All Chapters of Simply His: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
235 Chapters
Chapter 181: "Two steps ahead and Three steps behind"
*Somewhere in the forest*The little windy creature detected movement not too far from his location, so he rushed in his form to get closer to the origin of it. A tall creature spread his wings as it flowed some dark fire energy all around him. The necromancers were scattered around like zombies; nothing capturing their attention and moving randomly.A whimper made him focus on a body at the feet of the winged creature; a female crawling slowly, trying to get away. "Meerr…" the voice broke in more tears. "Meerrccyyy… pleeeasee…" whimpered.But the creature did not feel anything as it lifted the female with his will; the fire-like energy then surrounded her, and with a long moan of pain, she was drained of all her essence and ceased to breathe.He knew who that was, and he was scared of what he witnessed. He then turned around to return but froze; one of the necromancers was standing a foot away from him, looking at him as if it could see through him. He thought this was the end. Ye
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Chapter 182: "The First Move"
*Somewhere near the pack's lands*The wolf was unable to defend himself from what it was coming. His eyes went white as his body was shaking and soon, he was down on the floor, a thick white foam coming out of his mouth. His scouting partner was nowhere near escaping unscratched; he was able to witness what happened and ran back to his land, but a creature resembling a jaguar had attacked him. He was good enough to outrun him for some miles, but at some point, they fought, and he barely made it alive. A few miles later he made it to the first post and fainted in front of his other pack members. This, not without whispering to his friends "They are coming… almost… here..." * ~~~~~~~ **** ~~~~~~~ * *Caleb*The sound of the alarms causes chaos in my land, and this makes me furious. Not only were they able to reach us before we reached them, but they also were able to make the first move. And all this while I was arguing with Aen and Meadow about trying a stupid serum. 'Alex, are
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Chapter 183: "Revelations Part 1"
*Caleb*It bothers me like not many things do; they are just moving randomly but closely, and haven't advanced even a step towards us. We are here, we are ready, I want this to be over with!"He is studying us, watching us, and probably will try to respond to me once he detects me," I hear Raziel say. "He isn't expecting me here, but if he keeps looking he will find me. I don't hide.""I don't want you to hide, Raziel. If it were up to me, I would want to get into the fight right here and now," I say to him. And it is true, I want him to see every race he has upset and to face the rage of all our people. My warriors and all the others are thirsty for justice.I turn to look at Meadow, who seems alert and tense at the same time. I think it is time, I need to confess my secret to my people before the war begins. She already said it before, but I was hesitant. This is the time to make things right and prepare everyone.'My love, I agree with you… and I think you need to do this befor
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Chapter 184: "Revelations Part 2"
*Meadow*As we are relaxing briefly and eating some roasted wild pig, I make sure to reach to Cara to know she is well. After she tells me she is upset for not being here in the front line I chuckle and make sure to let her know her job as a future mother is more important than being here. I am glad when she tells me that Agape is also well, she had some pain the last few days and our pack nurses have assured us she is only tense and preparing for the birth of her twins should be her only concern. Gideon is with her, but he is also upset for not being here helping us. Agape is brave, and I am proud of having these strong women at my side. Gideon would worry me if he were here.Bella is in charge of the rest of our pack's families in the barracks we had prepared as a shelter. Caleb instructed Craig to build some security walls around the old storage area when all these crazy necromancer apparitions started, and now it should be the perfect place to keep our people safe. Bella is wond
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Chapter 185: "The Dark Angel of Fire"
*Meadow*I am in the middle of a field, vast and empty. I can feel the wind on my face and there is a sad atmosphere surrounding me. I am calm but empty. I walk slowly and close my eyes as I enjoy the sun on my face and the bliss of nothing to worry me. But something is missing, I don't know why, yet I know I am not complete. Laying on the grass, I sigh and keep my eyes closed with the beautiful whispers of the emptiness."This is the future…" A voice echoes from nowhere in particular.My eyes snap open and I look around, but I find nothing. My peace is interrupted and I feel confused; I am not happy, but nor am I sad. What is happening to me?"You are in a dream… and through that dream, I reach to you…" The same voice comes again but the origin is everywhere and nowhere at the same time."Where are you? What are you?" I ask, finally convinced that there is nothing but wheat and wind around me. A dream? This is a dream?Suddenly, I feel the wind getting stronger, and a shadow dra
