All Chapters of Urban Vampire: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
332 Chapters
Chapter 151
Cyrene threw her hands in the air, and then she disappeared. I inclined my head in Tony's direction, grateful that he had taken the time to stand up for me. He nodded in return, and I clasped Ran's hand and together we disappeared.As soon as we were safely at my house, Ran gave me an uneasy look. "This doesn't sound like Malarias' doing."I lightly gnawed my lower lip. "Ask around and find out if other Councils are going through these changes."He nodded, and a moment later he was gone.I frowned in deep thought. What was really going on?I located Paul in our office at my desk working on my files. Damn, my selfishness had created more work for him, and that more than anything convinced me that I was going to end this. "How was the meeting?"I sat in the chair opposite him. "Weird." I detailed the events because I was married to a meticulous individual who was at his best when he knew every bit of the facts. "What do you think?"He rubbed his hands through his long hair. "W
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Chapter 152
"Oh," I said in understanding. Back in a time before degrees were needed for a certain positions, Sam had evidently proven herself. And by the time she was let go it would have meant starting all over again. That must have been very bitter for her."I took a chance that she hadn't been able to get her foot in the door at another firm and I was right. She's been working four months out of the year as a tax assistant for one of those quick tax refund companies. When I told her what we were looking for she seemed eager.""Paul, she has no idea what we are." Even though I wanted a human assistant, I assumed we would select one from our own community, one who already understood what it meant to work for a vampire.Before he could respond, his nose crinkled and he passed me the warm bottle. "BJ needs her diaper changed.""What?" I tried to hand back the bottle. "You smelled it first."He grimaced. "I can't help but smell it first! Honey, you know my stomach."I rolled my eyes but suppr
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Chapter 153
I shook my head. "I'm not much of a tea drinker." I noticed that she appeared to distrust that, and I suppressed a smile. "What do you do, Kim? Not for refreshments." Sam chuckled. "For a living."I supposed it was the witching hour, the time to mesmerize her. I stared deeply into her eyes noting that one was blue while the other was a more prominent shade of gray. "Sam, I need an assistant to help me with my personal as well as my professional affairs." I willed her to listen, to be honest, and later—if needed—I would will her to forget. Paul watched quietly from the other side of the breakfast bar."Sam, I need to ask you some questions first and then I will give you more details about the position, okay?""Yes, that's fine," she responded easily. She took well to the suggestions. I could see the glazed look that had developed in her eyes, but she continued to remain relaxed and pleasant. I found out that she had no husband, no children, and to Paul's chagrin, she offered
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Chapter 154
Sam touched her neck in a distracted way while she watched me. The skin there was a bit red in the spot where my chin had made contact with the silver. Thankfully it hadn't burned her. She dismissed my concern with a slight shake of her head. "It doesn't hurt. I'll be fine, but what about you? May I see your chin?"I didn't want her to see it, but this was the first step to complete honesty so I lowered my hand with a slight grimace. It still hurt. It was the nature of silver toward the Neratomay. Silver was like an acid. It took a while to stop actually burning even when the silver was no longer in direct contact with Neratomay flesh. Accidental contact with silver maimed countless vampires each year. It took mere moments to lose a limb to the deadly metal. However, a limb lost to silver would eventually regenerate. I was proof of that. Sam reached up and touched the puffy area around the burn. "It's hot to the touch! Paul, bring a cool cloth. Kim, you didn't touch that necklace
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Chapter 155
Paul watched me closely, silently."I'm not like other vampires." Please don't ask me anymore about that. I urged her silently, and she took the suggestion, probably without even knowing that I had given her one. But it was obvious that she was a sharp one."I don't see why there should have been a punishment anyway," Sam said. "After all, it was a life and death situation in which he spared your life."My chin felt good enough to remove the damp towel. "Politics. Vampires have politics just as humans do. They don't like me so they've tried many things to get me out of the way." I smiled sadly. "I have a good network of friends who help me, and so far I've been able to prevail over their desires. So far."Sam nodded and then looked at Paul. "I have a million questions." She turned back to me. "But the only one that I need you to answer now is this: Are you planning to kill me?"I gasped. "No! I would never do that. I've never killed a human. I never will." As the lie slipped from
