All Chapters of The Omega Team: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
61 Chapters
Chapter 11
Jesus! The contact was like nothing he could imagine. Her lips were soft and warm, pliant beneath his, molding to him. He traced the closed seam of her mouth before exerting enough pressure to force her to open. When he swept his tongue inside, the fiery electricity that shot through him singed every single nerve in his body. Her tongue was a liquid flame, dueling with his, following the erotic dance he was leading her in. When she moaned into his mouth his pulse leaped into the stratosphere. Tightening his grip on her hair, he wrapped one hard-muscled arm around her and pulled her in tight to his body. He felt the outline of her sex where his harder-than-concrete cock pushed into it, and the softness of her breasts against his chest. Her nipples pierced him like diamonds. He wanted nothing more than to rip off both their clothes and plunge himself into her. It was only the need to breathe that forced him to lift his mouth from hers. When he tilted her head back he saw astonis
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Chapter 12
She blinked. A tiny smile teased at the corners of her mouth as she looked up at him from beneath lowered lids. "I think so. I'm not sure what hit me, though." "That's just the first act," he told her in a low, rough voice. "Does the second act involve removing your clothes?" she teased. "Damn straight." He pressed his mouth to hers. "Taste yourself on me. See how great your flavor is." When she slowly swiped her tongue across her lower lip, he thought his cock would explode. "Don't move," he ordered, pushing himself to his feet. "I'll be right back." He hurried to his bathroom where he grabbed a condom from his Dopp kit. Back in the bedroom, he was pleased to see she hadn't moved even an inch. His gaze locked with hers and never drifted as he divested himself of his shoes and socks, shucked off his shirt, jeans, and boxer briefs. When he was fully naked, he shifted her on the bed so he could climb up beside her, pulling her warm body against his. The scent of her musk ta
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Chapter 13
"It's about pinpointing the dates of the shipment and Bostic's communications immediately preceding them." Athena looked at him over her coffee mug. "You got all that from the information you, uh, borrowed?" He grinned. "As a matter of fact, yes." "So, you're focusing on the one particular shipment, the one where you all got caught in the firefight." He nodded. "I want the details so I can trace back and see just how it went down and who leaked the information." "I meant to ask you." She set her mug on the table and picked up a piece of toast. "How in hell did you copy that stuff so fast? I know you didn't spend a lot of time in his study." He set his mug down, walked to his enormous workstation desk, and picked up a small square box. He carried it back to the kitchen table and placed it in front of her. "High-powered thumb drive duplicator." He lifted it, hefting it easily in his palm. "Small, lightweight, efficient. Copies a thousand times faster than your average dupli
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Chapter 14
"Grey, I might have a suggestion, if you don't mind my bringing it up." He stared at her. "You know someone who can help us with this?" She liked the word us and wondered if he'd even realized he'd used it. "I do. You can judge for yourself if he's the right person, but if I'm hearing correctly, right now we've got no one." He nodded, the muscles in his face taut with tension. "Planning a mission is my strength, not the contacts to use the information." He rubbed his neck. "I thought of going to a reporter, but how do I get one I can trust? One who won't sell me out for whatever reason? So, you think you have a contact who's just what we need?" Again she liked his use of the word we. "Maybe. Possibly. I'm not totally sure, but I think so." "A rousing endorsement if I ever heard one." He twisted his lips in a wry smile. "And forgive me, but I can't imagine you get too many people engaging in the sale of massive amounts of illegal arms processing through the Tampa Police De
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Chapter 15
Grey had Athena hold the cell so he could also hear the conversation when she called Adam Wahlberg. From the sound of his voice, he could tell the man was shocked to hear from her after all this time, and even more stunned when he realized the call wasn't a social one. "You want to play in my playpen?" He was incredulous. "Wait until you hear what we have," she told him. "We?" Grey heard the question in his voice, and Athena looked at him. He nodded, but mouthed, "Just say former military who is a victim of what we're investigating." When she repeated it, Adam said, "Athena, you gotta give me something more than just a hint. If I'm going to stick my neck out even a little, I need to have an idea of what might chop my head off." "What if I told you a very high-profile politician is involved in massive illegal arms deals and has controlled politics in some countries to increase the lucrative nature of his deals." There was dead silence on the other end of the call, a sile
