All Chapters of SEAL Undercover: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
40 Chapters
Chapter 11
"Question." Max looked down at the open folder in front of him. "According to this info you gave us, she's really the one who calls the shots in this nasty little group."Si nodded. "Jed Whitlow thinks he's in charge but he's fooling himself. That woman is tougher and more heartless than most of the men I've met in my life. She's hungry for power, and I'm not even sure if taking over this country will satisfy her.""Jesus." Max blew out a breath. "Those are the worst kind of people. Heartless, soulless, and feeding on power and control. Other people's lives mean nothing to them.""You got that right. In many ways like the tribal leaders you knocked heads with in the sandbox. Human life, except their own, means nothing to them. Money and power. Those are their drugs.""And they don't care who they kill to get it," Kevin added. "I've seen more situations like this than I can count. Too many of them.""Next up are the Cavanaughs, Kurt and Hildie. Their ranch is in Colorado and has been in
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Chapter 12
Max stood on the back patio, staring out at the vast expanse of green lawn that stretched away from the house. Trees stood as tall sentinels bordering each side, and he knew that beyond them was electrified fencing with concertina wire on the top. He knew it because Si had given him the video tour of the property and pointed out all the security measures. For a moment, he wished he could drag all these people he and Regan would be meeting with back to this house and beat the shit out of them until they were bloody and broken. What kind of people were they who would turn on their own country that way?He heard the sliding door open behind him and turned to see Regan step out onto the patio. Despite the intensity of the day-long session, and the stomach-turning events and people they were discussing, she still looked cool and contained. The only indication of its effect on her were the faint lines of strain at the corners of her eyes and her mouth. She carried a tablet in her hand simila
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Chapter 13
"You're right." She took a sip of her drink and set the glass down. "Okay, Commander, fire away.""I'm curious. How did you get into the data mining business to begin with? It isn't, at least in my limited knowledge, a career that's hot in the marketplace.""I got lucky." She shrugged. "I've always been interested in puzzles of all different kinds. I read some books about people who could listen to fractured conversations, pick out key words and discern the purpose of the dialogue. I had a double major in college, languages and computer science. And I was fascinated with the military. Always had been. A friend of a friend knew of an opening for someone with my skills. I got an interview, and that was that.""Where do you get the information you analyze?" He chuckled. "That is, if it's not a national secret.""If Silas picked you for this mission, I think there's very little that would be secret from you.""Thanks for that."She shifted in her chair, and, when she re-crossed her l
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Chapter 14
The sun had set and day was fading to night when Si joined them on the patio carrying his ever-present mug of coffee."You kids playing nice with each other?" He smiled while asking ."Yes, Dad." Max winked at him. "We're sharing our toys and everything."'We've been doing our getting-to-know-each-other thing," Regan assured him.Si dropped into a chair at the table where they sat. "Glad to hear it. You'll be walking into a group of people who aren't even sure they trust you being there and who probably are suffering paranoia off the charts because of Bernardo's 'heart attack.'""Tomorrow, one of the things we need to prepare is the electronics," Regan reminded him.A slow grin spread over Si's face. "Anxious to get your hands on those gadgets," he teased."You bet." She looked at Max. "I don't know if Silas has told you, but he's got special pens for us, one of which records voice and the other video. They are sound-and-motion activated."Max knew his eyes lit up. He, too, was
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Chapter 15
"Yes, Lorena, I'm just walking into the hotel now."Jed Whitlow squeezed his cell phone so hard he wondered if it might break. The woman was driving him crazy. Too many times in the past month he'd wondered if it had been a mistake to include the Alvaros in their little group. But Elias Alvaro had been the connection to the cartels, and, without him, smuggling the high-profile terrorists they were using might have been impossible. The woman was just a control freak who was getting on everyone's nerves. That could not happen. What they had planned was only step one in their blueprint for global domination."So you have not met with them yet?" she asked? "Vetted them?""Did you just say vetted them? Lorena, this is Bernardo's brother and his wife. For all intents and purposes, they are already vetted."Jed gritted his teeth. The woman had begun to get on his last nerve. With everything at stake and the target date so close, he had to get past that."Yes, that is exactly what I said.