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Chapter 156
I was really thankful that my ladies had worked it out amongst themselves to sit for me. I could hire a human nanny—or au pair as Sam had called it—but I would never rest comfortably unless my daughter was with someone who could protect her, someone with enhanced senses, and someone who was family."Hey Chica, I'll be there in five. Everything okay?""Yes, see you when you get here. Paul just put Julie to sleep." "Well damn, but she never sleeps long. I'll hang around until she's awake." "Cool. Her eyes have been changing. You gotta see it!""I can't wait. I'm pulling up to the drive.""Use the key, and Mara? I'm sorry but the succubus … she's not been fed—and I'm really hungry … both ways."I felt her sigh but not totally in displeasure.The succubus surpassed sexual orientation. As far as I could tell none of my ladies were anything but heterosexual and yet any of them would gladly have sex with me. In the past we've pushed the envelope more times than I can count.Paul re
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Chapter 157
Mara cried out pulling me tighter. I don't remember us embracing, but we were gripping each other in some type of strange blood dance. It was something Alexis would do with his feet levitating from the ground. The two of us hovered inches from the ground, and I spun us slowly in a circle. I had never hovered, and I was aware of it only in a detached, disinterested way.Not me … the succubus. That was its power. Alexis was succubus, too, and that was why he hovered and moved without using his feet. Dear God …I suddenly felt Paul's hand lightly touching the back of my neck. His other hand lightly touched the back of Mara's. He was pushing us downward, back to the floor. When my feet touched the floor I wanted no more of this new ability. I pulled my teeth from her neck.Blood shot out on me. I'd made such a mess, but I didn't trust myself to put my mouth on her again. I reached out with my fingers—four of them because of the four holes that I'd left in her neck, and I staunched the
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Chapter 158
Ours was the only bedroom on the main floor, which allowed us access to our private little outdoor sanctuary. The patio was cobblestone with an Old World stone privacy fence sheathed in vines and creeping flowers. The fountain built into the wall was that of a brass lion's head, and it provided enough tinkling sounds to create a natural backdrop. There was also a wildflower garden with a cobblestone walkway that led to the main backyard, where we did our official entertaining out by the pool.I closed the French doors behind me and looked at him expectantly while still swiping at the stickiness around my mouth.Paul raised his head to the starry sky as if paying tribute to the moon. He inhaled and the breeze ruffled his long hair. He looked like a painting on the cover of some romance novel. My heart beat one solitary time.He looked at me then as if he had heard it. Although a werewolf's senses surpassed a vampire's, I didn't think it was possible that he had heard that one beat of
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Chapter 159
"If he thinks he can," I responded absently as I studied Paul's magnificent body.I had been wearing slippers, and I kicked them off. Dressed in jeans and a sweater I felt comfortable for the run. My mind couldn't shake the picture of Paul's willing flesh beneath my teeth, in my mouth …I groaned.He paused. "You're ready, aren't you, baby?" His voice was a husky growl. "Then go."He wasn't even transformed, but I went. I knew exactly where the stream was but hadn't had much of a reason to walk there in the middle of the night. I was a little unclear about the exact path so I started running in that general direction.I didn't hear anything behind me. What was he doing? I slowed enough to glance behind me. I saw him grin as if he knew that my curiosity would get the better of me. Then he shook his head and pow! Just like that he had morphed!Damn! I have never seen him change that fast!No more games. My body felt like liquid as my legs pumped and my bare feet slapped the forest
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Chapter 160
My husband won the race fair and square—at least that was the story I intended to stick to. I heard him howl a piercing, triumphant, yet purely animal sound and knew the exact moment that he had reached the stream. Not wanting to give the wolf reason to come after me, I quickened my pace to it and eventually saw him by the stream, moving anxiously, sniffing the air and calculating my distance. I love my husband, but at the present moment he wasn't Paul. He was the werewolf. Sleek dark fur covered a body that was now easily seven feet tall. A tail, sheathed in a mixture of coarse as well as downy fur curled behind him. While he sat awaiting my approach, the tail thumped the ground expectantly until he rose anxiously, pacing back and forth. Werewolves don't really look like wolves because although they used all four limbs to move, they still had distinct arms and distinct legs—each rippling with muscles. The wolf appearance began at the head where an elongated canine snout and a mout
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