All Chapters of Fated Series: Bewitched: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
48 Chapters
Chapter 21
Kaida tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I was a shy kid and had trouble making friends. Part of me thought that's what he wasan imaginary friend I'd conjured. My parents were nice people and very supportive, but they were...distant. We'd often spend hours in the same room and not say anything. They gave me a lot of space, more than most parents would give a child." She huffed a sarcastic laugh. "I could've snuck out of the house to have an affair with Ozzy Ozbourne and snort eighty grams of coke up my nose, and they wouldn't have been the wiser." She glanced at the cliffs in the distance and the moonlight glittering across the inky water. "I had no inkling of what to do when my powers kicked in as a teenager. The few friends I did have began to distance themselves when I stopped wanting to hang out. I was already considered a freak. The last thing I needed was to prove to my peers they were right. Worse, I was afraid I'd hurt someone."Refocusing on the flames, she tugged the
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Chapter 22
The second Brady opened his eyes, he knew he was in one of his mystery woman dreams. He stood atop a crested hill, overlooking the meadow, and Kaida's form was a mirage in the distance by the cliffs.Except something was very, very off this time. For starters, everything was in black and white, including him. He had on the blue flannel pants and white tee he'd fallen asleep in, but there wasn't a trace of color. Like a cheesy fifties sitcom. Second, it was cold. As in, arctic. It wasn't sleeting, there was no hint of snow on the ground, yet his breaths expelled frost before his face and his limbs were blocks of ice.Forcing his feet to move, he walked, then jogged closer to Kaida's position, and the harder he tried, the farther she got. It was like the meadow grew in size, expanding to keep him away from her. Panicked, he yelled her name, running.One moment she was light years out of reach, the next she appeared in front of him. Hair up in a messy knot, she wore a pink two-piece si
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Chapter 23
Fiona closed the door behind his brothers, giving them the hairy eyeball. "Upstairs sleeping as most people do at two in the morning."Dodging furniture, he strode into an adjoining room that looked like a circular solarium. Glass walls and padded bench seating had it set up like a reading nook. Bypassing it, he rushed into another and found a dark polished winding staircase with a burgundy runner."What are you doing here, Meath?" Fiona flicked her glance at his brothers, who trailed after him like lost puppies. "And Meath accessories? It's the middle of the night.""Something's wrong with Kaida." Brady stomped up the steps, hysterical anxiety clawing his gut. The burn in his mark grew hotter, nearly intolerable. "Very wrong."Ceara met him at the top, auburn ringlets in a high ponytail and wearing a green nightgown that molded to her slender frame. "What's going on?""Which bedroom is Kaida's?"She moved aside and pointed. "First door on the right. Why?""Kaida!" He tried the
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Chapter 24
They'd decided to take the conversation downstairs to the living room, and while they waited for Fiona to return from gathering supplies for a cut on Brady's foot, Kaida sat sideways on the couch, nestled between his thighs. He hadn't let go of her for more than three seconds since she'd woken up, and she had to admit she was grateful. Terror still had its claws in deep, and being held at least gave her a semblance of safety. Her back to his front, she burrowed into his warmth while the strong arms banding her torso clenched.Something epic had gone down while she'd been asleep. And not just her dream. The Meath brothers no longer appeared put-out to be around her sisters. The tension in their frames seemed more out of concern and shock than fear or abhorrence. A switch had been flipped or a lock released because she got the impression they'd finally accepted the truth. Or their part in destiny.From a chair, Ceara followed Tristan with her gaze over the rim of a teacup as he rose
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Chapter 25
"Venatores," Ceara whispered, clearly shaken. "Latin for hunters. Our family grimoire makes mention of them, but they've always left the Galloways alone. Mara doesn't know much about them, either. Just stories passed down and rumors."Tristan straightened. "I need a cell phone or laptop. We left the house in a rush and I don't have mine with me. Can I use one of yours?""Sure, if you promise not to call Tokyo." Fiona rose and left the room, returning moments later and passing Tristan her cell.His thumbs flew over the keypad. Rising, he walked over to Kaida and showed her the screen. "Is this the guy you saw tonight?"A handsome gentleman with light brown hair interspersed with gray stared back at her. Fan lines spread from the corners of his green eyes and unsmiling mouth while deep grooves marred his forehead. "No, the man I encountered was ten or fifteen years older. In his sixties, perhaps. He was heavier and his hair was white. It fell to his shoulders."Brady and Tristan exc
