All Chapters of Lexie and Killian: Chapter 101 - Chapter 108
108 Chapters
Chapter 101
Killian left Lexie's skirt in place, covering her thighs to the knees, but slipped his hands back up and lightly stroked her full labia. She trembled beneath his touch, trying to squeeze her thighs against his hands and draw them in tighter, urge him to touch her everywhere. But Killian was on a mission, and he wouldn't be deterred. He stroked her lips with his thumbs, brushed his knuckles against her thighs, and squeezed her soft mound with his fingers. When she was squirming beneath him, he rose, helped her to a sitting position, and unzipped the back of her dress, lowering it to her waist."I don't know why you even wear this." He stroked his thumbs over the satin of her flimsy bra. "I'd like you much better without it.""But I don't think you'd like the people of Savannah getting an unrestrained view of my goodies bouncing when I walked, would you?""Hell, no. I'm the only one who gets to enjoy them, and don't you forget it." To emphasize his possession, he lowered his head and cap
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Chapter 102
"Never done this before?" Killian sure hoped not."Are you kidding?" Lexie stared at him. "Who with? Besides, you're the only man who has ever thought up special things for me.""Well, hang on for the ride, honey. It's gonna be a good one." Maneuvering so he could reach his hands down between her legs, he spread the lips of her sex to get maximum exposure for the jet stream. "Now, start sipping the champagne. That way you've got bubbles inside and out."Her thighs tensed against his legs as the bubbles hit her, teasing at her sensitive flesh. Those sweet little noises she made whenever they made love drifted on the steamy air. He didn't know how much he could take of her moving her nicely rounded little ass back and forth against his cock and balls, but he was determined to hold off until he made her come this way."Oh! Oh! Oh!"She tried hard to squeeze her legs together, but Killian was focused and relentless. He felt the tension rise in her body, the tightening of all her muscles, h
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Chapter 103
Lexie peered in through the open doors to one of the hotel's smaller ballrooms, taking in the activity inside. A large crowd-she knew more than two hundred people had been invited-were milling about, the chatter of conversation a loud hum that flowed out to the wide hallway. Most of them would be at the reception tomorrow night, also, the one where the prizes would be awarded and the artist selected for a gallery show. Tonight was to give people a chance to chat ahead of time with the artists and generate buzz in advance. She thought she was prepared for this, but she had a sudden attack of stage fright, the butterflies in her stomach dancing the fast jive. Now that she'd left the solitude of the ranch and the protection of her hotel room, could she really do this?Would Rick be here? What would happen if they met again? After he'd used his family's money and influence to make sure he won that last competition instead of her, she'd sworn never to put herself in this situation again. Ye
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Chapter 104
Killian put a possessive arm around her shoulders. "Anything you have to discuss with my wife, you can discuss with me, too."Rick glared at Killian, a hint of disdain on his face. "Lexie and I have things to discuss that can't possibly be of interest to you. I'm sure you can excuse us for a few moments."Lexie finally found her voice. "I can't think of a thing we have to say to each other, Rick. Now, if you'll excuse us, we were heading for the bar."At first he stood in place, blocking them. Then he shrugged. "We'll see."She let out a long breath of relief when he moved away."You should let me take him out in back to the woodshed." Killian's deep voice was low, just loud enough for her to hear.She laughed, a nervous sound. "I don't think the hotel has a woodshed. Anyway, he isn't worth your time and trouble.""As long as he doesn't bother you, no problem."Lexie hoped Rick had gotten the message to stay away because she knew full well Killian was in no mood to tolerate him.The ne
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Chapter 105
Killian spent most of the day cursing himself and calling himself all kinds of a fool. How the hell had he made such a mess? Of course Lexie didn't want anything to do with the asshole. He'd just been feeling so inadequate since they arrived in Savannah. He knew this whole thing was way out of his league and worried Lexie would wake up any minute and realize it.Now, he was the asshole, ruining what was probably going to be the biggest day of her life. At least her professional life. He had been blown away by her talent from the first moment he saw her paintings and, as subtly as possible, encouraged her to spread her wings again. The fact she'd applied to enter this prestigious art show was a big step for her, and now, he'd turned it all to shit. He'd play hell trying to make it all up to her.He wondered how he'd be able to do that. She'd spoken to him today only when absolutely necessary and then in the coldest of tones. He would have thought it pent-up anger except, in unguarded mo
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Chapter 106
Killian took his wife's small hand in his, giving it an intimate squeeze as they walked to where the microphone had been set up. Anatole Rudman, one of the partners in the Rudman-Speight Gallery and a major sponsor of the competition, was already there, smiling at everyone."I want to thank everyone for coming," he began. "This is an important night for everyone. You all know why we are here, so I won't keep you in suspense any longer. We have some outstanding entries this year and the choices were very tough. Let's begin with third place."Lexie squeezed his hand harder than he thought she could for someone so small.He leaned down to her. "I don't care if you don't win one of their stupid prizes. I think you're the best artist in the world, and I'll take out an ad telling everyone.""Okay." She tried to smile, but it wasn't working well.They announced third place and then second, and, with each announcement, Lexie's grip grew tighter."And now," Anatole Rudman said, "we come to our
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Chapter 107
At approximately five in the evening on December twenty-fourth, the entire family arrived at Dusty's house on Osprey Lake. Marliss opened the door for the group as they crowded together on the porch, giving hugs to the women, and manly pats on the back to the brothers. Hunter jumped up and down with excitement."Oh, good." Marliss grinned at them. "You're all here together. Well, come on in and let's get to celebrating."Marliss and Lou had gone all-out in decorating the place. Flickering electric candles glowed in every window, pine greenery graced the mantel of the big flat stone fireplace, and garland wrapped in white lights ran along the railing of the walkway on the second floor.The tree was a massive white pine culled from a local grower, since no pine trees called Kansas their native home. Multicolored lights shimmered among the green needles, but no ornaments hung from the boughs.Theresa Walker had boxes of white bulbs that she'd always decorated the tree with, but after the
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Chapter 108
Rogue cleared his throat."I have something to say." The room grew so quiet you could've heard a pin drop. "This past year has brought a lot of changes for all of us. We've stepped out on faith to form an alliance none us ever expected. We've faced challenges." He held out his hand to Kit. "We've had to come to terms with our father, Dusty Walker, and his legacy." Rogue chuckled. "I'm glad I can laugh about it now. A man I scarcely know did his best to destroy me. But what I've gained is so much greater than what I lost." Smiling at Kit, he continued. "I have a beautiful wife, a baby on the way, and..." He raised his glass to his brothers and their ladies. "I have the best family a man could ask for.""Here, here!" Jackson cheered as the rest joined in with raised glasses and happy comments. "I think this calls for refills."Marliss, who was standing near, came forward with a tray full of drinks when, with a bang, the front door opened, and a tall, thin woman walked in. Her long, gray,
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