All Chapters of Urban Vampire: Chapter 291 - Chapter 300
332 Chapters
Chapter 291
King leaned forward and kissed my cheek and then his father's. His hair was loose in a wild lion's mane of an Afro. It was just as dark as ever with barely any red or blonde highlights despite the amount of time he spent in the sun. He was tan but not because the sun had darkened him. It seemed that only the un-living were impacted by the sun, growing darker as each year passed. The spirits and King never tanned.Instead of squeezing in between us to chill with us, he stood in front of us so I knew he had something on his mind. "Mama, Papa…it's time that I spoke to the Mother."My mind flashed back to images of the dark path and the demons that had chased us…chased me. I vividly remembered the nightmare of BJ crying for me among the stalagmite trees.King put his hand on my arm. "It's okay, Mama. I've seen Wraiths. They think I'm one of them." King could read me as easily as Alexis could.I took a slow breath. "Have you talked to Oni about doing this?"King gave me a guilty look b
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Chapter 292
King placed a hand on Dave's shoulder. "Your spirit is strong, Dave, even stronger than the dark Incubus." King bit into the chicken. "You protect Papa all the time in the other world. The Mother said that everyone has a purpose. Even me."A swift exchange happened between King and Alexis, and I stared at Alexis.Alexis leaned toward me. "We'll talk about it soon."King stood and reached for an apple and a hunk of cheese. He sat and hungrily bit into them both. Yeah, they were starving. Eat first, talk later.Alexis drank most of a pitcher of milk. He was too famished and exhausted to reveal anything he had seen or heard while in the Mother's realm. Did he know that the Elders and he were being controlled by Underlings? Would he even care?A while later Oni stood. "Everyone. Your attention please."We turned to her."We are all so happy to see Alexis and King return to us safely, but I'm sure that they have a lot to talk about," Oni said. "We'll finish our meal and excuse oursel
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Chapter 293
We had finished breakfast and were on our way to the farm, the sun peeking over the horizon as King, Alexis, and I walked along the beach.King was eating an apple and speculating about bringing seeds from the farm in the Mother's old realm to this one. He was describing some fruit that he had eaten while there.Suddenly Alexis looked up.A moment later, I felt something in my center, pulling at me.I knew.We both knew.I tried to reach for King, but in that split second I was no longer on my beach. The sunrise, the ever-present sound of the waves, and the feel of the warm sand as it covered my toes were gone.I arrived in a cold, dim room. I had been here before. This was the castle in Scotland—St. Kilda. We were back in our own world! Shock and disorientation filled me. Once upon a time, there had been a throne in this room and I had sat here being interviewed by Alexis' Elder council and then violated by the Rectors.Alexis was on one side of me and Ran was on the other. Ne
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Chapter 294
"That is all." Isla shrugged her pretty shoulders. "Of course, we warn you not to attempt to battle any member of The Wolfpack. Our agreement has been renegotiated to forbid violence between Werewolves and Neratomay…although there are no such agreements between the other Supernaturals. The Neratomay have located very interesting Supernaturals. Some consider them delicacies, but I have yet to indulge.""What other Supernaturals?" I asked.Isla's black eyes seemed to twinkle. "Fairies, pixies, a dark elf, and of course, your run-of-the-mill witches and wizards.""Are you joking?" I asked."We may have had a leprechaun, but someone ate it before it could be confirmed." Ferris smiled. "And no. I do not joke of these matters.""We won't insult you by giving you rules to follow," Isla said while turning back to join the Council. "But should you do something that is ill-advised, then the ten years you've just spent in Limbo will be like one drop of water in the ocean." I refused to loo
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Chapter 295
Alexis shook his head. "I told her enough. Once we initiate others, then we will reveal our plans. But understand that you are now a weapon, Monica. The secret that you carry in your head will destroy a Neratomay that invades your thoughts. As your Elder, I forbid you to act on this secret until given permission by me or Kim."Monica lowered the blood-soaked pillowcase and glared at Alexis. Her lips pursed together, and I wondered if she was about to spit. Instead, she lowered her gaze to the floor. "Yes, Alexis," she said politely.I rolled my eyes. She was so fake! She was probably fantasizing eight different ways to chop up Alexis and snack on his innards.Alexis had to know what was in her mind. "We need to exchange blood but…we'll wait since you've spilled some of yours."Monica nodded. "Yes."Alexis hovered slightly off the floor so he wouldn't soil his robes with her blood. "Now fill us in on all that we have missed.""Those bastards that imprisoned you took Mr. Wolf," Mon