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Chapter 26
Brady leaned against the wall in the upstairs hallway outside Kaida's bedroom and waited for her to finish up in the bathroom. His brothers had gone home to try and sleep off what remained of the night, but he couldn't make himself leave her. The moment he'd tried, an all-consuming panic took hold and, sensing it, Ceara had invited him to stay.For as long as he could remember, he'd cared about Kaida. Whether a figment contrived in dreams or a fantasy born from loneliness, it didn't matter. She was a part of him. But meeting her in person had turned that tether of connection into an unyielding knot. One he both hoped and feared would never unravel.So, learning what he had tonight gave terror a new name. To think, their dreams together had been the highlight of his existence and, all this time, she could've been hurt. Could've died visiting him in that projection state. Throw in the fact his twisted family had started an organization to murder those like her, and his sanity was this
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Chapter 27
A nod, and she moved across the moonlit room to slip under the covers.He followed, setting his glasses on the nightstand. Lying on his side facing her, he took in her pretty features. The sweep of her pale lashes. Her high cheekbones. The delicate curve of her eyebrows. Those full lips. It was but a dream within a dream to actually have her in front of him. To be in the same bed, breathing in her rosemary scent and having her gentle exhalations fanning his jaw."Surreal, isn't it?" She smiled as if reading his mind. "Being here together.""Yes, not that I'm complaining." His gaze lowered to her throat, to the black and blue marks forming. Bruises she might not have if she hadn't blocked him from getting to her. Irritation pounded his temples at the helpless sensation she'd thrust at him. "What you did in the hotel room? Don't ever do that again. Promise me. I couldn't get to you because of the water you erected. I was out of my damn mind.""I'm sorry. I didn't even realize I was
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Chapter 28
Kaida shivered in the chilly early morning air and glanced around the meadow speckled with sunlight. Dew clung to buttercups and violets. Fog gravitated toward the edges of the cliffs and a brisk breeze blew in off the Atlantic. The scent of damp soil mingled with saltwater as she took a deep breath."I look frumpy." Fiona set her hands on her hips. "If training requires me to wear this getup, then I'm out."Sighing, Kaida eyed the outfit in question. Both her and her sisters were in yoga pants and a sweatshirt. The guys wore loose sweats and tees. She wasn't a gym-junkie, but it seemed like appropriate gear to her. They were bound to get sweaty and needed to be able to move freely.Then again, aside from her first day on the island, she had yet to see Fiona in anything other than a come-hither dress and heels.Ceara patted Fiona's back, placating. "We'll buy something more suited to you first thing on Monday. Feel better?""Not really. I'm embarrassed to be in the same zip code a
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Chapter 29
"No." She brushed the hair from her face and eased out of Brady's hold to sit beside him. "I couldn't see his face, but it wasn't him. This guy wasn't as husky or solid. His frame was slimmer. Except..." She was unsure how to explain it to them and have it make sense. "He gave off the same vibe, though. Vengeance. Purpose.""Her premonitions are rooted in the present." Fiona rose to her feet and sighed. "Which means this person is on the island right this second." She looked at Kaida. "Did you get the impression he was after us?""Not necessarily. He's definitely dangerous and I sensed he was arriving for a reason, but it didn't seem specific to us or anything."Ceara's gaze drifted as if she were thinking. "We can assume if you got a vision of him it has to pertain to us in some way. How is the question. You projected into that hotel room and got the premonition just now for a reason. Yet if it's not the same man, I'm not connecting the dots.""Is he a hunter?" Brady's mossy eyes
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Chapter 30
"All I'm saying is, you're acting out of character in regards to her." Riley stepped over a log on their trek through the dark forest on the way to the clearing. "What happened to my bookworm brother who calculates every angle before making a decision?"Brady sighed and glanced several yards ahead at the women, but they didn't seem aware of the quiet conversation between him and his brothers. "I'm right here. The same guy.""You look like Brady, walk like Brady, sound like Brady, but you don't behave like him. Has she cast a spell on you? Because the brother I know would never tear through the woods in the middle of the night based off a bad dream. Or nearly break in a door to get to a woman. Or crash into a house on a rampage to rescue said woman. Or roar like a lunatic and beat at a wall until his knuckles bled" "Fine. I get it." He ran his fingers through his hair, frustrated to no end. "Turned out, I was right, though. She was in danger.""True, but that's not my point. I'm no
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