested in him that way. I’m just enjoying normal conversations with him. It’s nice not getting asked what bra size I am, and other lewd questions,’ I explain.‘Fair enough. I won’t be surprised if you hook up with him eventually,’ she says, grinning.We get off the bus, enter the cafe, and I get straight to work, taking orders; Grace and Mark are not in yet. Mr Fulton asks Hailey and I if we can work a few extra hours, and we say yes.It’s just after midday when Mark comes running into the cafe, huffing and puffing, trying to catch his breath.‘Hey, is everything okay?’ I ask him.‘Hey. I need a take away latt
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