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Chapter 296
Instead of returning to my old house, we got a suite of rooms at an all-Vampire hotel. My home with Paul would hold too many memories, and this wasn't the time to sort through them.I had contacted my Ladies in waiting, who were excited to see me, so we were going to have an "all-nighter" to get caught up.It wasn't uncommon for humans to be present at a Vampire hotel since they were our food. The hotel took special care with our blood donors, requiring all un-living guests to sign a contract upon final death that we wouldn't harm anyone else's property. It still happened occasionally, but most Master level Vampires avoided the blade and final death with one little loophole—not recognizing that the "food" had belonged to someone.There was so much to tell my Ladies, but I mainly wanted to share King with them. We were going to bring him to our realm for the first time. I was so excited to share him with my family.When we arrived, the Ladies had already been sent up to our suite. T
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Chapter 297
A few hours later Alexis announced that King was awake. I had explained to the Ladies that calling King would need to be done privately because we had never done it before and didn't want him to feel afraid. Even though King was used to moving from realm to realm, he wasn't used to being met by screaming women.Everyone returned to their rooms except Ran."Do you feel him?" I asked."No," Ran replied. "But you two do, right?""Yes," Alexis and I answered."He's ready," Alexis said. "I'm the strongest so I'll call him."I nodded anxiously. "Bring me my son."I expected it to be quick, like flashing, but it was nothing like that. I could see the concentration on Alexis' face as he pulled our son from the Underworld. I gripped Ran's hand anxiously.I wanted to join our powers to pull our son to this world, but I didn't understand how Alexis was doing it and how I could merge my powers with Alexis.Then I felt King's arrival, and it was like knowing that a Vampire was going to app
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Chapter 298
The Ladies liked the new Alexis. He showed King that he could change himself to appear more human but immediately changed back. I think Alexis wanted King to get used to the way he looked in our realm, but King thought his father's new look was interesting and didn't seem to have a problem with it.After breakfast, the Ladies didn't linger too much longer. Kat wanted to get in touch with her real estate agent to find houses for us to tour. Karen offered to go out and buy King a few changes of clothes until he could decide on a wardrobe.Mara needed to get the paperwork together concerning King's birth certificate and passport. "What is King's last name?"I turned to Alexis. "What is King's last name?" Alexis had never mentioned having a human last name."I don't claim a family name, and you know how I feel about sharing a name with someone who means nothing to me," Alexis said. "King has a name and a title. He is King of the Underworld.""King…of the Underworld?" Mara repeated slo
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Chapter 299
"They didn't hurt me," I replied."Were you gone all this time? Three months? Because Sam said that she couldn't feel you…""We just returned a few days ago, me, Alexis and Ran," I said. Paul frowned. "Ran? Why Ran?""Because he's my First Lieutenant. When they…made us immobile I guess they thought it might set him off."Paul nodded. "It would have.""How is BJ?" I asked.Paul sighed. "She's getting big." He looked off into the distance. "She had a birthday. She misses you."I nodded. "I missed her, too.""I didn't want to keep her from you," Paul said. "Things just got out of hand and I got scared." His eyes scanned my face. Thankfully, my scars had faded. "What happened to you that night at the lodge was completely my fault, and I—""It wasn't," I interrupted. "It was mine. When I went there, I knew that I wanted to lash out. I wanted…" I shook my head. "I made that happen." I took off my glasses and met his eyes. "That doesn't have to happen. We can be parents without fig
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Chapter 300
He ran his tongue over his lips and looked down. "Ten years. That's a long time." He shook his head.I took a deep breath. "While I was there, a lot of things happened."He nodded. "Yeah. You hooked up with Alexis.""No. Not just that." He shoved his hands into his pocket. "What?""You know how I cry clear tears?"He reached out and gently swiped away a tear on my cheek. He looked at it and showed me the clear drop.I hadn't shaken my desire to breathe, and I took in a deep breath and held it. "I found answers down there."His posture changed and his expression grew serious. "Did you find out why this is happening to you? I thought it was…us."I shook my head slowly. "I think that helped but…no." I thought about what I was going to say to him and how it would change everything—even whether he would let me see my baby girl again. "While I was down there—while we were down there—we weren't like Vampires. We were about as close to human as one can get and not be mortal. And I wa
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