All Chapters of Fang Chronicles: Chapter 261 - Chapter 267
267 Chapters
Chapter 261: Part 7
VedaStupid hare-brained bear, I mutter as I look the other way, pick up the slab of nearly raw meat, and toss it out of the cabin. Serving cooked meat was the hardest thing to do while I worked at the diner. The only blessing was that Becky didn't prepare the blood-dripping horror I just got rid of. I look through the kitchen and there are no vegetables. I settle on bread and cheese, though I'm no longer hungry. I just know I need to eat."You stay here or when I find you I'll lock you up," were the last words Tyboll yelled before he left.I thought about challenging his dictate, but right now I am too tired. I finish my meal and walk outside in the opposite direction from the barely cooked meat. My hope is that a wild animal will take it away in the night. This is what I did with all the meat given to me over the years by the bear clan as payment. My mother accepted their offering and then gave it to the wildlife, so I did the same. Maybe I should have said something, but politene
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Chapter 262: Part 7
TybollI wake from what feels like a winter hibernation. I'm starving and the rumble in my stomach only enhances my need for food. Something smells wonderful. I'm naked in my bed and vaguely recall my illness the night before. I remember Dmitri coming to the rescue. I also remember my thoughts that Veda poisoned me again. Unlikely, because I ate nothing before going to Mandy's. She is a witch, though, and there's no telling what they're capable of.My nose leads me to the kitchen. Veda stirs a large pot on the stove. I peer over her shoulder to see what has such an amazing smell. Without looking at me she speaks, "Clothes or I will not feed you, bear.""Humph." I wrap my arms around her and run my nose down the side of her face and stop at her neck. "I could eat you, woman, and I'd start right here." She stops stirring the pot. I can smell her arousal. I bite down gently on the skin holding my attention. "How did you know I'm not dressed?" I breathe against the mark I've just left.
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Chapter 263: Part 7
VedaThat did not go well. I didn't think it would, but I held onto a small amount of hope. I know eventually he will come to his senses. Right now, though, I am left in need. Staring at his bare chest and wanting to run my nails over his muscled flesh almost made me beg. The man might be stubborn, but he is gorgeous.As a mated pair, I know at this point we should be having so much sex that we are both sore. I've made plenty of tinctures to alleviate the soreness so mates can continue without a break.A lot of good the knowledge on how to make such a tincture is now. If I'm not running from Tyboll, the stupid man is running from me. It's strange because after the thought of Tyboll becoming a witch settled, I wanted to celebrate. I am not alone. I can share the sacred knowledge with another. I do not need a child. I will no longer be alone with the great texts.Tyboll might not like it, but the gift bestowed by the Goddess can only be undone by her. No vampire can help him. I decid
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Chapter 264: Part 7
Tyboll"I've listened to you shout for an hour now. Calm yourself, bear."I hear the end of patience in Dmitri's voice. I take several deep breaths and try to do as my liege says. It isn't easy. I keep thinking of meat. Each time I do, I feel nauseated and my anger rekindles. To never eat meat again is not going to happen. I've run out of things to say anyway and throw myself onto the large couch in Dmitri's front room."I knew this happened last night. Your blood smells even better than bear. You now have witch blood running through your veins." He holds up his hand. "Do not blame me for my silence. You were in no condition to have this conversation. I also needed a night to think on what needs to be done."My stomach twists painfully. "You cannot reverse it is what you're saying?""No, I cannot. I'm not sure if you will actually want it reversed once you know your capabilities." He continues before I can object. "The difference between you and your mate is that I trust you."I
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Chapter 265: Part 7
VedaTyboll's new rule works. Less talking and more sex. This is one demand I am incapable of dismissing. We are stretched out on the bed with me lying on top of him. His fingers run up and down my back while he breathes into the hair against my neck. Where he bit me is sore, but I wouldn't dream of complaining. It feels right. Being in my mate's arms is right. I whisper a silent thank you to the Goddess.Tyboll answers. "You're welcome."I roll my eyes, but don't bother correcting him. I'm actually thankful to him, too."Come on, woman, we're taking a bath." He lifts me as he stands. I'm cradled in his arms and feel incredibly safe. And loved.Does he love me? I'm careful to keep this thought from drifting into his mind. Nikka told me how to do it. I just need to practice. He doesn't respond, so I must have been successful. Tyboll lowers my feet to the floor when we're in the bathroom. I watch as he leans over and turns on the water. His back and thighs are muscular and sexy. His
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Chapter 266: Part 7
TybollShe shows me her circle of herbs - explains about upsetting the balance and using all the Goddess's gifts wisely. I listen. Part of me is terrified and the other in awe. To live separately from everyone to hide your secrets takes great sacrifice.She understands my need to examine what I've learned. She heads to the cabin to cook while I go running as bear. She holds no fear that I will give away her secrets. We are mates. Her secrets are mine.I close my mind from Dmitri as I think about all Veda has told me. I shouldn't have been surprised when the largest bear of our clan blocks my path a few miles from my cabin. The Kodiak, alpha to the greatest clan, stands in front of me. He is also my brother by blood and like most brothers, we have our differences. This situation will be no different."Tyboll," his snarly voice rings through my head."Alpha," I reply pleasantly."You don't fool me. You are mated to the witch. Did it occur to you that I should be informed of this?"
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Chapter 267: Part 7
VedaWe hear the music before the lights come into view. The party is outside on the large patio at Dmitri's house. Nikka decorated with white sparkling lights and paper lanterns. The music is unknown to me, which isn't a surprise. Technology is not my friend and I prefer the peace of the forest.Dmitri's voice echoes over the music. "Welcome, Veda, Witch from the line of Josephine, mate to Tyboll, and new member of the bear clan."The music shuts off suddenly and I can do nothing but return the formal greeting. "Thank you, Black Demon Bringer of Death, mate of Nikka, Liege to the bear clan."A restless mumble from the bears fills the night. Have I said something wrong? Tyboll's hand tightens on mine. Nikka appears slightly shocked before she steps forward and wraps me in her arms. "What have I done," I ask her silently."You're fine. He just hasn't used his full title in centuries," she replies into my mindI turn to Dmitri, who looks at his mate with a soft smile. "I am sorry,
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