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Chapter 16
"A pleasure to meet you," he told her then looked from one to the other. "I understand this marriage is recent?""It is." Max nodded. "I waited a long time for the right woman." "I'm happy to see you've found her. Congratulations to both of you."Regan gestured to a tray on the coffee table holding a carafe, cups, and a plate of miniature pastries. "I took the liberty of ordering something. I find having conversations over coffee always makes them go so much more smoothly. Please have a seat and let me fill a cup for you."Her voice was a warm contralto, soothing yet at the same time confident. Not a woman Jed would want to cross. He found it interesting that she not Max, seemed to take the lead in this situation, but maybe that was by design.When everyone was seatedMax and Regan on one couch, Jed on the other facing themRegan gave him a smile that felt strangely as if it had skewered him."I understand how unsettling it has to be for all of you," she told him, "to have this sw
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Chapter 17
Max tore a sheet of paper off the notepad by the telephone in the living room, flattened the paper on the coffee table, and wrote a short note.Normal conversation. Suggest we get a drink downstairs.Regan nodded."I thought this was a good beginning for us with this group," she said in an even tone. "Don't you agree?""I do. Jed Whitlow seems to have his act together, and Bernardo told us the others were the same. I'm looking forward to this meeting at the lodge.""Yes. I'm anxious to hear the final details of the plan." She studied his face, watching for clues as to what to say next."We have a little time before we have to meet Jed for dinner. How about a drink downstairs?""Sounds good to me. We can leave right from the bar."The first thing Max had done when they arrived at their suite was to check every inch of the place for listening devices. Jed Whitlow owned the hotel, he wasn't too happy with this substitution, and they fully expected he'd bug every inch of the place.
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Chapter 18
"You know, Regan, in all my SEAL training, one of the things I learned over and over again was the mission requires personal discipline. No matter how tough the assignment, no matter what my personal feelings might be, the mission was the only important thing. Everything else was sublimated to it.""I know that." She smiled. "I was married to a SEAL, remember? And I work with several. Is there a problem I'm not aware of?" The smile disappeared from her face. "Is it me? Did I do something? I thought"He held up a hand."There isn't a thing wrong with you, Regan. You're not the problem. I am."Regan frowned. "I don't understand."He sighed. "I shouldn't even be telling you this, but I thought you should know in case my behavior is odd at times. And just so you know this is not a situation I've had to deal with before.""Damn it, Max. Whatever bug you've got up your ass, just spit it out.""Look." He took in a breath and let it out. He was in very unfamiliar territory here. "We're
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Chapter 19
Lorena Alvaro looked from her husband, Elias, to the man sitting next to him on the couch. A man she neither liked nor trusted but was tied to by an arrangement worth millions. An arrangement that was also about to open the door for more millions and untold power. If only he wasn't so obnoxiously arrogant and had more concern for other people. Of course, if that was the case, he wouldn't be where he was now.Luis Rojasknown as El Toro because he was built like a bullwas one of the most powerful cartel leaders in Mexico. Maybe in all of Central America. He and Elias' brother had been friends since they were both halcones (falcons) in the cartel named for Luis' family. Now Luis was the leader of the group that rivaled Sinaloa and was continuing to expand its reach. They were among the most feared narcotrafficantes and considered the most adept at bringing high-value humans over the border.More than a year ago, Elias' health had prompted him to remove himself from an active role and st
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Chapter 20
"Forgive me, senora, but Jed Whitlow cannot see through his own ego. It is convenient to let him believe he is the leader of the group. He does most of the work, and he is the conduit to provide the firepower. But once everything is in place, we may find it better to have someone else in charge.""Like you?" Lorena gave an unladylike snort. "That will never happen, and you know it.""No, my dear. I was thinking of you. With me as your silent partner. I cannot, obviously, be the face of this organization." His lips curved in a humorless smile. "Just the actual el jefe.""They'll never approve it," she told him, even as her heart beat just a little faster. "Everyone in that group believes he should be the one at the head of the table. None of them will give up even an inch of their power."She'd lusted for this since the beginning, knowing even then it would be an uphill battle."Then it's up to you to convince them." He drew another slow puff on the cigar. "Or you and I."Lorena s
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