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Chapter 16
Adam nodded. "I trust Athena's word on you." He leaned across the table in the booth, lowering his voice. "So let me get this straight. You have the goods on he who shall be nameless, but you need to figure out what to do with them." Grey nodded. "That's correct. And we're expecting more information, just as soon as I can get home and check the equipment again." "Okay, let's go over it in detail, if you don't mind. We've been gathering a file on this fucker for a long time, but we're missing a lot of key information. Proof positive of what he's doing. That's what I'm hoping you brought to the table here." "I can promise you that's what we have," Grey assured him. Focusing on the specifics of what he'd learned, he laid out for the man everything he'd pulled from the thumb drives: arms deals, drugs for arms, paid assassinations to control the political situation in third world countries. A muscle twitched in Adam's jaw as he listened. The expression on his face and the look in his e
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Chapter 17
Grey had Athena drive, so he could check out Ezra Burns on his cell phone. According to everything he pulled up, the guy looked solid. Strong agency history. Excellent record. Grey knew he was just a suspicious son of a bitch, especially after what happened the night Lucky was killed, but that was how he'd stayed alive for so long. Old habits never changed. At the hotel, they parked the car at the far end of the parking lot and entered through a side door. They rode up in the elevator in silence, Grey tense in anticipation of trouble. At the door of room 510 he knocked, and Adam opened it at once. "Come in." He stood aside to let them enter. Grey didn't know what he'd expected of Ezra Burns, maybe another suit-and-tie guy like Adam Wahlberg. It certainly wasn't the dark-haired man in jeans and a plaid shirt wearing cowboy boots and a deep tan. He had all he could do to restrain himself from some smartass remark. Burns laughed. "I kind of surprise myself," he joked. "But I just
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Chapter 18
"You are." Riddick sat back and raked his fingers through his hair. "I'm sure I don't have to tell any of you this will have to be done with great delicacy. We can't just march into a powerful senator's office or his house and execute a search warrant. He's got too much juice." "So, then what can we do?" Grey bit back his frustration. He'd agreed to this meeting because he thought these men would have the answers he needed. Riddick looked at Burns then at Grey and then Athena. "I think the best way to do this is to set up a sting operation. One we can make attractive enough so he'll bite. We've been working to put one together for some time now, but we were lacking a lot of information. Grey, what you brought me is the last piece of the puzzle." Riddick leaned forward and rested his elbows on the table. "Once we have him red-handed," Burns added, "we can use what you've got to solidify things and tie him up nice and tight for court." "Like what?" Athena asked when no one else
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Chapter 19
She was quiet as they headed back to the house, but then, so was Grey. It had been a very long, very full day, with a lot of tense moments and many new things to chew over. She knew the silence had more to do with each of them running thoughts through their minds, analyzing the conversations they'd had today, looking for loopholes. She was sure that he, like her, was turning over and over in his mind today's conversations. She'd love to get his reaction to the two men, but even though she'd barely known him for forty-eight hours, she knew he'd tell her when he was ready. Asking would get her nothing. She sensed, however, Grey wasn't quite as sold on Adam as she was and neither of them knew Ezra Burns. They had to rely on Adam's assurances his boss could be trusted, not always the best situation. Grey would have to make his own decision on her friend, but she hoped she could help him feel better about it. Since he chose to ride in silence, she occupied herself with her own thoughts,
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Chapter 20
"We need to go." Chandler Harris. "Trouble." "Trouble?" Bostic's sharp tone. "What kind?" "Don't know yet, but we need to meet Felix." "At this hour of the night?" Bostic's voice was thick with displeasure. 56 "Drake." Chandler's exasperation came through. "For once, just don't ask questions." The voices faded until there was no sound. Athena looked at Grey. A muscle twitched in his cheek. "Something's up," he said at last. "I just hope it doesn't have anything to do with our little meeting today." "How could it? It's only been a few hours. I'm sure Ezra Burns hasn't had time to put his plan into action yet." "Maybe. And maybe he's not the solid citizen your friend Adam thinks he is." Athena frowned, took a sip of her coffee. "Adam's worked for him for a long time," she reminded him. "I realize you don't know Adam as well as I do, but I trust him. I like to think my instincts are good where people are concerned. If there was something a little off, I'd have sensed
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