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Chapter 186: "A Monstrous Battle"
*Caleb*I run to the front of my pack and growl in anger. I see the necromancers heading towards us and I howl again to signal Demark and Smithson. Our plan is simple, we just need to execute it to perfection. The first bodies to reach us are weak and we subdue them without a problem. Our bodies crash against them with such a force, the hit itself disarms most of them. They seem to be hundreds, which would have worried me if I cared, but now all I care is to reach Ignitious and eliminate him.Everything is happening fast. I growl again as we get more waves of dead manipulated bodies crashing against us, they seem to have prepared for this much better than we anticipated. I howl twice and watch Aeneas reach my side. I howl three times and Cyrus reaches my other side. Alex is crushing bones as he howls back at me, and I take notice of what he is pointing at; two necromancers are chanting and trying to bring back those twice dead. I start to aim for those two and wait for the confusion
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Chapter 187: "Blazing Enemies"
*Meadow*I shudder as the light coming from Ignitious is almost blinding me. Raziel keeps me tight in his arms as he tries to protect me from him."Keeper, it has been a long time since we have faced each other. But I never thought you would be one to take sides with creatures," He finally speaks and I gasp at the voice that comes from him. It terrifies me to a degree that I never thought a voice could."You have gone too far, what is it that you want?" I hear Raziel say emotionless as his grip remains tight and firm."I want to take what belongs to Us… This Earth, this World, and soon, all that comes with it. They are ALL... Ours to play with," Ignitious says. I pay special attention to his choice of words. Are we facing a mad Angel who believes we are toys? "I can use your knowledge, if you wish to join… Power has been boring… the necromancers are of no fun…" He laughs viciously."I know you will fail, and I am not going to be on your side. I will not live in a world ruled by
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Chapter 188: "Tryal"
*Meadow*I have no idea where I gather the energy to pull Raziel further away from the chaos, but I manage to do this as I watch Ignitious cut a part of Caleb's side. I gasp, but I quickly notice is only a superficial wound, so I do not worry about it too much, as he quickly moves to strike again. Zareen brings both Ebony and Ivory towards us, and I see them in bad condition, but healing as slowly as Raziel does.I make sure all three of them are not bleeding anymore when I hear a strange chanting that pulls my attention. I look to the left and not far from us there is a necromancer who looks at Caleb and Ignitious fight. His chants are aimed at them, and I fear it is trying to cause something on my love.I can't let that happen, I had enough of playing it safe. This is not a place to hesitate, so I close my eyes and merge with my wolf, letting all my primal nature take over. I shudder briefly as the shift finishes, then I launch myself with anger towards the vicious creature that a
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Chapter 189: "Epilogue"
*Caleb*I hold Meadow's hand firmly, trying not to let my nerves merge with hers as she tries just as hard not to let her pain and own fears reach me.She is so brave, her face contorts but she doesn't cry or scream. The nurses are doing a great job as well, as they assist her and the babies as they come. The first one was Ian, the boy did not stop crying or throwing fists here and there. As soon as he was out, his brother Xavier followed. It took us a long time to decide their names, and so we settled with my father's names on each. Our last baby is coming now, our baby princess is a little bit late, and has her mother worried."The head is now out, please push Luna, a long one," Says one of the nurses.Meadow squeezes my hand and I kiss her forehead. 'You are so strong… you are amazing my love,' I whisper to her.I see the other nurse pulling our baby out, slowly and gently, and then we hear her cry. I smile and feel a tear slip down from my eye. I can't help but feel overjoyed.
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Chapter 190: The calm is over, The storm begins
VOLUME 3: SIMPLY ETERNAL*Meadow*I stand up and head to the door; I am not happy, but I won't lose my temper with these other ladies. I only nod my head to Caliope before I leave, as my respect for her has never diminished, only grown. Raziel follows me closely. As soon as I am out of the building, his face reflects his worries, but for the first time, I don't care.We get into the car and he sits next to me in silence. "To the residence, please," I politely order Maxwell, my bodyguard, who happens to be an Angel."I take it you didn't reach an agreement," Raziel finally speaks out. He is not happy either, but I have made a decision.I nod. "No, we haven't. I understand is not easy to get a room full of women to agree on something so important, much less when it comes to women who belong to different races. But I am not going to let my children be raised in a school full of distrust and mothers with a temper," I sigh and look at Maxwell through the mirror, he is chuckling in
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